
“Many people praise and acknowledge the healing power of plants, but few people actually take action to prevent their extension by planting and conserving them for future generations.” (Ernest Rukangira )

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Fwd: energy-l digest: March 24, 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Energy-l digest <>
Date: 25 March 2014 05:00
Subject: energy-l digest: March 24, 2014
To: energy-l digest recipients <>

Subject: energy-l digest: March 24, 2014
From: "Energy-l digest" <>
Reply-To: "Energy-l" <>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 00:00:08 -0500

ENERGY-L Digest for Monday, March 24, 2014.

1. IDDRI Reports on offshore oil and gas activities
2. Call for Applications:East African Writeshop to Support Publications on Transitions to Modern Energy
3. CALL FOR PAPERS - 2nd SISC Annual Conference - Venice, September 29-30, 2014
4. Last Slots Available: E-Course "Introduction to a Green Economy", 14 April - 06 June 2014
5. Free Training Webinars from the Clean Energy Solutions Center


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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 03:35:33 -0500
Subject: IDDRI Reports on offshore oil and gas activities
French version below

Dear colleagues,

The Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) is pleased to announce the publication of a comprehensive study on offshore oil and gas activities, highlighting the main governance and regulatory gaps, and identifying options to move forward.

The English version is available here and the French version there

Please also note that a Policy Brief, summarizing in four pages the main outcomes of the report, is available, both in English and French

Do not hesitate to circulate these documents and to come back to us should you have any questions or comments.

Best regards,

Julien Rochette
Coordinator of the Programme on Oceans and Coasts
Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI)
27, rue Saint-Guillaume
75337 Paris Cedex 07


Chers collègues,

L'Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (Iddri) est heureux de vous annoncer la publication d'une étude approfondie sur les activités pétrolières et gazières offshore, mettant en lumière les lacunes du cadre de gouvernance et identifiant des options pour le renforcer.

La version française de cette étude est disponible ici et la version anglaise là

Pour les plus pressés d'entre vous, un Policy Brief, résumant en quelques pages les principales conclusions de l'étude, est également disponible, en français et en anglais

N'hésitez pas à faire circuler ces documents et à revenir vers nous pour tout commentaire ou question.


Julien Rochette
Coordinateur du Programme Océans et zones côtières
Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (Iddri)
27, rue Saint-Guillaume
75337 Paris Cedex 07

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Oliver Johnson" <>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 06:59:42 -0500
Subject: Call for Applications:East African Writeshop to Support Publications on Transitions to Modern Energy
Call for Applications

East African Regional Writeshop to Support Developing Country Publications on Transitions to Modern Energy Systems

11-15 August 2014

Nairobi, Kenya

The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) is calling for applications from young scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and others from Africa who are working on the issue of transitions to modern energy systems to participate in a Writeshop from 11-15 August 2014 in Nairobi, Kenya. Through the Writeshop, participants will produce a peer-review, publishable quality article and they will gain enhanced awareness of the process of writing papers for academic journals.  These skills will allow their work to generate new knowledge and inform policy making on key issues of sustainable energy, energy access and rural transformation.

The Writeshop will involve one-on-one work with facilitators to provide guidance and supplemental training on academic writing skills and argumentation, in order to help new authors reach a standard of writing suitable for publication in peer-reviewed journals.  A maximum of fourteen participants will be selected.

Applicants should be aware that the Writeshop is not intended to provide training on the subject of energy and development – we expect that you already have these skills.

How it works
Selected participants will have carried out research on the general theme of Transitions to Modern Energy Systems (see list of possible theme topics at the end of this notice), and have suitable reasons for requiring improved writing skills. After having been selected, participants are paired with a mentor with whom they will work to improve their papers. Prior to the Writeshop, participants should prepare a draft of their paper to work on during the Writeshop. Writeshops run for 5 days, including plenary lecture sessions, small group discussions and independent work, to allow participants to draft a new version of their papers. Some follow-up work between the participants and mentors will be necessary to get the paper finalised.

Participation requirements
Participants must be committed to completing their paper.  If mentors do not consider the paper to be of sufficient quality to be submitted to a peer-review journal, they will assist participants in ensuring that the output is at least at a level where it can be submitted to a magazine or a non-peer review publication. Participants must also recognise that involvement in the programme does not guarantee publication – this will be determined by the independent and objective peer-review process, which is set out by the journal selected for submission.

Selection Criteria and Applications
Applications in Word or pdf formats should be emailed to by 1 May 2014. Please read the selection criteria carefully, as we cannot consider any exceptions.  All travel costs and lodging will be covered by the organisers, including visa costs if applicable. Please ensure that you have the proper travel documentation (passport, national ID as appropriate) before applying.

