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From: Forest Policy Info Mailing List digest <forests-l@lists.iisd.ca>
Date: 17 April 2014 06:00
Subject: forests-l digest: April 16, 2014
To: forests-l digest recipients <forests-l@lists.iisd.ca>
Subject: forests-l digest: April 16, 2014
From: "Forest Policy Info Mailing List digest" <forests-l@lists.iisd.ca>
Reply-To: "Forest Policy Info Mailing List" <forests-l@lists.iisd.ca>
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 00:00:08 -0500
FORESTS-L Digest for Wednesday, April 16, 2014.
1. Apply now for the Young Leadership Programme on the Russian Forest Sector
2. Non-wood products - an opportunity for bioeconomy?
3. Infosylva 07/2014 - #FOD-COMM-PUBLICATION
- View forests-l Forum: https://lists.iisd.ca/read/?forum=forests-l
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From: "Satu Williams" <satu.ikonen-williams@efi.int>
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 02:05:37 -0500
Subject: Apply now for the Young Leadership Programme on the Russian Forest Sector
Dear Forests-L Readers,
are you a young professional working in the research and development, governance, administration or business side of the forest sector or a related area? Does your organisation work in or with Russia?
We offer a unique opportunity for 20 young professionals with leadership potential to
• learn about the emerging opportunities and challenges facing the Russian forest sector
• advance their interdisciplinary knowledge and explore innovative policies, business futures and emerging societal demands
• interact with a network of global peers and experts
• share practical experience through group exercises
Programme themes
• Global forest governance: issues at stake and the role of Russia
• Russian forests and the forest sector
• Sustainable Forest Management: implementing the principles in Russia
• Forest policy affecting Russian forest sector development
• Global trends in forest products, markets and trade: the potential of the Russian forest sector
• Foresight as strategic tool: building futures for the forest-based sector through a practical exercise
• Field trip
The Young Leadership Programme on the Russian Forest Sector runs from 15-19 December 2014 in Joensuu, Finland.
Application deadline is 31 May 2014.
More information and how to apply: http://www.efi.int/portal/capacity_building/russia/ylp/
The programme is organised by the European Forest Institute (EFI), the Finnish Forest Research Institute (Metla) and the University of Eastern Finland (EFI). It is supported by the City of Joensuu and the Regional Council of North Karelia.
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From: "Satu Williams" <satu.ikonen-williams@efi.int>
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 02:08:01 -0500
Subject: Non-wood products - an opportunity for bioeconomy?
Dear Forests-L Readers,
The Joensuu Forestry Networking Week (JFNW) invites young and experienced scientists, professionals, policy makers, decision takers, and other stakeholders to discuss non-wood products and bioeconomy issues in Joensuu, Finland on 2-4 September 2014.
European forests and the forest-based sector play an increasingly important role in fostering smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, especially in the context of Europe 2020 Strategy. In the past, this sector has mainly been built around wood based products, while other goods, like non-wood forest products (NWFP) have not played a very prominent role. To unlock its potential the NWFP sector requires knowledge and tools to optimise the sustainable provision and profitability of NWFP and better understanding of the NWFP market potentials and of the role of innovation processes for new products and services.
The objective of the JFNW2014 is to provide the participants with a broad and complete understanding of the current situation of the NWFP sector in Europe. Furthermore, through discussions, interaction with stakeholders and working groups the participants will develop recommendations about the actions needed to unlock the potential of the NWFP sector, and making it a significant part the European bio-economy.
Registration fee is 100 EUR. Information with tentative programme and instructions for pre-registration (deadline 30 April), is available in the event website: http://www.efi.int/portal/news___events/events/jfnw2014/.
The registration fee of max. 3 students will be waived.
For further information, please contact: Robert Mavsar, EFI (robert.mavsar(at)efi.int) or Katriina Pajari, EFI (katriina.pajari(at)efi.int)
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From: Infosylva <Infosylva@fao.org>
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 12:31:14 +0200
Subject: Infosylva 07/2014 - #FOD-COMM-PUBLICATION
From: Forest Policy Info Mailing List digest <forests-l@lists.iisd.ca>
Date: 17 April 2014 06:00
Subject: forests-l digest: April 16, 2014
To: forests-l digest recipients <forests-l@lists.iisd.ca>
Subject: forests-l digest: April 16, 2014
From: "Forest Policy Info Mailing List digest" <forests-l@lists.iisd.ca>
Reply-To: "Forest Policy Info Mailing List" <forests-l@lists.iisd.ca>
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 00:00:08 -0500
FORESTS-L Digest for Wednesday, April 16, 2014.
