
“Many people praise and acknowledge the healing power of plants, but few people actually take action to prevent their extension by planting and conserving them for future generations.” (Ernest Rukangira )

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Fwd: forests-l digest: April 15, 2014

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From: Forest Policy Info Mailing List digest <>
Date: 16 April 2014 06:00
Subject: forests-l digest: April 15, 2014
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Subject: forests-l digest: April 15, 2014
From: "Forest Policy Info Mailing List digest" <>
Reply-To: "Forest Policy Info Mailing List" <>
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 00:00:14 -0500

FORESTS-L Digest for Tuesday, April 15, 2014.

1. Intensive training - How to integrate FSC Forest Management and Carbon Auditing
2. Forests Update - 15 April 2014 - Forests Policy & Practice
3. PGA for REDD+ Practical Guide: soliciting comments by 1 May
4. GEM Initiative at Yale Newsletter


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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Lucio Brotto" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 02:21:49 -0500
Subject: Intensive training - How to integrate FSC Forest Management and Carbon Auditing
Dear Colleagues,

ETIFOR, FSC Italy, NEPCon, Gold Standard and TÜV SUD invite you to the 4th Edition of the Intensive Training - The Forest Management Auditor of Tomorrow: How to Integrate FSC® Forest Management and Carbon Auditing.

Location: Padova (Italy)
Date: 30th June - 4th July 2014

Deadline applications: 10th June 2014
Early bird discount rates available.
More info:

Course Contents:

Module 1: The forest management certification according to FSC standards, Auditing techniques for FSC forest management certification, Legality focus: FSC and the EU Timber Regulation. Exercises and group work.

Module 2:
Carbon markets and standards, Project cycle and carbon accounting. Project development. FSC and Carbon. Carbon stock exercises and group work.

The course consists of two modules held completely in English by international experienced teachers: besides face to face classes, there will be group works to exercise the knowledge acquired.

Are you a beginner who wants to get to know more about forest management? This year ETIFOR thought about you too. You can indeed follow two introductory free modules through an e-learning platform, that will be held from the 16th to the 27th June.
More info:

Bests Regards

Lucio Brotto

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "IISD Reporting Services" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 12:10:17 -0500
Subject: Forests Update - 15 April 2014 - Forests Policy & Practice
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  Forests Update - Forests Policy & Practice
A compilation of items recently posted to the Forests Policy & Practice knowledgebase
Latest News - 15 April 2014
CIFOR Analyzes Challenges to REDD+ in Six Countries
Read More: CIFOR Analyzes Challenges to REDD+ in Six Countries
April_2014: The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) has released a report analyzing the implementation of REDD+ in six countries. 'The challenges of establishing REDD+ on the ground' covers 23 sub-national programmes, concluding that the greatest challenges facing REDD+ implementation are inadequate economic incentives coupled with insecure land tenure and use rights. continued...
Bioversity International Examines Legal Frameworks for Fruit Tree Conservation in Central Asia
Read More: Bioversity International Examines Legal Frameworks for Fruit Tree Conservation in Central Asia
April_2014: In the report, 'Conservation of fruit tree diversity in Central Asia: Policy options and challenges,' Bioversity International investigates the legal and policy frameworks affecting the conservation of horticultural and wild fruit species' genetic diversity in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.  continued...
FAO and ITTO Discuss PES in Tropical Forests
Read More: FAO and ITTO Discuss PES in Tropical Forests
11_April_2014: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) and the National Forestry Financing Fund (FONAFIFO) of Costa Rica convened a workshop on payments for environmental services (PES) aimed at building understanding of the importance of PES in tropical forests, and sharing best practices and lessons learned. continued...
FAO Data Show Rising Agriculture Emissions, Declining Net Land-use Change Emissions
Read More: FAO Data Show Rising Agriculture Emissions, Declining Net Land-use Change Emissions
11_April_2014: Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture, forestry and fisheries and other land uses (AFOLU) have doubled over the past fifty years, according to estimates released by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO). Without increased efforts to address and reduce these emissions, the FAO cautions that emissions could increase an additional 30% by 2050. continued...
CIFOR Links Chinese Logging Ban to Illegal Logging in Mozambique
Read More: CIFOR Links Chinese Logging Ban to Illegal Logging in Mozambique
9_April_2014: A case study co-authored by the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane and the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) explores the links between a domestic logging ban in China and illegal logging in Mozambique. The paper , titled 'Chinese Trade and Investment in Africa: Assessing and Governing Trade-Offs to National Economies, Local Livelihoods and Forest Ecosystems,' notes that although the export of raw logs was banned by Mozambique in 2007, the volume of logs imported by China is between three and five times higher than officially reported. continued...
PEN Study Questions Forests' Role in Coping Strategies
Read More: PEN Study Questions Forests' Role in Coping Strategies
8_April_2014:  The Poverty and Environment Network (PEN), a collaborative effort led by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), has released a study that suggests forests may play a less important role as safety nets following hardships than commonly thought. continued...
REDD+ Partners in Congo Basin to Enhance Coordination
Read More: REDD+ Partners in Congo Basin to Enhance Coordination
31_March_2014: The Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) has reported on the outcomes of the REDD+ partners platform meeting, which considered progress and next steps for REDD+ in the Congo Basin with a particular focus on Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Gabon. continued...
CITES and Madagascar Call for Support to Stop Illegal Timber Trade
Read More: CITES and Madagascar Call for Support to Stop Illegal Timber Trade
4_April_2014: Following a meeting in Brussels, Belgium, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and Madagascar are calling for the halt of  illegal trade in timber from Madagascar, namely rosewood, palisander and ebony.  continued...
UNFCCC Publishes Parties' Submissions on REDD+
Read More: UNFCCC Publishes Parties' Submissions on REDD+
April_2014: The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has posted submissions from Parties on "methodological guidance for activities relating to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries." The views presented from Parties are on: methodological guidance for non-market-based approaches related to the implementation of the activities referred to in decision 1/CP.16, paragraph 70; and the issues referred to in decision 1/CP.18, paragraph 40. continued...
Forests Policy & Practice Calendar: Current & Upcoming Events
Fourth Meeting of the Sixth Replenishment of the GEF Geneva, Geneve, Switzerland 16 Apr - 17 Apr
Interactive Dialogue on Harmony with Nature New York City, US 22 Apr
2014 Forest Communicators Network Meeting Berlin, Germany 23 Apr - 25 Apr
27th Meeting of the CITES AC, 21st Meeting of the CITES PC and Joint AC/PC Session Veracruz, Mexico 28 Apr - 8 May
Workshop on Green Economy and Social Aspects of Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Santander, Cantabria, Spain 29 Apr - 30 Apr
Forests Asia Conference: Sustainable Landscapes for Green Growth in ASEAN Jakarta, Indonesia 5 May - 6 May
Eleventh Session of the Open Working Group on SDGs New York City, US 5 May - 9 May
Seventh Executive Forest Policy Course: People, Land Use and Forestry in the Pacific – Policy Challenges in the 21st Century Nadi, Western, Fiji 12 May - 23 May
Meeting of the UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Monitoring Sustainable Forest Management Izmir, Turkey 13 May - 15 May
2014 International Day for Biological Diversity worldwide 22 May
46th GEF Council Meeting and GEF Assembly Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico 25 May - 30 May
Seventh GEOSS Asia-Pacific Symposium Tokyo, Japan 26 May - 28 May
Ecosystems, Economy and Society: How Large-scale Restoration Can Stimulate Sustainable Development Washington D.C., US 29 May - 30 May
The European Forum on Urban Forestry 17th International Conference (EFUF 2014) Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland 3 Jun - 7 Jun
World Environment Day 2014 worldwide 5 Jun
 Subscribe to our iCalendar and your computer will gain access to all the events listed in our  Forests Policy & Practice  Calendar Learn More | Subscribe )
Please send suggestions for articles to Lauren Anderson at
Funding for Forests Policy & Practice has been provided by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Global Program Climate Change

Forests Policy & Practice is a knowledgebase of activities addressing international forests policy and practice. It was launched in December 2012 by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Reporting Services, which manages and is fully responsible for the content posted on Forests Policy & Practice . Information on United Nations activities is provided in cooperation with the UN system agencies, funds and programmes through the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (UN CEB) Secretariat. Click here for further information on Forests Policy & Practice

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tina Solvberg <>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 13:19:29 +0000
Subject: PGA for REDD+ Practical Guide: soliciting comments by 1 May

Dear Colleagues,


We hereby invite you to provide comments on the UN-REDD Programme's Draft Practical Guide to the Participatory Governance Assessment (PGA).

