
“Many people praise and acknowledge the healing power of plants, but few people actually take action to prevent their extension by planting and conserving them for future generations.” (Ernest Rukangira )

Saturday, 21 December 2013






The Government of the Republic of Moldova deposited its instrument of

accession to the 1991 Act of the International Convention for the Protection

of New Varieties of Plants on September 28, 1998. The deposit by the

Republic of Moldova of its instrument of accession brings to eight the

number of States which have adhered to the 1991 Act of the Convention. The

1991 Act, which effects important revisions to the UPOV Convention, came

into force on April 24, 1998. The 1978 Act of the Convention became closed

to further accessions on April 24, 1998, except for States which have

started the accession process prior to that date.


When the accession by the Republic of Moldova enters into force on October

28, 1998, the number of member States of the International Union for the

Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) will be 38. The member States

are as follows:


Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia,

Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary,

Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway,

Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation,

Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Trinidad and Tobago,

United Kingdom, United States of America, Ukraine, Uruguay.


UPOV is an intergovernmental organization which cooperates in administrative

matters with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and has its

headquarters in the WIPO building in Geneva, Switzerland.


The purpose of the International Convention for the Protection of New

Varieties of Plants is to recognize and to ensure an intellectual property

right to the breeder of a new plant variety. The member States of UPOV grant

such a right in accordance with the provisions of the Convention, under

their national legislation. To be eligible for protection, varieties have to

belong to one of the botanical genera or species on the national list of

those eligible for protection (where there is a limited list), be distinct

>from commonly known varieties and be sufficiently homogeneous and stable.

Protected varieties remain available for use as a source of variation for

the development of other varieties.



ABOUT THIS LISTSERVER -- BIO-IPR is an irregular listserver put out by

Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN). Its purpose is to circulate

information about recent developments in the field of intellectual property

rights related to biodiversity & associated knowledge. BIO-IPR is a strictly


non-commercial and educational service for nonprofit organisations and

individuals active in the struggle against IPRs on life.

HOW TO PARTICIPATE -- To get on the mailing list, send the word "subscribe"

(no quotes) as the subject of an email message to

<>. To get off the list, send the word

"unsubscribe" instead. To submit material to the list, address your message

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Resent-Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 19:16:18 -0700

Date: Tue, 06 Oct 1998 10:15:02 +0800

From: GRAIN Los Banos <>



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Subject: [BIO-IPR] Initiatives to protect traditional knowledge (A. Lopez)



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TITLE: Initiatives for the Protection of Holders of Traditional Knowledge,

Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

AUTHOR: Mr. Atencio López, President of the Napguana Association, Panama

PUBLICATION: papers from the WIPO Roundtable on Intellectual Property and

Indigenous Peoples

DATE: Geneva, 23-24 July 1998

SOURCE: World Intellectual Property Organization

FORMAT: PDF or MSWord2.0

URL: see under





DATE: July 6, 1998


World Intellectual Property Organization


Roundtable on Intellectual Property and Indigenous Peoples

Geneva, July 23 and 24, 1998





Document presented by Mr. Atencio López, President of the Napguana

Association, Panama


Since the establishment of what we now know as the “intellectual property

system” just over a century ago, indigenous knowledge, which is rich in

medicine, art, crafts, music, literature, etc. has been steadily

marginalized, simply because it has to do with the collective rights of a

people and because it does not have a known author or creator.  This legal

vacuum could be looked upon as the continuation of an unending genocide

inflicted on indigenous peoples from time immemorial.  One might think that

our culture had been intended solely to give mankind its folklore image, to

the extent of being catalogued as the heritage of that same mankind, with no

recognition of its true origin.


We are living through a period of wholesale plundering or pirating of

indigenous knowledge and products without any related benefits for our

peoples.  For instance, until quite recently the involvement of indigenous

botanists and medicine men was considered retrograde in medicine, while

today many of medicine’s transnational pharmaceutical companies are

investing large or smaller amounts of money to gain control of traditional

indigenous medicine, and even registering sacred plants as if they have been

developed in a laboratory.  At the same time indigenous designs are

gradually gaining a foothold in fashion and on the runways, but with alien

labels or marks that have nothing to do with our peoples.