Questions (not applications) should be addressed to Lisa Schipper (

Participants will be selected based on the following criteria:

Ø You are carrying out or have carried out research or project that has provided you with new insights on transitions to modern energy systems.
Ø You are an early-career researcher, academic or practitioner working on issues related to transitioning to modern energy systems, and expect to continue working in this field.
Ø You originate from, live and work in the following countries of East Africa: Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Ethiopia.
Ø You are committed to working with a mentor during and after the Writeshop, to completing a paper, and to seeing it through the publication process.
Ø You can provide the organisers with a first draft of your paper by 20 July 2014.

The application should include:

Ø A brief biographical statement, explaining your background, current career hopes and rationale for wanting to be part of the programme, maximum 500 words.  Please specify nationality, country of residence and gender.
Ø An extended abstract or summary of your proposed paper, including a brief description of the methodologies applied, the results of the work, whether the work was the result of research or project implementation, maximum 2 pages and minimum 500 words.
Ø Please do not include any other supporting material, such as diplomas, training certificates, etc. as you will not be evaluated on those.

Writeshop theme

The Writeshop will address topics that are relevant to achieving transitions to modern energy systems in Africa, including those based on bioenergy, as well as meeting the objectives of the UN Sustainable Energy for All initiative. Papers selected for the Writeshop can therefore focus on any of the following themes, but are not limited to them:

Innovation and diffusion
- What is the role of innovation in improving access to modern energy services?
- How can policy makers support innovation and diffusion of sustainable energy technologies?
- How does culture and behaviour affect the diffusion of sustainable energy technologies?
- How can user perspectives be incorporated into the design of modern energy systems?

- How should modern energy systems be governed?
- How do you effectively scale up successful community-level initiatives?
- How can decentralisation facilitate the transition to modern energy systems?
- How can modern energy systems address social inclusion and equity concerns?

Rural transformation
- What role can modern energy services play in catalysing rural transformation?
- How can local communities be involved in and benefit from the provision and management of modern energy services?
- What business models are appropriate?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: SISC - Alessandra Mazzai <>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 14:26:53 +0100
Subject: CALL FOR PAPERS - 2nd SISC Annual Conference - Venice, September 29-30, 2014




Italian Society for Climate Sciences

Second Annual Conference

Climate Change: Scenarios, Impacts and Policy

29-30 September 2014 – Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Call for Papers 2014



The Italian Society for Climate Sciences (SISC) is pleased to announce its Second Annual Conference on "Climate Change: Scenarios, Impacts and Policy". The Conference will be held on September 29-30, 2014 at Ca' Foscari University of Venice.


The Conference aims to involve scientists, researchers and policy makers, whose activities are focused on different aspects of climate change, its impacts and related policies.


The main objectives of the Conference are to:

Develop a platform for sharing and discussing between the different disciplines that study climate dynamics and their interactions with the environment and society;

Promote a constructive and transdisciplinary dialogue between scientists, policy makers, service providers and the general public;

Foster scientific dialogue on mitigation policies and sustainable growth;

Deepen the understanding of climate change impacts and the best adaptation strategies.


The Call for Papers is now open and we invite you to submit papers on the topics of the Conference explained below.



SISC aims to encourage and promote the involvement of young researchers to contribute to the advancement of scientific research. To this end, during the Annual SISC Conference, authors under 40 will be awarded for a paper that, among all the works presented, will be deemed particularly worthy in the opinion of the Scientific Committee.



Advances in Climate Science

Theories, observations, and models of the dynamics of atmospheric and oceanic fluids: climate change, rapid environmental changes, forecasts and projections, mesoscale processes and extreme events.

Impacts on ecosystem services and on cultural heritage

Analysis, projections, models and evaluation of climate change impact and extremes on natural ecosystems and agriculture.

Strategies and instruments for the management of water resources.

Implications of climate change on cultural heritage preservation, analysis and assessment of the vulnerability of cultural heritage related to climate change and potential management strategies.


Plan and evaluate strategies and policies for mitigation.

Climate change and urban policies: implications, feedback and evaluation of strategies and public choices.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of mitigation technology options.

Hydrological risk

Impacts of land-use and land cover changes on hydrological risks.

Climate adaptation and risk mitigation strategies to reduce hydrological risks.

Food security

Implications of climate change on agricultural production and food security.

Human health

Assess the impacts of climate extremes and climate change on public health.


Planning and assessment of strategies and policies to adapt to the impacts generated by climate change.

Analysis and assessment of risk and vulnerability to climate change.

Measures for assessment of the costs of adaptation.

Instruments and policies aimed at addressing future impacts of climate change and increasing adaptive capacity.



Each day of the conference will be introduced by a Keynote Lecture given by a prominent Italian or international scholar.



A short paper (maximum 3,000 words) should be submitted online in its final version, in English, no later than May 20, 2014. Authors are requested to follow the instructions and the format
downloadable from the website, and to choose the type of presentation (oral presentation or poster). Your work must be presented in the requested format otherwise it will not be taken into account.

A notification of the acceptance of your work will be communicated to you by June 20, 2014. All work will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee.



