
“Many people praise and acknowledge the healing power of plants, but few people actually take action to prevent their extension by planting and conserving them for future generations.” (Ernest Rukangira )

Friday, 8 August 2014

Fwd: forests-l digest: August 07, 2014

FORESTS-L Digest for Thursday, August 07, 2014.

1. =?Windows-1252?Q?WWF_Online_Learning_Session_on_=91What_Drives_Deforestat?=
2. New Publication from Climate Focus, WRI and FCMC: Safeguards in Bilateral REDD+ Finance


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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Byrnes, Breen" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2014 14:27:53 +0000
Subject: WWF Online Learning Session on 'What Drives Deforestat

Dear Friends,


Please join us for the next WWF Forest and Climate Programme online REDD+ Learning Session on Thursday, August 28 at 12PM EDT/1800 CEST.


Learning Session: What Drives Deforestation and What Stops It?  


When: Thursday, August 28 at 12pm EDT/1800 CEST


What:   In this session, Jonah Busch, research fellow with the Center for Global Development, will discuss a recent publication, 'What Drives Deforestation and What Stops It? A Meta-Analysis of Spatially Explicit Econometric Studies,' co-authored with Kalifi Ferretti-Gallon. While some findings from the research confirm conventional wisdom, for example, that building roads worsens deforestation, the analysis also shows that contrary to popular belief, factors such as poverty, rising incomes from economic development, and strengthening land tenure, do not necessarily have the expected impacts on deforestation. Jonah will discuss how these findings have important implications for REDD+ and how deliberate policies coupled with financial incentives can slow, halt, and eventually reverse the loss of the world's remaining tropical forests. 

A Q+A session will follow the presentation. 



This is a free, open event. Please help us spread the word by sharing this announcement with any contacts who may be interested.







Breen Byrnes |  Acting Manager, Communications +  Learning |  WWF Forest & Climate Programme 

Washington, DC

direct: +1-202-495-4518  |   |  skype: breen.byrnes  |  |   |


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*This webinar is organized as a resource for REDD+ practitioners around the globe and may include a wide range of varying perspectives -- not necessarily the views or positions of WWF. 





---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stephanie Roe <>
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2014 14:46:29 +0000
Subject: New Publication from Climate Focus, WRI and FCMC: Safeguards in Bilateral REDD+ Finance

Dear colleagues,


We're pleased to share the recently published report from Climate Focus, WRI and FCMC: Safeguards in Bilateral REDD+ Finance


This report is the second and final installment in a series related to the implementation of safeguards in bilateral agreements. Given that much of the finance for REDD-related initiatives pledged so far has come from bilateral donors, this document is a compilation of papers focused on these donors and their implementation of REDD+ safeguards.


This report addresses three key issues:  1. REDD+ safeguards and results-based payments; 2. Monitoring and Evaluation of REDD+ safeguard implementation; and 3. REDD+ safeguards and donor coordination.


The first report in this series, Safeguards for REDD+ from a Donor Perspective, was published in October 2013 and provided an overview on the different safeguard approaches that bilateral donors currently apply, their applicability to various financing modalities, their legal status and scope, and their relevance in the funding cycle.



The author team



Stephanie Roe

Land Use and Climate Specialist

Office: +1 202-540-1985 | Cell: +1 858-717-2266  | Email:

1730 Rhode Island Ave NW, Suite 601 | Washington D.C. 20036 |




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Thursday, 7 August 2014

Fwd: forests-l digest: August 06, 2014

Subject: forests-l digest: August 06, 2014
From: "Forest Policy Info Mailing List digest" <>
Reply-To: "Forest Policy Info Mailing List" <>
Date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 00:00:01 -0500

FORESTS-L Digest for Wednesday, August 06, 2014.

1. XIV World Forestry Congress - What's new, what's next?


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From: WFC-XIV <>
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2014 14:21:43 +0200
Subject: XIV World Forestry Congress - What's new, what's next?


Spanish * * French

XIV World Forestry Congress

7–11 September 2015, Durban, South Africa

The XIV World Forestry Congress to be held in Durban, South Africa, next year is gearing up to be the most dynamic and stimulating Congress yet.

The first time that the largest and most significant gathering of the world's forest sector is hosted in Africa will also be the first time that the Congress moves away from its traditional format.

With a new interactive programme of interviews and debates on cutting-edge topics, hands-on demonstrations and innovative uses of digital and social media, sessions are being designed to engage a broad range of participants and ensure all voices are heard as the Congress shapes the sustainable future of forests and forestry.