Finally, persons who have no connection with our peoples write, record and

sell songs, legends and tales for commercial purposes with no concern for

the copyright of the peoples affected.  As a first step it is urgently

necessary to put an end to this appropriation, which is virtually legalized

in many countries, and for the governing body of intellectual property,

namely WIPO itself, to introduce an international legal standard for the

preservation of indigenous knowledge.


At the indigenous level, it was not until the eighth decade of this century

that the subject began to be discussed and became a matter for concern, and

only in very recent years that it has been subjected to analysis in various

international forums and institutions.  This in turn has led to a situation


where we indigenous peoples do not agree on concepts, and it has been

difficult to conform to the already firmly established precepts of WIPO,

owing to the fact that our collective rights are denied us, or are a subject

still unknown to us.  This being the situation within the United Nations

system in recent years, special attention has been given to the subject in

such areas as the United Nations Development Programme (Conserving

Indigenous Knowledge:  Integrating two Systems of Innovation;  study

conducted by Rural Advancement Foundation International (RAFI) for the UNDP,

1994), the UN Commission on Human Rights (report by Erica-Irene Daes,

“Protection of the Heritage of Indigenous Peoples,” E/CN.4/sub.2/1995/26),

UNESCO (Model Provisions for National Laws on the Protection of Expressions

of Folklore Against Illicit Exploitation and Other Prejudicial Actions), the

implementation of Article 8(j) and related articles of the Convention on

Biological Diversity (CBD) and finally WIPO itself, summing up the debate on

these matters, not to mention the interest also shown by the World Trade

Organization (WTO).  To my way of thinking, however, all appear still to

have their own agendas, which is why we are not likely to move forward or to

help indigenous communities unless we join forces and hold an international

conference under the auspices of WIPO.


This is also a sign that our demands are being heeded, and it remains only

for all interested parties sit round the same negotiating table and look for

the best options for doing justice to indigenous peoples.  We have to put

our grievances and complaints to one side and involve ourselves in the

search for solutions.


To do that it is important that we start by studying national legislation,

which, if we look at it in detail, will at best afford us some leads or

legal expedients for the protection of indigenous knowledge, whereupon we

can evaluate the international indigenous steps that have already been taken

in this field, including the following:


­       “Map of the Lands of Indigenous PeoplesKari-Oca Declaration” (Part


Cultura, Ciencia y Propiedad Intelectual, Rio de Janeiro, May 1992);

­       Mataatua Declaration “On the Intellectual and Cultural Rights of

Indigenous Peoples” (Aotearoa, June 1993);

­       Declaration of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, Regional Meeting on

Intellectual Property and Indigenous Peoples (September 1994);

­       Declaration by the Indigenous Peoples of the Western Hemisphere on


Human Genome Diversity Project (Phoenix, Arizona, 1995);

­       Ukupseni Declaration, Indigenous Workshop Meeting on the Human


Diversity Project (Kuna Yala, Panama, November, 1997).


In the light of the foregoing, we are extremely pleased to see that WIPO has

shown an interest and has created a Division of Global Intellectual Property

Issues, whose 1998-1999 work plan includes the sub-program “Intellectual

Property Rights for New Beneficiaries,” which has brought us together today.

At this time it is important to proceed with a study of the system already

established within WIPO in order that we may demand our rights.


Brief Analysis of the Situation in Central America


In the Central American context we can see how the countries of the region

have been pressing ahead with the adoption of laws on intellectual property

and copyright, some of them forced into it by the United States of America

and others, as they do not wish to be kept out of those business activities

which, at the international level, require respect for copyright.


