From: Water Issues Announcement List digest <>
Date: 24 April 2014 06:00
Subject: water-l digest: April 23, 2014
To: water-l digest recipients <>
Subject: water-l digest: April 23, 2014
From: "Water Issues Announcement List digest" <>
Reply-To: "Water Issues Announcement List" <>
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 00:00:13 -0500
WATER-L Digest for Wednesday, April 23, 2014.
1. The latest dossier on The Water Channel: 'The Underground Drought'
2. GL Lecture by Jeremy Bird 'Water, Energy, Food Nexus'
3. New book: Living with Water Scarcity
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Anna Smits" <>
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 07:24:23 -0500
Subject: The latest dossier on The Water Channel: 'The Underground Drought'
Dear fellow Water L-list members,
I want to inform you about a new thematic page that we have released on Also, we need your help!
The dossier is called: 'The Underground Drought' and you can find it on
Bad management and overuse of groundwater have contributed to an underground drought that is felt far across the world. To make matters worse, the groundwater that is left, can not be accessed equally by people all over the world. TheWaterChannel has created a space to bring together what is known about these problems and urges you to participate!
The thematic page 'The Underground Drought' contains videos, (, webinars, resources, links, discussions, articles and blog posts related to groundwater and is in need of your comment, your opinion, your knowledge, and, last but not least, your videos. What has led to the underground drought? What is being done and what can be done to address it? By whom? Add to the discussion on The Water Channel.
All the world's great lakes and mighty rivers put together form only a fraction of the unfrozen fresh water our earth houses. Hidden underground, groundwater covers a much bigger percentage of 97% of the unfrozen fresh water reserve. It seems to be a case of 'out of sight, out of mind' as humankind has not done a great job at assessing the groundwater resources so far. Between 2003 and 2010 we have lost 90 km3 of groundwater, mostly due to bad management and overuse. Consequently an underground drought is felt across the world as far as the Americas, Africa, South Asia and China. Predictably, the worst effects are being felt by the poor and the marginalized. Not only because they live in areas with depleted groundwater, but also because they lack decent access to the remaining groundwater due to political tussle, unequal rights, tensions and lack of means to extract.
So if you are interested: please voice your opinion, share your experiences, add resources and post your videos. We look forward to your engagement! And don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Kind Regards,
Anna Smits
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From: "Bruce Lankford (DEV)" <>
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 14:57:58 +0000
Subject: GL Lecture by Jeremy Bird 'Water, Energy, Food Nexus'
Dear all
The 2014 Gerald Lacey Memorial Lecture will be given by Jeremy Bird, Director General of the International Water Management Institute (IWMI). The title of his talk is "The Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus – is it really new?"
This event is held in Central London at the ICE on Monday 12 May at 6 pm. (One Great George Street, Westminster, SW1P 3AA).
You can now book on line- please follow the link for details of the event and to book your place:,-Ene
When booking you can choose between attending on-line or in person in London.
Any problems with booking on line please contact a member of the ICE events team +44 (0)20 7665 2226
Please forward this email to your own networks & colleagues
Kind regards,
Bruce Lankford, Chair of the Irrigation and Water Forum, (ICID-UK)
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From: David Zetland <>
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 15:35:57 -0600
Subject: New book: Living with Water Scarcity
Do you worry that there is not enough water for people, the economy and environment? Do you wonder if the water in our taps and rivers is safe or polluted? Do you want to know if farmers waste water, utilities charge too much, or bottled water destroys ecosystems? You're not alone in asking questions. The headlines say "drought, pollution, conflict and insecurity," but the stories offer few solutions. Living with Water Scarcity clarifies the connections among personal and social water flows in an accessible style. It describes the origins and costs of water scarcity and explains how to address it with fair and pragmatic policies. You and your community can live with water scarcity --- just manage water as the precious resource it is.
Visiting lecturer in resource economics at Simon Fraser University
Blogging on the political economy of water at aguanomics
Author of Living with Water Scarcity (2014) and The End of Abundance (2011)
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