
“Many people praise and acknowledge the healing power of plants, but few people actually take action to prevent their extension by planting and conserving them for future generations.” (Ernest Rukangira )

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Medicinal Plant Monographs

Medicinal Plant Monographs

We are proud to be hosting the results of the Pharmacopoeia Monographs Projectdeveloped by the South African Traditional Medicines Research Group of the School of Pharmacy at the University of the Western Cape with support from the Medical Research Council and other participants.
The monographs are presented as .pdf files.
Copyright in these monographs resides with the authors, the South African National Biodiversity Institute, the South African Medical Research Council and the University of the Western Cape. They may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of the copyright holders.
These monographs may be cited in publications as follows: 
Scott, G. and Springfield, E.P. (2004). Pharmaceutical monographs for 60 South African plant species used as traditional medicines. South African National Biodversity Institute (SANBI) Plant Information Website at

Plant profiles of many of these plants containing more information and images form part of the Plants section of this website. Click "more info" to find these, or use the site searchfacility for all links.
Medicinal Plant MonographsFiles loaded February 2005
Agathosma betulina
Alepidea amatymbica - more info 
Artemisia afra - more info 
Ballota africana 
more info 
Bulbine frutescens - 
more info 
Carpobrotus edulis 
Cissampelos capensis
Cliffortia odorata
Cotyledon orbiculata 
more info 
Elytropappus rhinocerotis Euclea undulata
Geranium incanum - more info
Helichrysum patulum 
Harpogophytum procumbens 
Hypoxis hemerocallidea - more info
Leonotis oxcymifolia 
Lobostemon fruticosus
Melianthus major more info
Nylandtia spinosa
Olea europaea ssp. africana - more info 
Osmitopsis asteriscoides 
Pelargonium cucullatum - more info 
Pelargonium peltatum 
Peucedanum galbanum
Salvia africana-caerulea
Salvia chamelaeagnea - more info 
Siphonochilus aethiopicus - more info
Stoebe plumosa 
Tarchonanthus camphoratus more info 
Tulbaghia alliacea

Agathosma crenulata - more info 
Asclepias fruticosa 
Buddleja saligna - more info 
Carpobrotus acinaciformis 

Chironia baccifera - more info
Cliffortia ferruginea 
Conyza scabrida 
Dodonaea augustifolia
Eriocephalus africanus 
more info 
Galenia africana
Gunnera perpensa
Helichrysum petiolare - more info 
Hippia frutescens
Leonotis leonurus - more info 
Leysera gnaphalodes
Melianthus comosus
Mentha longifolia more info
Ocotea bullata 
Oncosiphon suffruticosum 
Pelargonium betulinum - more info 
Pelargonium grossularioides - more info 
Pelargonium triste 
Prunus africana 
Salvia africana-lutea more info 
Sceletium tortuosum
Stachys aethiopica 
Sutherlandia frutescens more info
Tetradenia riparia - more info
Warburgia salutaris more info

All natural remedies should be used with caution and your doctor's consent. Visitors use this site at their own risk and the SANBI is not liable for any of the consequences resulti

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