
“Many people praise and acknowledge the healing power of plants, but few people actually take action to prevent their extension by planting and conserving them for future generations.” (Ernest Rukangira )

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Fwd: WRI Digest: IPCC Report Reveals Worsening Impacts of Climate Change


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WRI Digest: IPCC Report Reveals Worsening Impacts of Climate Change

4 Takeaways from IPCC Report Reveal Worsening Impacts of Climate Change
4 Takeaways from IPCC Report Reveal Worsening Impacts of Climate Change. "Climate change has already delivered severe economic damage and things will only get worse without more action," explains Dr. Andrew Steer. The message from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report is clear: The world's communities, ecosystems, and economies can't afford inaction. One of the most significant findings of the report's first installment is quantifying the "carbon budget". WRI's new Global Carbon Budget infographic explains what the carbon budget is, what impacts we can expect if we exceed it, and what actions the world can take to stay within it.
Read more >>> | See also:
Key Points on Climate Adaptation from the New IPCC Report
CNN: Bill Richardson: Wake up to the reality of climate change
China Dialogue: The global reaction to the latest IPCC climate report: what it means for China and the world
CNN: Little time left to turn down the world's heat, U.N. says
Mashable: Climate Change May Lead to Food Shortages, Civil Conflicts, Scientists Warn
Salon: Droughts, storms and sea level rise: The impacts of climate change are already here
USA Today: Report: Effects of climate change seen everywhere



Our New Strategic Plan: Scaling Our Impact in Urgent Times

Our New Strategic Plan: Scaling Our Impact in Urgent Times

The world today is very different from when we opened our doors in 1982. WRI has sought to adapt to the changing context. Over the past five years, we have doubled our staff and budget, and opened five new international offices.

WRI's recently launched Strategic Plan presents our strategy for the coming four years. We look forward to working with our partners to tackle today's urgent challenges and contribute to a more sustainable and prosperous world for all people.
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World's 18 Most Water-Stressed Rivers

World's 18 Most Water-Stressed Rivers. Eighteen river basins - flowing through countries with a collective US$27 trillion in GDP - face "extremely high" levels of baseline water stress leaving businesses, farms, and communities vulnerable to water scarcity.
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Drought Is Only One Explanation for California's Water Crisis

Drought Is Only One Explanation for California's Water Crisis. As lawmakers and other decision-makers move forward with potential solutions to the state's current water shortage, it's important to consider the full context of underlying reasons for California's water vulnerability.
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India's Shift to a Sustainable Energy Future

India's Shift to a Sustainable Energy Future. In this interview, Manish Bapna argues that while India has made important progress on renewable energy, low-carbon alternatives, and increased energy efficiency, much of the potential in this area remains unrealized, including opportunities for greater U.S.-India collaboration.
Read more >>> | See also:
5 Questions with Vivek Adhia: A New Program for Measuring India's Greenhouse Gas Emissions
3 Challenges Facing India's Growing Cities


5 Overlooked Deforestation Hotspots

5 Overlooked Deforestation Hotspots. The latest data from Global Forest Watch, an online forest monitoring and alert system, dives deeper into some under-reported forest hotspots.
Read more >>> | See also:
Fires in Indonesia Spike to Highest Levels Since June 2013 Haze Emergency
4 Actions Companies Can Take to Source Legal Wood.


New Small Grants Fund Can Help Civil Society Groups Combat Deforestation

New Small Grants Fund Can Help Civil Society Groups Combat Deforestation. The Fund aims to support civil society organizations around the world to use the GFW platform in innovative and impactful ways. We have pledged an initial $375,000 for 2014 and are accepting applications through June 30.
Read more >>> | See also:
Struggles in East Kalimantan Underscore Need for Better Access to Environmental Information


New Initiative Will Identify Ways to Create an Effective and Ambitious International Climate Action Agreement

New Initiative Will Identify Ways to Create an Effective and Ambitious International Climate Action Agreement. WRI along with several other organizations recently launched a new global consortium, the Agreement for Climate Transformation 2015 (ACT 2015). Consortium members are working to put forward a proposal of what an effective, global climate agreement would look like.
Read more >>> | See also:
6 Goals for the International Climate Agreement


Open Data: A New Tool for Building Climate Resilience

Open Data: A New Tool for Building Climate Resilience. As communities across America continue to experience increasing climate impacts in the form of rising seas, heat waves, and extreme weather, local and federal leaders can leverage current and relevant data as a basis for developing effective plans and utilizing resources.
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3 Ways the US and China Can Work Together for Responsible Shale Gas Development

3 Ways the US and China Can Work Together for Responsible Shale Gas Development. As China pursues shale gas exploration and development, it could draw some lessons - both positive and negative - from the experience in the United States.
Read more >>> | See also:
STATEMENT: WRI Response to the Strategy to Reduce Methane Emissions




WRI's Assessment of the World Bank's Portfolio - 3 April 2014; Washington, DC - The Sustainable Finance Center at WRI invites participants to the launch event for a report assessing sustainable development and effective governance principles in the World Bank's 2012-2013 portfolio of projects.


Webinar: Disclosing water risk with CDP and WRI - 3 April 2014; Online - Presenters will provide step-by-step guidance on the Aqueduct tool features and data input requirements, as well as an overview of how to interpret the results and respond to CDP's 2014 water information request.


UN-HABITAT World Urban Forum Event: Safer by Design - 11 April 2014; Medellín, Colombia - The seventh UN-HABITAT World Urban Forum will be held April 5-11, 2014 in Medellín, Colombia. EMBARQ will host a side event that focuses on the potential for urban design to make cities safer and more inclusive for all citizens.



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