
“Many people praise and acknowledge the healing power of plants, but few people actually take action to prevent their extension by planting and conserving them for future generations.” (Ernest Rukangira )

Monday, 20 October 2014

FW: Traditional Knowledge Bulletin



From: [] On Behalf Of Traditional Knowledge Bulletin
Sent: 19 September 2012 13:30
Subject: Traditional Knowledge Bulletin


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This week in review … UNGA adopts resolution on World Conference on Indigenous Peoples

Posted: 19 Sep 2012 03:54 AM PDT

GA Resolution on the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples – 2014
PFII release, 17 September 2012

NEW YORK, USA: The 66th session of the UN General Assembly adopted resolution A/66/L.61 and agreed upon on the organization of the high-level plenary meeting of the 69th session of the General Assembly, to be known as the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples.

In the resolution, the General Assembly decides that the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples will be held on Monday, 22 September 2014, and in the afternoon of Tuesday, 23 September 2014, and encourages all Member States to consider being represented at the Head of State or Government level. It decides on the organizational arrangements, including holding two plenary meetings, three interactive roundtables and one informal panel discussion, and indigenous peoples' organizations should be invited to submit applications to participate through an open and transparent accreditation procedure. It requests the UNGA President to organize an informal interactive hearing with representatives of indigenous peoples, UN entities and others to provide input to the preparatory process, and decides to expand the mandate of the UN Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations so it can assist indigenous participation in the Conference, including in the preparatory process. It decides that the Conference shall result in a concise, action-oriented outcome document, and requests the UNGA President to prepare a draft on the basis of consultations with member states and indigenous peoples; and further decides that the outcome document should contribute to the realization of the rights of indigenous peoples, pursue the objectives of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and promote the achievement of all internationally agreed development goals. Read the release … Download the resolution A/66/L.61 "Organization of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly, to be known as the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples" [pdf] …

Funding opportunity: Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations

Posted: 19 Sep 2012 03:52 AM PDT

Grant cycles 2012-2013 – Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
OHCHR, 15 September 2012

The deadline to submit applications to the Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations to attend the 12th session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, to be held from 20-31 May 2013, and the 6th session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, to be held from 8-12 July 2013 is 1 November 2012. Further information on the Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations … Read the criteria for selection … Download the application form [doc] …

This week in review … New Zealand's Whanganui River granted legal personhood

Posted: 19 Sep 2012 03:48 AM PDT

New Zealand's Whanganui River Gets Personhood Status
ENS, 13 September 2012

WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND: New Zealand's longest navigable river, the Whanganui, has been given "legal standing and an independent voice" under a framework agreement to settle the historical claims of indigenous people, the Whanganui Iwi. Although the agreement does not state specifically that the river will have the same rights under law as a corporation, a spokesman for the government minister who negotiated the settlement said the Whanganui will be recognized as a person when it comes to the law, "in the same way a company is, which will give it rights and interests." "Today's agreement, which recognizes the status of the river as Te Awa Tupua (an integrated, living whole) and the inextricable relationship of iwi with the river, is a major step towards the resolution of the historical grievances of Whanganui Iwi and is important nationally," Minister Christopher Finlayson said. The agreement reached so far recognize the status of the river, appoint a river guardian, and provide for developing river values and a whole of river strategy. It does not conclude settlement negotiations. Matters of detail and additional redress are still to be negotiated between the parties.