However, there is no sign, in these preliminary drafts or laws, of parts

dedicated to the protection of the copyright or intellectual property rights

of indigenous peoples, or, if there is, they take the form of a mere mention

in certain chapters without the development that they deserve.  In this way

the legislators have endeavored to disregard one of the features that

Governments try to exploit the most in order to attract tourists or exalt

nationhood.  We regard this as being due to a lack of understanding or even

a disregard for indigenous culture, not wanting to call it racism.


In 1970 and thereafter Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa

Rica signed the Central American Convention for the Protection of Industrial

Property, which came into force in 1975.  Its approval had been a

prerequisite of progress in the attainment of the objectives of the Central

American economic integration program.  The Convention contains provisions

on use and on collective trademarks.  It also covers the lapse of trademark

ownership, the protection of trade names and advertising slogans or signs,

unfair competition, indications of source, appellations of origin and

matters concerning industrial registration.  At present there is growing

interest within the Central American Parliament in the establishment of a

new Convention to encompass more countries, but there seems to be no

political will to expedite such discussions, and the Convention will not

come into being unless there is due consultation of the actual peoples



In Honduras the laws on the subject date back to 1919, one of them a patent

law and the other a law on manufacturing trademarks.  They were revised in

1936 to accommodate the copyright concept.  Provisions on the subject were

introduced in Costa Rica in 1896, when industrial property, in the form of

trademarks, trade names, advertising slogans and inventions, was protected

in the same way as copyright.  In El Salvador the most recent law was passed

on July 14, 1993, and is known as the Law on the Promotion and Protection of

Intellectual Property.  In Guatemala the legislation dates back to 1954, the

protection for industrial creation being currently provided by the Law on

Patents, Utility Models and Industrial Designs, approved in 1986.


As we said at the beginning, the countries of Central America have been

under pressure from the United States of America, as they do not wish to be

excluded from the commercial dealings taking place at the international

level, such as the free-trade treaties, or the protection for North American

videos, which circulate freely in the area without the authorization of the

producers or legitimate distributors.


If one considers other related laws, there is ILO Convention 169, which only

Costa Rica and Guatemala have ratified, while in other countries, notably

Panama, it is a highly controversial subject, to such an extent that it has

become a campaign banner for indigenous peoples.  The Convention on

Biological Diversity is suffering the same fate, especially its Article

8(j), which is going to be delayed for some more time yet.  The priority for

Governments is the sale of package holidays in industrialized countries, or

the declaration of free-trade areas, which give precedence to foreign

authors’ rights, as a result of which there are few or no laws that protect

indigenous knowledge.


Intellectual Property Legislation in Panama


Panama has many local industries that are in fact subsidiaries of innovative

transnational or multinational companies, and because of that has laws that

promote innovation by controlling the copying of inventions, identification

symbols and creative expressions.  Those laws encompass four characteristic

and separate types of intangible property, namely patents, registered

trademarks, copyright and manufacturing secrets, in other words what we call

“intellectual property.”


There is not one single law on the protection of the collective rights or

the knowledge of indigenous peoples, in spite of the fact that the 1983

Constitution, the one currently in force, still has the following in its

Articles 77 and 86:


“Article 77.  National culture is made up of the artistic, philosophical and

scientific manifestations produced by the people of Panama throughout the

ages.  The State shall promote, develop and safeguard that heritage.”


“Article 86.  The State recognizes and respects the ethnic identity of

indigenous national communities, shall implement programs for the

development of the specific material, social and spiritual values of their

individual cultures and shall create an institution for the study,

preservation and disclosure of those cultures and their languages and for

the promotion of the comprehensive development of the said groups of



Each of these constitutional provisions has remained a dead letter since the

time of its implementation, in such a way that it has proved necessary to

resort to other laws for the protection of indigenous knowledge;  they

include the following:


1.      Law No. 41 of July 13, 1995, “Approving the Paris Convention for the

Protection of Industrial Property of March 20, 1883, as revised at Brussels

on December 14, 1990, Washington on June 2, 1911, the Hague on November 6,

1925, London on June 2, 1934, Lisbon on October 31, 1958, and Stockholm on

July 14, 1967.”