Read more about the goals of the Congress here.

Registration to open soon

Registration will open soon with details available on the main XIV World Forestry Congress website which is launching in the near future.

Past Congresses have attracted between 3 000 and 7 000 participants and we welcome the participation of people from all countries, regions and sectors.

Whether representatives of government or non-governmental organizations, private companies, academia, scientific or professional bodies, forestry associations, community organisations, local practitioners, or simply those who have a personal  interest,  we look forward  to seeing you all in South  Africa  next year.

Be part of the World Forestry Congress Programme

You can help define a vision for forests by sharing inspiring ideas and solutions through presenting your technical work. In the spirit of diversifying from traditional panel presentations and making sessions more dynamic, we will be calling not just for papers and posters but also for short videos that showcase forest initiatives. Full guidelines and precise deadlines will be available on the FAO Congress website when the call for papers is launched, but in the meantime here is the preliminary timetable for submissions:

Voluntary papers, posters and videos

September 2014:

Call for abstracts of papers, posters and videos

December 2014:

Deadline for submission of abstracts

April 2015:

Deadline for submission of accepted posters, papers and videos

June 2015:

Selected authors will receive notification to prepare a presentation

The Congress will also welcome side events and parallel events by partners promoting innovative work which reflects the theme Forests and People: Investing in a Sustainable Future.

Side events (open) and parallel events (by invitation)

September 2014:

Submission of event proposals opens

February 2015:

Deadline for submission of event proposals

March 2015:

Organizers will receive confirmation

Exhibition stands

February 2015:

Booking opens

Spread the word

Please forward this announcement to anyone you know who might like to learn more about the XIV World Forestry Congress, and help spread the word on social media with the #WFC2015 hashtag.

Preliminary information about the Congress can be found on the FAO XIV World Forestry Congress website.

Contact us

Hester Obisi
of the XIV World Forestry Congress
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
South Africa

Tiina Vahanen
Associate Secretary-General
of the XIV World Forestry Congress
Forestry Department
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, Italy


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English * * French

XIV Congreso Forestal Mundial

7-11 de septiembre de 2015, Durban, Sudáfrica

El XIV Congreso Forestal Mundial, que se celebrará en Durban (República de Sudáfrica) el próximo año, está orientado a ser el Congreso más dinámico y estimulante celebrado hasta ahora.

La primera vez que la reunión de mayores proporciones y más importante del sector forestal mundial será hospedada en África será también la primera vez que el Congreso abandone su formato tradicional.

Las sesiones, que comprenderán un nuevo programa interactivo con entrevistas y debates sobre temas de vanguardia, demostraciones prácticas y usos innovadores de los medios digitales y sociales, han sido diseñadas para contar con la participación de un amplio espectro de personas y para asegurar que todas las voces puedan ser escuchadas conforme el Congreso configura el futuro sostenible de los bosques y de las actividades forestales.

Lea otra información sobre los objetivos del Congreso aquí.

Las inscripciones se abrirán próximamente

La campaña de inscripciones se abrirá próximamente y se  dará indicaciones detalladas, disponibles en el sitio web principal del XIV del Congreso Forestal Mundial, que se pondrá en marcha próximamente.

Los Congresos pasados han congregado entre 3 000 y 7 000 participantes, y damos la bienvenida a la participación de personas de todos los países, regiones y sectores.

Esperamos poder verlos a todos en Sudáfrica el próximo año, ya sean ustedes representantes de organizaciones gubernamentales o no gubernamentales, empresas privadas, instituciones académicas, organismos científicos o profesionales, asociaciones forestales, organizaciones comunitarias, profesionales locales, o simplemente individuos que tienen un interés personal en el sector forestal.

Participe en el programa del Congreso Forestal Mundial

Por medio de la presentación de sus trabajos técnicos y de la puesta en común de ideas y soluciones inspiradoras, usted puede  ayudar a definir una visión para los bosques. Con el ánimo de diversificar las tradicionales ponencias de grupo y dar mayor dinamismo a las sesiones, solicitaremos no solo trabajos escritos y carteles sino también breves vídeos que muestren las iniciativas forestales. Las directrices completas y plazos precisos estarán disponibles en el sitio web de la FAO dedicado al Congreso una vez que la convocatoria de trabajos se haya lanzado, mientras tanto indicamos el calendario preliminar para las presentaciones:

Trabajos voluntarios, carteles y vídeos

Septiembre de 2014: 

Inicio del envío de resúmenes de orientación de trabajos, carteles y vídeos

Diciembre de 2014:

Cierre del plazo para la presentación de resúmenes de orientación

Abril de 2015: 

Cierre del plazo para la presentación de los carteles, trabajos y vídeos aceptados

Junio de 2015:

Los autores seleccionados recibirán una notificación para preparar una ponencia

El Congreso también acogerá con agrado eventos colaterales y eventos paralelos organizados por socios que promueven el trabajo innovador y que refleje el tema "Bosques y gente: invertir en un futuro sostenible".