1. Apply now for the Young Leadership Programme on the Russian Forest Sector
2. Non-wood products - an opportunity for bioeconomy?
3. Infosylva 07/2014 - #FOD-COMM-PUBLICATION
- View forests-l Forum: https://lists.iisd.ca/read/?forum=forests-l
- Membership options / Unsubscribe: https://lists.iisd.ca/read/?forum=forests-l
Subscribe to all other IISD Reporting Services' free newsletters and lists for environment and sustainable development policy professionals at http://www.iisd.ca/email/subscribe.htm
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Satu Williams" <satu.ikonen-williams@efi.int>
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 02:05:37 -0500
Subject: Apply now for the Young Leadership Programme on the Russian Forest Sector
Dear Forests-L Readers,
are you a young professional working in the research and development, governance, administration or business side of the forest sector or a related area? Does your organisation work in or with Russia?
We offer a unique opportunity for 20 young professionals with leadership potential to
• learn about the emerging opportunities and challenges facing the Russian forest sector
• advance their interdisciplinary knowledge and explore innovative policies, business futures and emerging societal demands
• interact with a network of global peers and experts
• share practical experience through group exercises
Programme themes
• Global forest governance: issues at stake and the role of Russia
• Russian forests and the forest sector
• Sustainable Forest Management: implementing the principles in Russia
• Forest policy affecting Russian forest sector development
• Global trends in forest products, markets and trade: the potential of the Russian forest sector
• Foresight as strategic tool: building futures for the forest-based sector through a practical exercise
• Field trip
The Young Leadership Programme on the Russian Forest Sector runs from 15-19 December 2014 in Joensuu, Finland.
Application deadline is 31 May 2014.
More information and how to apply: http://www.efi.int/portal/capacity_building/russia/ylp/
The programme is organised by the European Forest Institute (EFI), the Finnish Forest Research Institute (Metla) and the University of Eastern Finland (EFI). It is supported by the City of Joensuu and the Regional Council of North Karelia.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Satu Williams" <satu.ikonen-williams@efi.int>
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 02:08:01 -0500
Subject: Non-wood products - an opportunity for bioeconomy?
Dear Forests-L Readers,
The Joensuu Forestry Networking Week (JFNW) invites young and experienced scientists, professionals, policy makers, decision takers, and other stakeholders to discuss non-wood products and bioeconomy issues in Joensuu, Finland on 2-4 September 2014.
European forests and the forest-based sector play an increasingly important role in fostering smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, especially in the context of Europe 2020 Strategy. In the past, this sector has mainly been built around wood based products, while other goods, like non-wood forest products (NWFP) have not played a very prominent role. To unlock its potential the NWFP sector requires knowledge and tools to optimise the sustainable provision and profitability of NWFP and better understanding of the NWFP market potentials and of the role of innovation processes for new products and services.
The objective of the JFNW2014 is to provide the participants with a broad and complete understanding of the current situation of the NWFP sector in Europe. Furthermore, through discussions, interaction with stakeholders and working groups the participants will develop recommendations about the actions needed to unlock the potential of the NWFP sector, and making it a significant part the European bio-economy.
Registration fee is 100 EUR. Information with tentative programme and instructions for pre-registration (deadline 30 April), is available in the event website: http://www.efi.int/portal/news___events/events/jfnw2014/.
The registration fee of max. 3 students will be waived.
For further information, please contact: Robert Mavsar, EFI (robert.mavsar(at)efi.int) or Katriina Pajari, EFI (katriina.pajari(at)efi.int)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Infosylva <Infosylva@fao.org>
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 12:31:14 +0200
Subject: Infosylva 07/2014 - #FOD-COMM-PUBLICATION
NO. 07/2014
Dear reader,
Welcome to this new edition of Infosylva. We would like to draw your attention to the International Forum on Payments for Environmental Services of Tropical Forests, held in San José, Costa Rica from 7 to 10 April 2014 and co-organized by FAO, ITTO and Costa Rica's National Forestry Financing Fund (FONAFIFO). At the Forum, both FAO and ITTO highlighted the vast potential of PES schemes for the conservation of forests, especially in tropical regions, as well as their benefits for local communities. (In English, Spanish and French)
A two-day seminar, organized in collaboration with FAO in the Gambia, emphasized the need for a proposed forest landscape protection GEF-funded project, in order to stop and eventually reverse the increasing rates of deforestation and forest degradation. (In English)
A GIZ project in Mongolia aims to reverse the high deforestation and tree mortality rates of the country's taiga forests, by training the forestry experts and environmental technicians of the future in the sustainable management of this ecologically-sensitive environment. (In English)
Environmental organizations are urging Canadian authorities to save the caribou by better protecting its natural habitat, the boreal forest. (In English and French)
After a 500-year absence, the red squirrel has returned to Portugal. Scientists link this occurrence to the expansion of forests in northern Spain and Portugal. (In Spanish)
This news and much more in this edition of Infosylva.
