From: Sustainable Development Announcement List digest <>
Date: 11 April 2014 06:00
Subject: uncsd-l digest: April 10, 2014
To: uncsd-l digest recipients <>
Subject: uncsd-l digest: April 10, 2014
From: "Sustainable Development Announcement List digest" <>
Reply-To: "Sustainable Development Announcement List" <>
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 00:00:13 -0500
UNCSD-L Digest for Thursday, April 10, 2014.
1. Postgraduate Course on Leadership for Sustainability Autumn 2014
2. =?Windows-1252?Q?New_issue_of_=93Green_Growth_the_Nordic_Way=94:_Nordic_N?=
3. Stakeholder Forum Network News: Sustainable development for, and from, the future
4. New Books - Review Copies
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From: "Lanuevo, Felino" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 10:45:23 +0000
Subject: Postgraduate Course on Leadership for Sustainability Autumn 2014
Programme Consultant
Climate and Ecosystems Change Adaptation Research (CECAR)
Institute for the Advance Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS)
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From: Michael Funch <>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 14:57:30 +0000
Subject: New issue of “Green Growth the Nordic Way”: Nordic N
New issue of “Green Growth the Nordic Way”: Nordic Networks
Networking and the building of partnerships is part of the DNA of international organizations like the Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM). In the new issue of “Green Growth the Nordic Way” you can read about some of the ways the NCM operates to create results through networks.
See more at
Read also the two feature articles in the new issue of “Green Growth the Nordic Way”: It’s all about networks: Towards a new bioeconomy for the Baltic Sea region and Networking – the backbone of Nordic cooperation
You can subscribe for free to this bimonthly web magazine or follow our activities on facebook
Venlig hilsen/
Kind regards
Michael Funch
Senior Adviser/Communication
Direct +4521717143
Nordisk Ministerråd/
Nordic Council of Ministers
Ved Stranden 18
DK-1061 København K
Tel +45 33 96 02 00
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From: "stakeholderforum " <>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 18:16:10 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Stakeholder Forum Network News: Sustainable development for, and from, the future
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The fundamental question being considered by governments and stakeholders around the world is ´What should the world look like in 2030?´ The details of the visions differ between countries, constituencies and communities, but for many there is a common aspiration to end extreme poverty through sustainable development. If we are to achieve this universal aim we must consider how today´s best practice policies and strategies can be deployed in tandem with an ambitious post-2015 development framework. By bringing together current government structures and policy instruments, the 2030 Sustaineo future scenario tells a compelling story of what is possible with tools and knowledge we already have available. Farooq Ullah, Executive Director, Stakeholder Forum | In the year 2030, one country has translated today’s better-governance efforts into a successful political and administrative system. Together with the Bertelsmann Stiftung, the International Institute for Sustainable Development and Novel Futures, we invite you to time travel to that time and place and learn from its success in our new publication, “Sustaineo 2030: Today’s sustainable development visions, realised tomorrow. | ||
Stakeholder Forum, along with 16 other global partners, has produced an analysis of stakeholder proposals for goals and targets in the e-Inventory, under the SDG Open Working Group’s (OWG) focus areas. It is hoped that this synthesis will be a useful resource for the OWG and other stakeholders to develop their goals and targets for Post-2015. | |||
These ‘living documents’ set out the UN Major Groups’ visions and priorities - including themes, goals, targets and indicators – for the SDGs and the post-2015 development agenda. They will be used as advocacy and reference tools throughout 2014, to be updated based on the Major Groups’ work, intergovernmental negotiations, and SD2015 activities. Supported by SD2015. | |||
| |||
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From: "Galbo, Francesca" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 20:29:29 +0000
Subject: New Books - Review Copies
Dear all,
I am pleased to announce a selection of new and forthcoming titles by Routledge:
If you are a book review editor or have had a review proposal accepted by a journal/publication and would like to review any of these titles, please email ensuring you provide a full delivery address, recipient name, contact telephone number and the title of the publication you are reviewing the book for.
The High Cost of Low Prices
By Michael Carolan
The real cost of low prices is alarmingly high. In this compelling book, Michael Carolan shows that costs and risks are socialised: we all pay for cheapness, but not at the point of purchase. Drawing on a wide range of examples and issues, it is convincingly shown that cheapness can no longer be seen as such a bargain. Instead we need to refocus for a better sense of well-being, social justice and a balanced approach to prosperity.
Read more…
Published March 2014 by Routledge
Ethical Trade, Gender and Sustainable Livelihoods
Women Smallholders and Ethicality in Kenya
By Kiah Smith
Through an in-depth case study of smallholder subsistence and French bean farming in Kenya, this book grounds the analysis of livelihoods, gender and ethical trade in women smallholders’ perspectives, links the macro level of markets with the micro level of livelihoods, and engenders relations of power, structure and agency in food networks.
Published March 2014 by Routledge
Critiquing Sustainability, Changing Philosophy
By Jenneth Parker
To increasing numbers of people, sustainability is the key challenge of the twenty-first century. In the many fields where it is a goal, persistent problems obstruct the efforts of those trying to make a difference. The task of this book is to identify the philosophical failings underlying these problems, on the basis that the ways in which we conceptualise sustainability may contribute to, or alternately undermine vital projects.
Read more…
Series: Routledge Studies in Sustainability
Published March 2014 by Routledge
Social Practices, Interventions and Sustainability
Beyond Behaviour Change
Edited by Yolande Strengers, Cecily Maller
This book extends and enriches the possibilities for social practice theories to inform sustainability programs and policies seeking to achieve social change. More specially, it documents how social practice theories could be used to inform relevant methods and strategies for intervention. In doing so it differs from existing work because it directly tackles a key criticism directed at social practice theorists that to date has remained largely unchallenged.
Series: Routledge Studies in Sustainability
To Be Published October 2014 by Routledge
Wellbeing, Justice and Development Ethics
By Severine Deneulin
This book introduces in an accessible way the capability approach, first articulated by Amartya Sen in the early 1980s. Written for an international audience, but rooted in the Latin American reality - a region with a history of movements for social justice - the book argues that the capability approach provides to date, the most encompassing and compelling ethical framework with which to construct action for improving people’s wellbeing and reducing injustices in the world.
Read more…
Series: The Routledge Human Development and Capability Debates
Published January 2014 by Routledge
Governance for Justice and Environmental Sustainability
Lessons across Natural Resource Sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa
Edited by Merle Sowman, Rachel Wynberg
This book focuses on consolidating and enhancing intellectual understanding, knowledge and capacity about governance systems required to achieve justice and environmental sustainability, with a particular focus on Sub-Saharan Africa.
Published February 2014 by Routledge
Please send us your published reviews!
We’d be extremely grateful to receive any published reviews – for this or any other Routledge book you may have recently reviewed – so that we can add review quotes to our website and flyers, and circulate them via our social media accounts. Routledge will ensure we always quote your journal name - publicity for you too! Please feel free to email them to
Best wishes,
Francesca Galbo
Associate Marketing Manager | Energy, Environment & Sustainability
Routledge | Taylor & Francis Group
an Informa business
711 Third Avenue | New York | NY 10017| USA
Direct line: (212) 216-7838
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