The PGA is one of several tools developed by the UN-REDD Programme that countries can use to address governance challenges related to their REDD+ processes. The PGA is an inclusive and multi-stakeholder process that aims to produce robust and credible governance information as a first step in addressing weaknesses in governance and eventually, as a basis for policy reform. 

Formulated in response to UN-REDD Programme partner country demand for practical guidance on Participatory Governance Assessments (PGAs), the purpose of this guide is to outline the main steps of a PGA process, while allowing flexibility for variances across regions, countries, peoples, communities and circumstances. The guide also draws on lessons, challenges and practical solutions drawn from the experience of the four PGA pilots within the UN-REDD Programme to date: Ecuador, Indonesia, Nigeria and Vietnam.  The intended primary users of this guide are national stakeholders who are or who will be engaged in a PGA process, including civil society, government, academia and private sector actors in general, and PGA coordinators in partner countries in particular. 


Please send all comments and questions to Tina Sølvberg, UN-REDD Programme: by Friday 1 May.


Best regards,

Tina Sølvberg



Tina Sølvberg
Governance Assessments Programme Officer
Oslo Governance Centre
Mobile: + 47 926 29 992
Skype: tinahageberg



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Dewey, Sara" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 12:58:42 +0000
Subject: GEM Initiative at Yale Newsletter

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Dear colleagues and friends,

As spring arrives, I am happy to report that the GEM Initiative continues to expand its work linking scholarly research to enduring environmental and social challenges. We have welcomed a new set of faculty associates whose expertise cuts across business, political science, public administration, and organization studies. Our collaborative engagements with practitioners have brought us to focus on community forestry, reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD+) efforts, and to engaging with international organizations working to build innovative solutions.
I am especially pleased to share our new seriesForest Governance for the Real Word: Building Strategic Insights through Policy Learning. These Issues & Options briefs on forest policy assess critical forest management challenges, from REDD+ in Peru to illegal timber in Indonesia. The briefs offer guidance for durable management strategies that draw from cutting edge social science scholarship. This project typifies GEM's problem-focused approach to connecting the efforts of scholars and practitioners to develop effective policies for environmental governance.
Thank you for your support of the GEM Initiative.


Ben Cashore & the GEM Team


The Governance, Environment and Markets Initiative is directed by Dr. Ben Cashore at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies. Its programs aim to reorient environmental governance research and practice towards durable
"results based" problem solving that embraces
multi-level complexity.



Cashore Receives IUFRO Scientific Achievement Award
GEM Faculty Director Ben Cashore has received the prestigious Scientific Achievement Award from theInternational Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO). Cashore was recognized for his achievements in research related to governance of forest resources worldwide. The honors are awarded every four years and will be officially presented during IUFRO's World Congress in October 2014. Please read more here.
GEM Scholar Renckens to Join University of Toronto Faculty
Stefan Renckens will start as an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science of the University of Toronto on July 1. He will teach undergraduate courses in public policy at the U of T Scarborough campus and a graduate course in business and politics at the U of T St George campus. Congratulations, Stefan!
GEM Faculty Associate Auld Awarded Fellowship