In the case of Panama there has been a great deal of delay in the

ratification of the Paris Convention and, as far as indigenous peoples in

general are concerned, it does not in any way afford protection to

indigenous knowledge, indeed it actually protects the individual rights of

creators or inventors, and therefore not collective rights.  For that reason

we consider it inappropriate to look on this international instrument in

expectation of immediate benefits for indigenous peoples until such time as


it is brought up to date.


2.      Law No. 15 of August 8, 1994, “Approving the Law on Copyright and

Neighboring Rights and enacting other provisions.”  This Law has been

introduced against a background characterized by the majority of Central

American countries speeding up the preparation of preliminary draft

legislation on intellectual property and copyright in recent years, for fear

of being left out of the most important developments in international trade.

The area’s obsolete regulations did not win the blessing of the United

States of America, which is the party with the greatest interest in respect

for the intellectual property rights of its businesses and industry,

regardless of whether or not the Central American countries protect the same

rights of their own nationals, not to mention those of their indigenous



>From its very first Article, it gives indigenous peoples no opportunity to

claim collective rights in their art, science or musical compositions, which

however the present Law is supposed to protect for the benefit of the

country’s nationals.


According to its Article 1(11) , “‘Expressions of folklore’ means

productions of characteristic elements of the traditional cultural heritage,

constituted by the whole store of literary and artistic works created on the

national territory by unknown or unidentified authors presumed to be

nationals or to belong to the country’s ethnic communities, and which are

handed down from generation to generation and reflect the traditional

artistic or literary aspirations of a community.”


This is the only part that speaks of “ethnic communities”;  it is not found

anywhere else, which is a reflection of the lack of interest in legislating

in favor of indigenous peoples, and a reflection also of the fact that there

was never any consultation of those peoples.


Another of the Law’s adverse aspects with regard to the protection of the

collective rights of indigenous peoples is the part concerned with “Term and

Limitations” (Articles 42 and 43).


“Article 42.  Economic rights shall subsist for the life of the author and

50 years following his death and shall be transferred mortis causa in

accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code.  In the case of a work of

joint authorship, the term shall be calculated from the death of the last

surviving co-author.


“Article 43.  In the case of anonymous and pseudonymous works, the term

shall be 50 years from the year of the disclosure thereof, except where the

author reveals his identity before the said term expires, in which case the

provisions of the foregoing Article shall be applicable.”


Apart from that Panamanian legislation provides solely that words, letters

or signs “used” by indigenous groups may not be registered as trademarks or

trade names.  There is no mention of the groups’ ownership, but only of use

or mere possession, with the result that the art and the medicinal products

or knowledge of indigenous peoples continue to be exposed to the risk of

patenting by companies and persons alien to the community.  Neither is it

specified, when “groups” are spoken of, whether the reference is to


communities, villages or regions, “indigenous groups” being likened to mere

religious groups or non-profit associations.  In other words, as in all

Panamanian law, indigenous peoples do not themselves have legal capacity,

which can be a limiting factor for the registration of their own knowledge

or products by means of the legal machinery provided by Law No. 35 of March

10, 1996.


In order to deal with this, the Ministry of Commerce and Industries, acting

through the Directorate General of the Industrial Property Registry, has

made it known to the indigenous Kuna tribe that it has frozen all

registrations of trademarks and patents that are detrimental to the

interests or heritage of the Kuna people, giving priority to applications

for the registration as trademarks of indigenous subject matter by the

indigenous peoples themselves, thereby giving indigenous products the

cultural, ethnic and commercial value that they deserve.  In that case we

would be speaking of collective and guarantee marks and the registration of

indications of source and appellations of origin.