The river is of special and spiritual importance for Māori, who call it Te Awa Tupua. In pre-European times, many Māori villages dotted the river banks. The Whanganui has been one of the most fiercely contested regions in claims before the Waitangi Tribunal for the return of tribal lands. The Whanganui River claim is the longest-running legal case in New Zealand history with petitions and court action since the 1930s. Read the article … Read a National Geographic article on the issue … Read a New Zealand Herald news item …

Meeting prep: UNESCO meetings of relevance to TK

Posted: 19 Sep 2012 03:44 AM PDT

International Expert Workshop on the World Heritage Convention and Indigenous Peoples
20-21 September 2012 (Copenhagen, Denmark)

The Danish Agency for Culture is organizing an international expert workshop on the World Heritage Convention and Indigenous Peoples under the theme "How to ensure that the implementation of the World Heritage Convention is consistent with the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples." The expert workshop aims to enable a constructive dialogue related to the issues brought forward by indigenous peoples, with a view to recommending appropriate changes to the current procedures and operational guidelines. Read UNESCO's release …

The Memory of the World in the Digital Age: Digitization and Preservation
26-28 September 2012 (Vancouver, Canada)

This conference will bring together heritage professionals, government representatives, information technology professionals and other stakeholders to discuss how to improve the preservation of digital data. Topics to be discussed include preserving scientific data as well as records of traditions and performances. Through a review of current policies and practices, conference participants will explore ways to maximize the potential of digital technologies to preserve and disseminate scientific and cultural works. They will also propose ways to improve digital preservation that is already underway, complementing UNESCO's Charter on the Preservation of the Digital Heritage. The programme will also feature presentations on digital preservation in developing countries, especially in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific Islands, by showcasing different global and national initiatives. Read UNESCO's release … Download the conference programme [pdf] …

This week in review … UNESCO Bioethics Committee addresses traditional medicine

Posted: 19 Sep 2012 03:40 AM PDT

UNESCO Meet Boosts Traditional Medicine
IPS, 12 September 2012

PARIS, FRANCE: Traditional medicine and its ethical implications was one of the focus areas addressed by UNESCO's International Bioethics Committee (IBC), meeting from 10-14 September 2012, in Paris, France. As UNESCO experts pointed out, traditional medicine has existed for centuries and stood the test of time. "The challenge is now to establish bridges between traditional medicine and conventional medicine," said Pilar Alvarez-Laso, UNESCO's assistant director-general for social and human sciences and secretary-general of the IBC. While acceptance levels differ around the globe, Singapore for instance has university courses in traditional medicine as well as clear regulation of the sector. Both Kenya and Zambia are putting together guidelines for traditional medicine while trying to learn from indigenous knowledge systems. Read the article …

Resource: New website on cultural diversity convention in Africa

Posted: 19 Sep 2012 03:36 AM PDT

2005 Convention in Africa
UNESCO, September 2012

A new website has been created with regard to the African regional page of the 2005 UNESCO Convention on diversity of cultural expressions. The website brings together profiles of projects and initiatives run by the Convention Secretariat in Africa, and serves as a centralized online forum with links to tools, key research and details on UNESCO field offices in the region. Visit the website …

This week in review … GIAHS showcases Peru's traditional crops

Posted: 19 Sep 2012 03:34 AM PDT

GIAHS showcases Peru's traditional crops at "Mistura 2012"
GIAHS release, 13 September 2012

LIMA, PERU: An "Andean grains window" will pay homage to Peru's agricultural biodiversity of global significance, showcasing quinoas of different colors, amaranth (kiwicha in the local language) and cañihua at Latin America's major gastronomic fair "Mistura 2012" – a massive event expected to attract 600,000 visitors. The "Andean grains window" is the result of the joint effort led by Peru's Minister for Environment in cooperation with FAO and the GIAHS Initiative along with many other partners. There, large and small farmers will celebrate Peru's Andean grains as one of the best examples of Peru's highly nutritional and sustainably managed agricultural biodiversity. Read the release …

This week in review … Films to document Australia's indigenous stories

Posted: 19 Sep 2012 03:32 AM PDT

Films to document Indigenous stories
ABC, 12 September 2012

PERTH, AUSTRALIA: A team of filmmakers is visiting Aboriginal communities throughout Western Australia to ensure important indigenous stories are not lost forever. The Indigenous Community Stories initiative, funded through the State Government and several private companies, aims to collate the world's largest anthology of traditional and historically significant indigenous stories. Read the article …



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