Enjoy your reading!
Estimado lector/a,
Bienvenidos a esta nueva edición de Infosylva en la que queremos llamar su atención sobre el Foro Internacional sobre Pagos por Servicios Ambientales de los Bosques Tropicales, celebrado en San José, Costa Rica del 07 al 10 04 2014 y coorganizado por la FAO, la OIMT y el Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento Forestal de Costa Rica (FONAFIFO). En el Foro, la FAO y la OIMT destacaron el enorme potencial de los esquemas de PSA para la conservación de los bosques, sobre todo en las regiones tropicales, así como sus beneficios para las comunidades locales. (En inglés, español y francés)
Un seminario de dos días, organizado en colaboración con la FAO en Gambia, hizo hincapié en la necesidad de un proyecto de protección del paisaje forestal financiado por el fondo Mundial por el Medio Ambiente (GEF por sus siglas en inglés), con el fin de frenar y posiblemente revertir las crecientes tasas de deforestación y degradación de los bosques. (En inglés)
Un proyecto de GIZ en Mongolia tiene como objetivo revertir las altas tasas de deforestación y la mortalidad de los árboles en los bosques de la taiga del país, al invertir en la capacitación de un grupo de expertos forestales y técnicos de medio ambiente del futuro, en la gestión sostenible de este ecosistema ambientalmente sensible. (En inglés)
Algunas organizaciones ecologistas instan a las autoridades canadienses para salvar al caribú a través de una mejor protección de su hábitat natural, el bosque boreal. (En inglés y francés)
Después de una ausencia de 500 años, la ardilla roja ha vuelto a Portugal. Los científicos vinculan este hecho a la expansión de los bosques en el norte de España y Portugal. (En español)
Todas estas noticias y mucho más en esta edición de Infosylva.
¡Buena lectura!
Chère lectrice, cher lecteur,
Bienvenue à une nouvelle édition de Infosylva dans laquelle nous voulons attirer votre attention sur le Forum international sur les paiements pour services liés aux écosystèmes des forêts tropicales, qui s'est tenue à San José, Costa Rica du 7 au 10 Avril 2014 et qui a été organisé par la FAO, l'OIBT et le Fonds national de financement des forêts du Costa Rica (FONAFIFO). Lors du Forum, la FAO et l'OIBT ont mis en évidence l'immense potentiel des systèmes de PSE pour la conservation des forêts, en particulier dans les régions tropicales, ainsi que les avantages de ces systèmes pour les communautés locales. (En anglais, espagnol et français)
Un séminaire de deux jours, organisé en collaboration avec la FAO en Gambie, a souligné la nécessité d'un projet de protection du paysage forestier financé par le GEF (Fonds pour l'environnement mondial), afin d'arrêter et même d'inverser l'augmentation des taux de déforestation et de dégradation des forêts. (En anglais)
Un projet GIZ en Mongolie vise à inverser les taux élevés de déforestation et de la mortalité des arbres des forêts de la taïga du pays, par la formation d'experts forestiers et de techniciens de l'environnement dans la gestion durable de cet écosystème écologiquement sensible. (En anglais)
Les organisations environnementales exhortent les autorités canadiennes à sauver le caribou, en mieux protégeant son habitat naturel, la forêt boréale. (En anglais et en français)
Après une absence de 500 ans, l'écureuil roux est de retour au Portugal. Les scientifiques relient cet événement à l'expansion des forêts dans le nord de l'Espagne et du Portugal. (En espagnol)
Ces nouvelles et beaucoup plus encore dans cette édition de Infosylva.
Bonne lecture!
Luigi Baldassari
Infosylva editor
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