
“Many people praise and acknowledge the healing power of plants, but few people actually take action to prevent their extension by planting and conserving them for future generations.” (Ernest Rukangira )

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Fwd: forests-l digest: May 12, 2014

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From: Forest Policy Info Mailing List digest <>
Date: 13 May 2014 06:00
Subject: forests-l digest: May 12, 2014
To: forests-l digest recipients <>

Subject: forests-l digest: May 12, 2014
From: "Forest Policy Info Mailing List digest" <>
Reply-To: "Forest Policy Info Mailing List" <>
Date: Tue, 13 May 2014 00:00:08 -0500

FORESTS-L Digest for Monday, May 12, 2014.

1. 2014 World Conference on Natural Resource Modeling
2. WWF Forest and Climate Programme Learning Session - Developing Allometric Equations for REDD+ MRV, May 28
3. FAO/UNECE Working Party on Forest Statistics, Economics and Management, Sustainable Development Goals Workshop (information and registration)


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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Byrnes, Breen" <>
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 15:14:28 +0000
Subject: WWF Forest and Climate Programme Learning Session - Developing Allometric Equations for REDD+ MRV, May 28

Dear All,


Please join us for the next WWF Forest and Climate Programme online REDD+ Learning Session on Wednesday, May 28 at 11AM EDT/5PM CEST.


Learning Session: Developing Allometric Equations for REDD+ MRV


When: Wednesday, May 28 at 11AM EDT/5PM CEST


What:   In this webinar, Rosa C. Goodman, an independent consultant working in forest conservation and sustainable management, will use the example of the southwestern Amazon to explain where and why new allometric models may need to be developed for REDD+ measurement, reporting and verification (MRV). More generally, Rosa will discuss how to design an unbiased sampling strategy, go about the field work, and develop and select new models. She will show how new models can increase accuracy for individual tree biomass estimates and change regional estimates and offer recommendations for future biomass and allometry work. 

A Q+A session will follow the presentation. 



This is a free, open event. Please help us spread the word by sharing this announcement with any contacts who may be interested.







Breen Byrnes |  Acting Manager, Communications +  Learning |  WWF Forest & Climate Programme 

Washington, DC

direct: +1-202-495-4518  |   |  skype: breen.byrnes  |  |   |


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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ECE-FAOforests <>
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 17:29:00 +0200
Subject: FAO/UNECE Working Party on Forest Statistics, Economics and Management, Sustainable Development Goals Workshop (information and registration)
The UNECE/FAO Joint Forestry and Timber Section wishes to remind you of the forthcoming meeting of the 36th Session of the Joint FAO/UNECE Working Party on Forest Statistics, Economics and Management, 17-18 June 2014, in Geneva. The provisional agenda, online registration ( and other information for the meeting is available from our website at:

The day before the start of the Working Party meeting, 16 June, there will be a workshop on Forests and Sustainable Development Goals, which will also take place here at the Palais des Nations in Geneva (information on the workshop is available at: and the online meeting registration for this event is at: (please register for each event that you plan on attending). Also in Geneva on 16 June will be meetings of the Teams of Specialists for nominated and invited attendees on: Forest Sector Outlook, Green Jobs, Wood Energy, Sustainable Forest Products, and Forest Products Statistics.

If you have any questions regarding the Working Party please contact Paolo Cravero at: and if you have any questions on the Sustainable Development Goals Workshop contact: Alicja Kacprzak at

Best regards,
UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section

Please do not reply to this e-mail.

All replies should be sent to or directly to the UNECE/FAO secretariat members.



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Fwd: water-l digest: May 12, 2014

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From: Water Issues Announcement List digest <>
Date: 13 May 2014 06:00
Subject: water-l digest: May 12, 2014
To: water-l digest recipients <>

Subject: water-l digest: May 12, 2014
From: "Water Issues Announcement List digest" <>
Reply-To: "Water Issues Announcement List" <>
Date: Tue, 13 May 2014 00:00:13 -0500

WATER-L Digest for Monday, May 12, 2014.

1. RE: A new publication on pollutant dischage and water quality
2. Consultant Senior Francophone Eau
3. Decade's Weekly Issue 35 - El semanal del Decenio 35
4. Registration and scholarships: Online Course in Integrated and Adaptive Water Resources Planning, Management & Governance
5. Elevating the Post-2015 Water Goal: Webinar Invitation


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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Yoshiaki Tsuzuki" <>
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 19:44:23 +1000
Subject: RE: A new publication on pollutant dischage and water quality
Dear All

I would like to introduce my new book on pollutant discharge and water quality along the urbanisation.

Tsuzuki, Y. (2014) Pollutant Discharge and Water Quality in Urbanisation, Series: SpringerBriefs in Water Science and Technology, 92 p. ISBN: 978-3-319-04756-0 (eBook), 978-3-319-04755-3 (Softcover)

The book is based on the lecture note of a lecture on water quality and urbanisation, which I have conducted in Japan for the training course on water environment monitoring for professionals from developing and middle-income counties of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in 2008-2012. Readers can obtain basic knowledge and concepts of pollutant discharge and water quality, their relationships between economic development, hard and soft measures to improve ambient water quality, and low-cost sanitation.