This indicates to us that, if an analysis were made and if the

non-indigenous authorities competent in the field were asked for a

pronouncement or explanation on the laws already existing in relation to the

basic principles of WIPO, we might find certain legal provisions that could

benefit us, without perhaps satisfying us completely, but nevertheless

affording a window through which we could enter the complex world of

intellectual property.


Finally, we hope that this Roundtable will not be just the first or the

last, but rather that it will be the beginning of an exercise that will

eventually satisfy the demands of our peoples by implementing a Convention

dedicated to protecting the collective intellectual property rights of the

indigenous peoples of the world.



ABOUT THIS LISTSERVER -- BIO-IPR is an irregular listserver put out by

Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN). Its purpose is to circulate

information about recent developments in the field of intellectual property

rights related to biodiversity & associated knowledge. BIO-IPR is a strictly

non-commercial and educational service for nonprofit organisations and

individuals active in the struggle against IPRs on life.

HOW TO PARTICIPATE -- To get on the mailing list, send the word

"subscribe" (no quotes) as the subject of an email message to

<>. To get off the list, send the word

"unsubscribe" instead. To submit material to the list, address your message

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Resent-Date: Sat, 10 Oct 1998 09:24:09 -0700

Date: Sun, 11 Oct 1998 00:25:42 +0800

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Subject: [BIO-IPR] India: updates on basmati patent



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TITLE: India not to hurry with appeal on basmati patenting

AUTHOR: T S Vishwanath

DATE: 11 September 1998


TITLE: One-upmanship over basmati

AUTHOR: Nidhi Nath Srinivas

DATE: 19 September 1998


PUBLICATION: The Economic Times (The Times of India)




The Economic Times

11 September 1998




by T S Vishwanath


INDIA is in no hurry to appeal against the Ricetec patent for basmati at the

US patent office despite Pakistan's decision to go ahead with its appeal



Pakistan has decided to independently file an appeal against the Ricetec

patent at the US Patent office in the next couple of days.


"We will, however, do our research completely before appealing against the

Ricetec Patent. The appeal will be filed soon and the Pakistan move to hurry

with its appeal does not hamper our position," said an official in New



"The idea is to prove that basmati is grown in this region and Ricetec

cannot be given a patent for basmati," he said, adding, ``While it would

have been better for the two countries to file the appeal together, the

Pakistani move does not hurt India's position in any way."


The BJP-led government has set up an inter-ministerial committee to decide

on the strategy for countering the threat to basmati. At the same time,

scientific evidence is being collected by several institutions

simultaneously to prove that basmati is a generic Indian produce.


India has been, for the last few months, compiling evidence to prove that

the long-grain rice developed by RiceTec does not have the characteristics

of traditional basmati.


Also, the country has been collecting evidence to prove that only long grain

aromatic rice grown in the foothills of the Himalayas can be called the real

basmati. Pakistan, however, believes that authentic basmati is grown in



Earlier, India had protested against the French authorities' decision to

allow a French company use the term 'basmati' in its trade mark.


The Indian government filed a protest with the French trademarks office

against granting the French foods company, Establissements Haudecoeur La

Courneuve, the permission to use two new trade marks , 'Riz Long Basmati'

and 'Riz Long Basmati Riz Du Monde' to sell long-grain aromatic rice in the



India's contention has been that even though these foreign companies can

sell rice virtually identical in aroma and taste, it cannot use the

traditional Indian name 'basmati' because it is used for the rice grown in a

specific geographic area.


The Times of India © Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. 1997.




The Economic Times

19 September 1998




by Nidhi Nath Srinivas


Pakistan's decision to fight RiceTec's patent independently in the United

States is yet another move in the endless and futile game of one-upmanship

between the two countries, where short-term political gains are being sought

at the expense of long-term business advantage.


Pakistan believes that becoming the first to challenge the patent would give

it unprecedented leverage in this landmark case on protecting geographic

appellations in south Asia, where hitherto it had been relegated to a

secondary role. But this decision to distance itself from India can be only

superficially to its advantage because the basmati trade of both countries

is complementary and any threat to one necessarily spills over to the other.