Graeme Auld, Associate Professor at Carleton University and a Faculty Associate of the GEM Initiative, will be the Canadian Bicentennial Visiting Associate Professor of Political Science at Yale University for the 2014-2015 academic year. He will teach two courses, one of which will deal with the politics and governance of Canadian resources; his research time will be dedicated to a new research project on governance in the mining and forest sectors funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
GEM Welcomes New Faculty Associates
GEM is pleased to announce new Faculty Associates: Professor Andrew Crane of the 
Schulich School of Business, Professor Michael Howlett of Simon Fraser University, Dean Jonathan Koppell of Arizona State University, Professor Stefano Ponte of Copenhagen Business School, and Professor Philippe Zittoun of LET-ENTPE and Science Po Grenoble. GEM is grateful to our Faculty Associates for sharing their expertise and insight.
GEM Initiative Receives CLUA grant 
GEM has been awarded a third major grant from the Climate and Land Use Alliance (CLUA) to conduct research and develop strategies for community forestry. With CLUA's generous support, GEM will build on previous work to explore the communication and dissemination of community forestry strategies in developing countries around the world, based on the experience of Latin America. We are grateful to CLUA for their ongoing support.
Forest Policy Briefs Launch on International Day of Forests
To celebrate the International Day of Forests on March 21, GEM and IUFRO virtually launched its Issues & Options briefs series on forest policy. The series, initially presented at Global Landscapes Day in Warsaw in November 2014, addresses critical forest governance issues. The newest brief, How Can Liberia's Government Prevent Private Use Permits from Degrading Liberia's Forests?, is written by GEM Masters student Akiva Fishman. The briefs were developed with the support of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
GEM and NRDC Host Panel at World Urban Forum
The GEM Initiative and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) cohosted a panel at the World Urban Forum exploring the critical role of cities and subnational governments in forging multi-stakeholder partnerships for the post-2015 development agenda. GEM graduate student Alisa Zomer presented her research on urban climate adaptation in Manila, Philippines.
Cashore Delivers Keynote at Landscape Day
At the Global Landscapes Forum in Warsaw, Poland, occurring alongside the 19th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Ben Cashore delivered a keynote speech about policy learning architecture for landscape-scale governance, "From Land Use to Landscapes: Towards a Multi-level Learning Architecture."
GEM Begins Research in Brazil
GEM researchers, including Professor Ben Cashore, Gabriela Bueno, and Celine Lim, are conducting research on illegal logging in Brazil. Through extensive interviews with stakeholders and a partnership with the Instituto Centro de Vida, GEM is assessing the role of legality verification as a means of improving forest governance and what strategic actions might trigger an improvement in legality standards. This project is generously supported by the Climate and Land Use Alliance.
Cashore Leads Fox Fellows at Yale University
Professor Ben Cashore is now the Joseph C. Fox Director of the Fox International Fellowship Program. The program, based at the Yale MacMillan Center, is a two-way student exchange program between Yale and twelve leading universities around the world.


Upcoming Events

1 May 2014: GEM is pleased to welcome Professor Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director of the European Environment Agency, to the Yale School of Forestry. He will deliver a talk entitled "Transformational Approaches to Environmental Policy: Governance Implications of Europe's 2050 Agenda."
1 May 2014: GEM is pleased to welcome Professor Iben Nathan of Copenhagen University, who will be a Visiting Faculty member at Yale University for six months.
5-7 September 2014: The 2014 Conference on Human Rights, Environmental Sustainability, Post-2015 Development, and the Future Climate Regime will take place at Yale University. The conference is organized by GEM and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) in collaboration other partners. It will bring together more than 150 scholars and policy experts to discuss state-of-the-art knowledge at the nexus of human rights and the environment. Please find more information about the Call for Abstracts and the Conference here.


Recent Events

11-12 October 2013: GEM doctoral student Stefan Renckens and GEM faculty associate Graeme Auld presented a paper, entitled "It's Time to Certify: Explaining Variation in the Duration of Marine Stewardship Council Fisheries Certification," at the Conference on the Ways and Means of Transnational Private Regulation in Dublin, Ireland.
1-2 November 2013: The GEM Initiative and the Natural Resources Defense Council jointly hosted a major conference, Rio to 2015: A New Architecture for a Sustainable New World, at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. The conference addressed questions related to the design of governance and institutional architectures that build partnerships for results-based sustainable development and climate change action and accountability. For more information about outcomes of the conference, please visit
16 November 2013: An international workshop on 'Rights, Governance & Climate Change' was jointly organized by GEM and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), in collaboration with the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL) during the 19th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC in Warsaw, Poland. The workshop convened scholars, policy-makers, practitioners, and stakeholders from a variety of fields and disciplines to examine how human rights can be used to support, design, and implement effective and equitable solutions to climate change at multiple levels of governance. 
16-17 November 2013: At the Global Landscapes Forum in Warsaw, Poland, occurring alongside the 19thConference of the Parties to the UNFCCC, Ben Cashore delivered a keynote speech about policy learning architecture for landscape-scale governance.
10 January 2014: The GEM Initiative hosted a one-day workshop for practitioners in Washington, DC, to share its recent work on policy learning and community forestry, supported by the Climate and Land Use Alliance.
March 26: GEM doctoral student Stefan Renckens presented part of his doctoral research at the Junior Scholar Symposium of the International Studies Association in Toronto, Canada.
March 29: GEM doctoral student Stefan Renckens presented a paper on the implications of European Union regulations for private governance at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association in Toronto, Canada.
10 April 2014: The GEM Initiative and the Natural Resources Defense Council cohosted a panel at theWorld Urban Forum exploring the critical role of cities in building partnerships for the post-2015 development agenda, and
 GEM graduate student Alisa Zomer presented her work on the panel.


