WATER-L Digest for Wednesday, August 13, 2014.
1. International Training of Trainers on Integrated Water Resources Management
2. *** FAO Land & Water Bulletin :: August 2014 ***
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From: caroline.desalos@wur.nl
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 01:05:44 -0500
Subject: International Training of Trainers on Integrated Water Resources Management
Dear colleagues,
The Centre for Development Innovation Wageningen UR is pleased to announce the 2015 international Training of Trainers on Integrated Water Resources Management - Facilitating water stewardship from a basin perspective. The training will take place between June 01st and June 19th 2015 in Wageningen, The Netherlands. For all details and to subscribe please visit the page: http://www.wageningenur.nl/en/Expertise-Services/Research-Institutes/centre-for-development-innovation/short-courses/show/cdicourse_IWRM_2015.htm
Please see below for more details.
International ToT on Integrated water resources Management - Facilitating water stewardship from a basin perspective
One of the challenges in using water wisely is the way responsibilities are divided between different authorities. A frequent result of this is a fragmented and competitive approach to the use of water resources. Yet for current and future water security it is vital to maintain and restore wetlands as an essential water infrastructure, as well as think and act from a river basin viewpoint.
To approach water management effectively, it needs to integrate technical, economic, ecological, social and legal aspects. This approach goes beyond country borders, and needs to be applied on a river basin scale. Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is a process through which people can develop a vision, agree on shared values and behaviour, make informed decisions and act together to manage natural resources of the basin. The stakeholders involved have to understand each other to achieve the necessary cooperation.
This course, endorsed by the Ramsar Secretariat in Switzerland, aims to enhance your water stewardship skills; enabling you to guide the steps towards the wise management of water. The course is based on the premise that a great water steward knows how to facilitate multi-stakeholder processes, and has strong communication and training skills. A good water steward understands the dynamics of societal learning. The training will apply approaches in line with the Ramsar Handbooks on the Wise Use of Wetlands.
Upon completion of the course you have:
− (improved) understanding of the essence of integrated water resources management (IWRM) and water stewardship;
− (enhanced) understanding of the essential steps towards IWRM;
− (enhanced) skills and supportive tools to facilitate multi-stakeholder processes and societal learning;
− (improved) training and communication skills;
− (improved) skills in developing curricula for capacity building in IWRM.
Are you a wetland or a river basin manager? Are you a professional in the water sector and you want to improve your training skills? This course is made for you. To apply visit the course page on the website of CDI, Wageningen UR: http://www.wageningenur.nl/en/Expertise-Services/Research-Institutes/centre-for-development-innovation/short-courses/show/cdicourse_IWRM_2015.htm. You will receive a confirmation and more information within a week. Candidates approved by our selection committee will received an admission letter.
CDI is unable to assist you in obtaining financial support, however if you want to apply for a NFP/MENA Fellowship, CDI will provide you with the full instructions and the web address for registration in ATLAS. You can check the eligibility at www.nuffic.nl/nfp or www.nuffic.nl/mena . A limited number of scholarships is available. As this application process takes time and requires several documents, we recommend that you start as soon as possible.
I hope to meet you then!
Best regards,
Caroline Désalos
Course coordinator
Caroline Desalos
Centre for Development Innovation, Wageningen UR
P.O. Box 88, 6700 AB Wageningen, The Netherlands
Tel. +31 (0)317 483191 (direct)
Fax +31 (0)317 486801
Skype: cdesalos
E-mail caroline.desalos@wur.nl
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From: FAO-Water <FAO-water@fao.org>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 18:10:43 +0200
Subject: *** FAO Land & Water Bulletin :: August 2014 ***
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