In fact, till May 5 this year, Pakistani rice traders were perfectly willing

to cooperate fully with the Indian trade in collecting evidence to prove

that basmati rice is peculiar to the Indian sub-continent and that the new

grain developed by RiceTec is similar to other long grain aromatic rice

grown in the sub-continent.


Pakistani traders visited Delhi and even promised to give India a legal

affidavit stating that it fully agrees with India's position that

historically basmati belongs to the sub-continent and that it supports the

scientific evidence collected by India to dispute the novelty of RiceTec's



Then the bomb exploded and diplomatic relations hit an unprecedented trough.

All subsequent attempts by India to get the affidavit quickly from Pakistan

met with complete silence, even as frenzied attempts were being made to beat

India in the race to the US patents office.


Of course, since both the Indian and Pakistani rice trades stand to gain

equally, it is immaterial who files the petition as long as the case is won

and the patent is revoked.


But political expediency is now compelling the two countries to file two

different sets of evidence where there need only have been one. The

avoidable confusion that this may create could well cost both nations the

case and a huge loss in trade terms. Any discrepancy between the evidence

filed by India and Pakistan can only work in RiceTec's favour.


India will now have to necessarily take into account the legal strategy, the

quality of scientific evidence, and the geographic appellation Pakistan may

have used to define basmati, before it can put forward its own petition.


For instance, Pakistan has compared the RiceTec grain with its own basmati

hybrid - Pak 385, and come to the conclusion that it does not have the

characteristics of real basmati. India, on the other hand, has adopted the

position that no such comparison is necessary because the product attributes

of a grain developed by another country can never be the eligibility

criteria for the rice to be called basmati as it is unique to our country.


Further, Pakistan has stated that the real basmati grows only in Punjab, and

holds no brief for the other states in India that also grow basmati. In

fact, the term it is taking pride in now using is `Pakistan basmati'. India,

on the other hand, has always maintained that apart from Punjab, basmati is

grown in the foothills of the Himalayas, western Uttar Pradesh, and Haryana.

It has also been scrupulously careful in referring to it as `basmati from

India and Pakistan'. By limiting the traditional area under basmati to only

Punjab, Pakistan is, thus, seriously jeopardising Indian interests.


With these glaringly differences in points of view, perhaps it is in India's

best interests not fall into the trap of one-upmanship and continue with its

original stance that basmati belongs to the entire sub-continent and that no

foreign company can grow a long grain aromatic variety in any other part of

the world and call it basmati.


This holistic approach may well limit any damage inflicted by Pakistan's

insistence on a Pakistani basmati.


It may also work to India's advantage if it is able to witness the fate of

Pakistan's evidence in the US patents office before filing its own

challenge. Fortunately, it still remains a win-win situation for the rice

trade in both countries, no matter who manages to fend off RiceTec. But the

next time round, in another case, in another sector, business may not get so

lucky. That's the scary bit.


The Times of India © Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. 1997.



ABOUT THIS LISTSERVER -- BIO-IPR is an irregular listserver put out by

Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN). Its purpose is to circulate

information about recent developments in the field of intellectual property

rights related to biodiversity & associated knowledge. BIO-IPR is a strictly

non-commercial and educational service for nonprofit organisations and

individuals active in the struggle against IPRs on life.

HOW TO PARTICIPATE -- To get on the mailing list, send the word "subscribe"

(no quotes) as the subject of an email message to

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Subject: GE - news 10/9

Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 00:51:59 +0100

From: genetics <>






3) Truly the seeds of destruction



OTC 09.10.98 01:12

COLOMBO, (Oct. 8) IPS - Long before the arrival of Western drugs,

indigenous doctors pounded and prepared medicine

>from wild plants and flowers gathered from Sri Lanka's thick tropical

forests to treat a variety of illnesses.


ancient formulations of the "ayurveda" system of medicine were zealously

guarded and passed on from one generation to

the next in families that could trace back their ancestry for many


In the northcentral town of Polonnaruwa an indigenous doctor treats

patients with heart problems who would otherwise

require bypass surgery for a fraction of the cost of surgery which is at

least $4,500 in hospitals in the country..