Auld, G., Cashore, B. and Renckens, S. (2014). "Governance Components in Private Regulation: Implications for Legitimacy, Authority and Effectiveness." In Kanie, Norichika, Steinar Andresen and Peter M. Haas (eds.), Improving Global Environmental Governance: Best Practices for Architecture and Agency. London/New York, NY: Routledge, 152-174.

Bueno, G. and Cashore, B. (2013). "Can Legality Verification Combat Illegal Logging in Brazil? Strategic Insights for Policy Makers and Advocates." Forest governance scholarship for the real world: Building strategic insights through policy learning. International Union of Forest Research Organizations Occasional Paper Series, Vienna. Access article here.
Cashore, B. and Stone, M. (2014). "Does California Need Delaware? Explaining Indonesian, Chinese, and United States Support for Legality Compliance of Internationally Traded Products," Regulation and Governance 8(1): 49-73.
Dieterich, U. and Auld, G. (2013). "Moving Beyond Commitments: Creating Durable Change through the Implementation of APP's Forest Conservation Policy."  Forest governance scholarship for the real world: Building strategic insights through policy learning. International Union of Forest Research Organizations Occasional Paper Series, Vienna. Access article here.
Ebrahim, N., Pravat, P.S., Humphreys, D. and Rayner, J. (2013). "Bridging Certification and Community Forestry through NTFPs: A Case Study from Nepal." Forest governance scholarship for the real world: Building strategic insights through policy learning. International Union of Forest Research Organizations Occasional Paper Series, Vienna. Access article here.
Fishman, A. (2014). "How Can Liberia's Government Prevent Private Use Permits from Degrading Liberia's Forests?" Forest governance scholarship for the real world: Building strategic insights through policy learning. International Union of Forest Research Organizations Occasional Paper Series, Vienna. Access article here.
Fishman, A. (forthcoming 2014). From Broken Promises to Sustainable Forestry: Regulation of Private Forests in Liberia. New York University Environmental Law Journal 21:3.
Fishman, A. & Obidzinski, K. (forthcoming 2014). European Union Timber Regulation: Is it Legal?Review of European Community & International Environmental Law.
Jodoin, S. (2014). "Can Rights-based Approaches Enhance Legitimacy and Cooperation in Conservation? A Relational Account." Human Rights Review (published online). Access article here.
Jodoin, S. and Lofts, K., (eds.). (2013). Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights and Climate Change: A Legal Reference Guide (Montreal, Quebec and New Haven, Connecticut: Centre for International Sustainable Development Law, Governance, Environment & Markets Initiative at Yale, and Academics Stand against Poverty). Access article here.
Pohnan, E. and Stone, M. (2013).  "Can Legality Verification Combat Illegal Logging in Indonesia? Strategic Insights for Policy Makers and Advocates." Forest governance scholarship for the real world: Building strategic insights through policy learning. International Union of Forest Research Organizations Occasional Paper Series, Vienna. Access article here.
Wang, M., Visseren-Hamakers, I., de Jong, W., and Cashore, B. (2013). "Can REDD+ Safeguards Promote Indigenous Resource Rights? Lessons and Strategic Insights from Peru." Forest governance scholarship for the real world: Building strategic insights through policy learning. International Union of Forest Research Organizations Occasional Paper Series, Vienna. Access article here.

T H E   G O V E R N A N C E,   E N V I R O N M E N T   &   M A R K E T S   I N I T I A T I V E

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