Pollutant discharge per capita (PDC) is a simple concept and a primary indicator in wastewater treatment planning. Application of this indicator in all kinds of municipal wastewater treatment including centralised and on-site treatment systems would enhance understanding of the technologies and systems in our societies. Quantitative understanding of pollutant discharge and pollutant load would be useful as well as achieving the sanitation Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) indicator for ambient water quality improvement.

"Contents of this book are (1) water quality in the rivers and coastal areas, (2) pollutant load and water quality, (3) soft measures in households, (4) relationship between economic development and pollutant discharge per capita (PDC), (5) municipal wastewater pollutant discharge control, and (6) water and sanitation in developing countries." (From Acknowledgements)

"Anticipated readers are from university undergraduate and graduate students in the fields of environment engineering, environment economics, development economics, environment policy and related fields, and professionals and specialists in these fields." (From Acknowledgements)

You can find further information on the book at:
(this link actually lead to

For the Review Copies, I am asking to the publisher. I will put the information on the Review Copies at the book information on my website above after obtaining a reply from them.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any further inquiry.


Yoshiaki Tsuzuki
(Mobile) +61 (0)410 230 355
skype ID: yoshiau1

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Maxime" <>
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 12:54:28 -0500
Subject: Consultant Senior Francophone Eau
L'Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel, organisation internationale , est à la recherche d'un consultant sénior pour la rédaction du rapport de synthèse du troisième phase d'étude sur le Système Aquifère du Sahara septentrional

La consultation d'une durée de l'ordre de 4 mois  requiert des connaissances scientifiques sur les questions liées à l'hydrologie, à l'agriculture , à la GIRE, à la sociologie et à l'économie rurale et des capacités attestées de synthèse et de rédaction en français.

L'annonce est disponible à
et les termes de référence du poste (joint à ce courriel)

Maxime Thibon
Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel
Boulevard du leader Yasser ARAFAT
BP 31, 1080 Tunis, Tunisie

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Kate Reilly, Miss" <>
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 15:48:12 +0000
Subject: Registration and scholarships: Online Course in Integrated and Adaptive Water Resources Planning, Management & Governance

Dear all,


Registration is now open for an 8-week online certificate program in Integrated and Adaptive Water Resources Planning, Management & Governance offered by the Department of Bioresource Engineering at McGill University.


Further information can be found here:

The course takes a holistic look at water resources management with a specific focus on integrated water resources management (IWRM) and adaptive water management. It is designed specifically for professionals who want to upgrade their skills in water management concepts and practices, and aims to provide tools and training for watershed planning techniques, adaptive management strategies, capacity building approaches, water governance, and water risk assessment to
strengthen IWRM capacities globally. Participants with diverse disciplinary backgrounds (e.g., geography, engineering, social sciences, business, etc.) are welcomed and encouraged to apply.


Sponsorship is also available for eligible applicants from the Global Water Partnership. For more details see:


Kate Reilly, M.Sc.  
PhD student | Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences  | Macdonald Campus of McGill University

21,111 Lakeshore Road | Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue  | Quebec | H9X 3V9 | E:


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Laura Palazio" <>
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 08:38:20 -0500
Subject: Elevating the Post-2015 Water Goal: Webinar Invitation
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have been a key driver of progress around the world for many development priorities, including water. With the MDG target year of 2015 approaching, a wide range of stakeholders have engaged in the process of setting the next round of goals, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through this process, the water sector has an important opportunity to establish a meaningful goal around water.

This webinar, organized by Global Water Challenge, seeks to share perspectives on the water goal and what their respective organizations are doing to advance the goal.

The webinar will take place tomorrow, May 13th, at 11 am EST. The featured presenters come from UNICEF, the U.S. State Department, the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN and the Swiss Water Partnership.

Register here:



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Fwd: SAVE THE DATE: 10 June 2014 Side Event- Report Release: Land Use in a Future Climate Agreement

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kristy Buckley <>
Date: 13 May 2014 19:45
Subject: SAVE THE DATE: 10 June 2014 Side Event- Report Release: Land Use in a Future Climate Agreement
To: Climate Change Info Mailing List <>

Save the Date


Report Release:

Land Use in a Future Climate Agreement

Side Event


On behalf of Winrock International and a team of international experts, Meridian Institute invites you to attend a side event during the June 2014 Bonn Climate Change Conference to mark the release of Land Use in a Future Climate Agreement. This options assessment report is in support of the negotiations on a post-2020 agreement and focuses on the role of emissions and removals from land use.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

17:30-19:00, followed by a reception


Meeting Room – Bonn 1 & 2

Berliner Freiheit 2 

53111 Bonn, Germany


This report has been developed by a team of international experts: Manuel Estrada, Donna Lee, Brian Murray, Robert O'Sullivan, Jim Penman, and Charlotte Streck; and contributors, Andrea Guerrero, and Maria Sanz Sanchez. The preparation of the report was informed by in-person and online consultations with negotiators and other experts.


For more information please contact:

Kristy Buckley: | +1 202.701.0956 or

Liz Duxbury: | +1 970.333.8101

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