Now giant global pharmaceutical drug companies, aware of the therapeu tical

qualities of medicinal plants, are virtually

stealing this ancient wisdom by extracting chemicals from local plants and

patenting it abroad, particularly in the United


Upali Pilapitiya, director of the Bandaranaike Memorial Ayurveda Research

Institute, says that the tremendous interest in

the West about natural Ayurvedic remedies, has led to a growing interest in

Asia's indigenous plant life.

Studies have revealed that more than 40 percent of western pharmaceutical

products contain

Asian plant extracts but these Asian countries including Sri Lanka have

earned very little in return.

Export of medicinal plants or their extracts is banned in Sri Lanka.

However bio-piracy is flourishing, quite often with the

assistance of Sri Lankans who have no qualms of selling indigenous

knowledge and innovation. Last month, a university

professor and another wealthy Sri Lankan, whose wife is a social activist,

were detained for bio-piracy by security


"Loopholes in existing law s and other legal snags are robbing the country

of millions of dollars that is rightfully ours,"

asserts Sirimal Premakumara, a scientist at the Ceylon Institute of

Scientific and Industrial Research.

He said that since the country does not have the hi-tech scientific

equipment to analyze chemical components of indigenous

plants or the capacity to pay the international patent fee of $60,000,

wealthy countries are taking advantage.

For instance Salacil Reticulata, the scientific name for the loc ally grown

Kothalahimbutu plant, has been recognized abroad

for its ability to control diabetes. Ayurveda physicians in Sri Lanka have

always advised patients to drink water left

overnight in a hand-carved Kothalahimbutu mug or jug, whose production has

become a cottage industry in the island.

Newspapers here report that a Japanese drug company patented a product

based on this herb through the American

Chemical Society last year.

Many other patents, like from the plant Weniwalgeta -- used effec tively as

a herbal remedy for fever, coughs and colds --

have been registered by Japanese, European and U.S. pharmaceutical


Environmental lawyer Jagath Gunawardene says, "although the law requires

that a patent can be obtained only if it is an

economically valuable invention created through a methodology, most

multinationals have somehow obtained patents for

products used in our country for thousands of years."

Scientists say that the normal ruse adopted by drug transnationals is

to befriend an indigenous doctor, learn the curative properties of plants

and sometimes offer him a trip abroad. The process

of extraction of the chemical and export of the product which is often in

the form of a powder, chemical solvent or the bark

of trees, follows.

The two recent cases of biopiracy last month involving a university

botanist and a wealthy Sri Lankan got wide publicity

and led to a sudden interest in the issue by environmentalists and

scientists here.

The botanist was interce pted by customs at Colombo airport trying to

smuggle some plant extracts in his suitcase. In the

same month, customs officials discovered a container load of Kothalahimbutu

-- 1,512 cups weighing some 4 tons -- being

shipped to Japan through a firm owned by the wealthy Sri Lankan.

Gunawardene feels that the laws should be strengthened to prevent the

smuggling of Sri Lanka's indigenous plants and

ayurvedic knowledge.

Normally, product patents are given only if they fulfill the criteria of

being=20 new, specify the process and must

necessarily have commercial value. If there are discrepancies in this

process, the patent can be contested in court.

Like in the case of the U.S patent for turmeric which was successfully

challenged by India on the grounds that its medicinal

properties are well known since ancient times.

However, because India has no worthwhile law to protect its rich

biodiversity or intellectual property rights another U.S

company earlier this year took out patents on long-grai n basmati rice

grown for centuries by farmers in India and Pakistan.

Developing countries, rich in indigenous resources, need to tighten

biodiversity laws to stop the usurpation of the resources

and knowledge of its people, Sri Lankan scientists say.

Copyright 1998


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