Eventos colaterales (abierto) y eventos paralelos (por invitación)

Septiembre de 2014:

Apertura de la presentación de propuestas de eventos

Febrero de 2015:

Cierre del plazo para la presentación de propuestas de eventos 

Marzo de 2015:  

Los organizadores recibirán la confirmación

Casetas de exposición

Febrero de 2015:

Apertura de las reservas

Difunda el mensaje

Por favor haga llegar este anuncio a toda persona que usted conozca y que desee saber más acerca del XIV Congreso Forestal Mundial, y ayúdenos a difundir el mensaje a través de los medios sociales con el hashtag #WFC2015.

Información preliminar acerca del Congreso se puede encontrar en el sitio web de la FAO dedicado al XIV Congreso Forestal Mundial.

Contact us

Hester Obisi
Secretario General del XIV congreso Forestal Mundial
Departamento de Agricultura, Bosques y Pesca

Tiina Vahanen
Secretario General Adjunto XIV Congreso Forestal Mundial
Departamento Forestal
Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura
Roma, Italia



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Spanish * * English

XIVe Congrès forestier mondial

7–11 septembre 2015, Durban, Afrique du Sud

La préparation du  XIVe Congrès Forestier Mondial qui se tiendra à Durban en Afrique du Sud en 2015, promet de faire de celui- ci l'un des congrès les plus inspirants et les plus dynamiques. 

Le plus grand et le plus important rassemblement du secteur forestier au niveau mondial se tiendra pour la première fois en Afrique et ce sera également la première fois que le Congrès s'éloigne de son format traditionnel.

Avec un nouveau programme interactif comprenant des interviews et débats sur des thèmes et sujets points, des démonstrations pratiques et l'utilisation innovante des medias sociaux et numériques, les différentes sessions du congrès sont conçues  dans le but de faire participer activement le plus grand nombre de participants et de s'assurer que toutes les voix et opinions soient entendues, surtout que ce congrès définit l'avenir durable des forêts et de la foresterie.

En savoir plus sur les objectifs du Congrès ici.

Ouverture des inscriptions très prochainement

Les détails des modalités d'inscription seront disponibles très prochainement sur le site internet du XIVe Congrès Forestier Mondial.

Les précédents congrès ont attiré entre 3000 et 7000 participants qui viennent de toutes les régions, de  tous les pays et de tous les secteurs.

Que vous soyez représentants du gouvernement, des organisations non gouvernementales, des entreprises privées, des universités, des organismes scientifiques ou professionnels, des associations forestières, des organismes communautaires,  des praticiens, ou tout simplement que vous ayez un intérêt personnel, nous nous réjouissons de vous accueillir à Durban l'année prochaine!

Faites partie du Programme du Congrès Forestier Mondial

Les participants seront invités à définir une vision pour les forêts en partageant des idées et des solutions par le biais de présentation de leurs travaux techniques. Dans l'esprit de  diversification des présentations et de faire des sessions plus dynamiques, nous ferons appel non seulement à des présentations sous forme de documents et affiches, mais également à de courtes  vidéos qui mettront en valeur les initiatives forestières. Les lignes directrices ainsi que les différentes échéances seront disponibles sur le site Web du Congrès de la FAO dès lancement de l'appel à communication, mais en attendant, ci -dessous le calendrier prévisionnel des soumissions :

Articles volontaires, affiches et vidéos

Septembre 2014:

Appel pour résumés d'articles, affiches et vidéo

Décembre 2014:

Date limite pour proposer les résumés

Avril 2015:

Date limite pour la soumission des résumés d'articles, affiches et vidéos  sélectionnés

Juin 2015:

Les auteurs sélectionnés seront notifiés pour préparer leur présentation

Des évènements parallèles pourraient être organisés par des partenaires lors de ce congrès afin de promouvoir les travaux innovants reflétant le thème " Les forêts et les populations: Investir dans un Avenir Durable".