The Scientific Committee of the Conference is chaired by:

Carlo Carraro

(Ca' Foscari University of Venice/ Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei)

Simona Masina

(Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia/ Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change)

and composed by SISC Members and representatives from the Italian and international Scientific Community.


For more details on registration fees, please visit the Conference webpage at


May 20, 2014: deadline for submission of short papers.

June 20, 2014: notification of acceptance.

July 15, 2014: deadline for online registration.

July 30, 2014: notification of the program.


If you wish to receive the SISC Newsletter, send an email to: and write "Subscribe" in Subject field

Società Italiana per le Scienze del Clima (SISC) 

Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, n. 8, I-30124, Venezia – Italia


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Maya VALCHEVA <>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 16:44:33 +0000
Subject: Last Slots Available: E-Course "Introduction to a Green Economy", 14 April - 06 June 2014

Dear Energy-L Readers,


We are pleased to inform you that the new online course "Introduction to a Green Economy: Concepts and Applications" will take place 14 April – 6 June 2014. Fellowship applications and registrations are accepted until the 6 April.



E-Learning Course: Introduction to a Green Economy: Concepts and Applications 14 April- 06 June 2014

The course is delivered within the framework of the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE), a joint initiative of UNEP, ILO, UNIDO, and UNITAR.

Comprehensive information and registration details are available at the UNITAR Online Event Section. Registration is open until 06 April 2014

Fellowship Application and Registration Deadline: 06 April 2014


New Online Course

Introduction to a Green Economy: Concepts and Applications

Date : 14 April - 06 June 2014

Duration of event : 8 weeks

Course fee : 600 USD*

This e-learning course will introduce participants to different concepts and facets of the green economy, including its contribution to addressing energy issues. Special attention is given to global, national and sector-specific challenges and opportunities to advance low-carbon, energy efficient and socially inclusive development. Additionally, participants will begin to develop basic skills for applying the green economy concept in a real world economic, policy and/or personal context.

After completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Define the concept of a green economy and explain its value
  • Distinguish relevant  planning processes in support of a green transformation
  • Identify enabling conditions for greening national economies
  • Discuss principal challenges and opportunities to advance a green economy
  • Recognize the range of international and regional green initiatives and support services to foster green development
  • Apply the green economy concept to a real world economic, policy and/or personal context

A recent review by independent experts in the sphere of e-learning and adult education has awarded the course an ECB Check Certification, an international standard for quality of e-learning education.


*A number of full/partial fellowships are available for participants from developing countries working in the public sector, academia or non-profit organizations. Priority for fellowships will be given to applicants from Least Developed Countries (LDCs). For non-eligible participants the course participation fee is 600 USD.

For more information please write to or download the course brochure

Register on our Online Event Section.

Fellowship Application and Registration Deadline: 06 April 2014


UNITAR Online Catalogue

Interested in knowing more on Environment, Governance, Peace, Security and Diplomacy or on e-Learning?

Consult the UNITAR Online Catalogue and register to your preferred training course.

Contact Us

Environmental Governance Programme
United Nations Institute for Training
and Research (UNITAR)
Palais des Nations, CH -1211 Geneva 10

T: +41 22 917 8400
F: +41 22 917 8047


This Course Announcement is a UNITAR e-publication. Featured photos or images are property of UNITAR or royalty free. Photo credits: UN Photo, UNESCO photobank, UNITAR, istockphoto, Fotolia. Copyright © 2011 United Nations Institute for Training and Research. For further information, please contact us at: communications <at> or visit our website Legal.

United Nations Institute for Training and Research
Institut des Nations Unies pour la Formation et la Recherche
Instituto de las Naciones Unidas para Formación Profesional e Investigaciones
Учебный и научно-исследовательский институт
Организации Объединенных Наций
معهد الأمم المتحدة للتدريب والبحث



---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 11:30:11 -0500
Subject: Free Training Webinars from the Clean Energy Solutions Center
Dear Energy-L Members,

You are invited to attend any of the free webinar training opportunities being offered through the Clean Energy Solutions Center and its partners:

***Education and Skills Needs in the Renewable Energy Sector ***

The Clean Energy Solutions Center, in partnership with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), is hosting a no-cost, webinar-based training on addressing one of the greatest barriers to the adoption of renewable energy technologies: the critical shortage of skilled personnel to develop, design, finance, build, operate, and maintain renewable energy projects.

For MORE INFORMATION, please visit:

This webinar is being offered at two different times:

1) 2 April 2014
6 p.m GST | 10 a.m EDT

To check your LOCAL TIME, please visit: msg=Education+and+Skills+Needs+in+the+Renewable+Energy+Sector&iso=20140402T18&p1=776&ah=1&am=30

To REGISTER, please visit:

2) 30 April 2014
9 a.m. GST | 1 a.m. EDT

To check your LOCAL TIME, please visit:

To REGISTER, please visit:



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