FORESTS-L Digest for Thursday, August 07, 2014.
1. =?Windows-1252?Q?WWF_Online_Learning_Session_on_=91What_Drives_Deforestat?=
2. New Publication from Climate Focus, WRI and FCMC: Safeguards in Bilateral REDD+ Finance
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From: "Byrnes, Breen" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2014 14:27:53 +0000
Subject: WWF Online Learning Session on 'What Drives Deforestat
Dear Friends,
Please join us for the next WWF Forest and Climate Programme online REDD+ Learning Session on Thursday, August 28 at 12PM EDT/1800 CEST.
Learning Session: What Drives Deforestation and What Stops It?
When: Thursday, August 28 at 12pm EDT/1800 CEST
What: In this session, Jonah Busch, research fellow with the Center for Global Development, will discuss a recent publication, 'What Drives Deforestation and What Stops It? A Meta-Analysis of Spatially Explicit Econometric Studies,' co-authored with Kalifi Ferretti-Gallon. While some findings from the research confirm conventional wisdom, for example, that building roads worsens deforestation, the analysis also shows that contrary to popular belief, factors such as poverty, rising incomes from economic development, and strengthening land tenure, do not necessarily have the expected impacts on deforestation. Jonah will discuss how these findings have important implications for REDD+ and how deliberate policies coupled with financial incentives can slow, halt, and eventually reverse the loss of the world's remaining tropical forests.
A Q+A session will follow the presentation.
This is a free, open event. Please help us spread the word by sharing this announcement with any contacts who may be interested.
Breen Byrnes | Acting Manager, Communications + Learning | WWF Forest & Climate Programme
Washington, DC
direct: +1-202-495-4518 | | skype: breen.byrnes | | |
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*This webinar is organized as a resource for REDD+ practitioners around the globe and may include a wide range of varying perspectives -- not necessarily the views or positions of WWF.
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From: Stephanie Roe <>
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2014 14:46:29 +0000
Subject: New Publication from Climate Focus, WRI and FCMC: Safeguards in Bilateral REDD+ Finance
Dear colleagues,
We're pleased to share the recently published report from Climate Focus, WRI and FCMC: Safeguards in Bilateral REDD+ Finance
This report is the second and final installment in a series related to the implementation of safeguards in bilateral agreements. Given that much of the finance for REDD-related initiatives pledged so far has come from bilateral donors, this document is a compilation of papers focused on these donors and their implementation of REDD+ safeguards.
This report addresses three key issues: 1. REDD+ safeguards and results-based payments; 2. Monitoring and Evaluation of REDD+ safeguard implementation; and 3. REDD+ safeguards and donor coordination.
The first report in this series, Safeguards for REDD+ from a Donor Perspective, was published in October 2013 and provided an overview on the different safeguard approaches that bilateral donors currently apply, their applicability to various financing modalities, their legal status and scope, and their relevance in the funding cycle.
The author team
Stephanie Roe Land Use and Climate Specialist Office: +1 202-540-1985 | Cell: +1 858-717-2266 | Email: 1730 Rhode Island Ave NW, Suite 601 | Washington D.C. 20036 |