Evènements parallèles

Septembre 2014:

Ouverture des soumissions de propositions d'évènements  parallèles

Février 2015:

Date limite pour proposer des évènements  parallèles

Mars 2015: 

Réception de la confirmation par les organisateurs

Espace d'exposition

Février 2015:

Ouverture des réservations

Passez le message

Veuillez faire circuler cette annonce à vos connaissances qui aimeraient avoir plus d'information  sur le XIVe Congrès Forestier Mondial et aider à passer le mot sur les médias sociaux avec le hashtag # WFC2015.

Les informations préliminaires sur le Congrès peuvent être consultées directement sur le site du XIVe Congrès Forestier Mondial.

Contact us

Hester Obisi
Secrétaire générale du XIVe Congrès forestier mondial
Département de l'agriculture, des forêts et des pêches
Afrique du Sud

Tiina Vahanen
Secrétaire générale associée du XIVe Congrès forestier mondial
Département des forêts
Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture
Rome, Italie



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Saturday, 2 August 2014

Let’s take a closer look at U.N. Agenda 21

Posted: Friday, August 1, 2014 11:31 am | Updated: 1:54 pm, Fri Aug 1, 2014.
reader has asked me to explain Agenda 21 in a way that’s easier to understand, so this is my attempt:
Sustainable Development, Agenda 21, is a plan by the United Nations to be completed in this 21st century. The Agenda 21 U.N. document is written to avoid clear understanding.
One quote from this document is: “We should meet the needs of today without compromising the needs of the future.” This sounds like saving the world for all following generations.
The United Nations’ Agenda 21 was signed by the United States in 1992, and 22 years later, many people are still in the dark.
This is a political trick used to invent problems that we agree with. We won’t wake up until it is too late. Global warming looks like one of these inventions.
Global warming is an effort to convince us that we must learn to use less of everything, and respect the earth and animals. This plan leads to losing our freedoms.
If you were to ask at random the question, “Have you heard of Agenda 21?” the answer would be an overwhelming, “No.”
Agenda 21 wants to change the way we “live, eat, learn and communicate” because we must “save the earth.” Look at some examples in the plan:
Agenda 21 goals would severely limit use of water, electricity and transportation. Monitoring all lands and people would measure our use of resources.
“No one would be free from the watchful eye of the new global tracking and information system,” according to Berit Kjos, author of Brave New Schools.”
Do you have a new electricity meter? Yep. Guess why.
“ICLEI — Local Governments for Sustainability” are groups to help install Agenda 21. Counties and cities in the U.S. have already developed more than 500 groups to support sustainable development.
A short picture of a completed Agenda 21 would look like this: You can’t own land and could end up living in a high-rise building in a “walkable” city.
In other words, cars will slowly disappear as the need for them vanishes. Work factories will be on the bottom floors of high-rise buildings. This move would reduce gasoline use and the air will be clearer.
Forget the old-fashioned Sunday afternoon drive. Tell your kids Mother Nature is happy with super-clean air.
The government will be able to make big decisions outside the democratic process. That has already started here in the United States with an overuse of “executive decisions” by the White House.
Of course, everyone knows too many people live on the planet, and one plan is to go to a population reduction through laws, i.e., one child per family.
China has done this, and guess what? A shortage of women is their result of this ill-fated policy.
But Agenda 21 recognizes that we will have 2 billion more humans than the earth can sustain. How does a plan go about reducing populations? (Shudder.)
Plan on more increased taxes, fees and regulations since roads will have fewer drivers on them. One result would be less worry about the upkeep of roads and bridges.
Raising beef for our dinner tables is likely to be banned, since animals will become protected under sustainable development.
We already have been told that methane from too many cattle pumping carbon into the air is pollution.
We will find ourselves wanting to believe in world peace, and Agenda 21 will help us go there under the U.N. One-World Order.
Now, I know everyone wants to see these plans become more than a written document.
It’s like the Communist Manifesto of the bad old days when citizens supported ideas like Communism and Nazism.
Some will find themselves with more power than they ever thought of. They may become block managers or given other titles.
Or they’ll be required to turn in anyone who doesn’t support the new world and this U.N. plan. This is normally what happens when power corrupts the corruptible.
Remember one question: What good for people comes from a plan to take away everything and replace it with nothing but more talk?
Agenda 21 is easily found online, and this plan is a serious threat to life that we enjoy and treasure.
For those who don’t believe Agenda 21 is real, there is time to begin learning before your kids are taught the Common Core Curriculum, which is a teaching tool of Agenda 21.

DR. LARRY MOORE of Paris is an adult education specialist, both in the classroom and in the workforce. His email address is

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