
“Many people praise and acknowledge the healing power of plants, but few people actually take action to prevent their extension by planting and conserving them for future generations.” (Ernest Rukangira )

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

  • Recently Scientists from the fish arm of a NZ State owned enterprise. (SOE)
    carried out a survey deep in the Pacific, in an area of fish migratory

    The conclusion was that the fish stocks had declined by 50% in as many
    years. This of course is alarming news.

    That those stocks were declining, was prior knowledge. What was not known
    was the extent of the decline.

    The official response has been, and is, to tighten the controls on
    recreational fishing. The sheriffs men have the power to confiscate the
    offenders vehicles, which of course they do. They are then further punished
    by punitive Court House monetary extractions. The sheeple are then fed
    stories via the media of these evil people who are destroying the peoples

    However the commercial plunder continues unabated. Even the Tangata Whenua
    ( The Maori ) have joined the pillage.

    Let it be said that there is no shortage of fish at the fishmongers. The
    catch is (pardon the pun) that some of the more popular fish now cost
    between $20 and $26 a Kilogram. That is Tokyo prices on a New Zealand wage.
    That is an absolutely scandalous situation for an Island Nation.

    The problem is two pronged. Commercial exploitation and pollution. For
    example all Tuna now carry toxic loads of mercury. However it is still being
    sold to an unwitting public in huge amounts, and the women's magazines are
    awash with healthy Tuna Salads for the weight conscious.

    Blame the victims and fleece them at the same time.

    The pathos laden anecdote of wilting flowers dropped in a car park is a
    potent symbol of a feckless stupidity on the part of the sheeple. But that
    is how authority ..... makes wrong appear like a right !

    How well I remember the stunning impact of an English spring on a grimy
    industrial city. Acres of flowers cloaking the great bomb gouges of mans
    stupidity. On Sundays when the city bustle had died down the air was thick
    with natures hang gliding golden seed. People were not allergic to their
    environment then.

    I tried to carry some of those breathtaking jewels of our common Mother to
    my own more immediate mother. Alas in plucking them I took a life, and fast
    expiring they lay dying on the cobble stones of a city street. A tasty bonus
    for passing dray horses. The flowers were not really wasted, nature
    produced an abundance for people, and for the dray horse, a fresh tasty and
    healing relief from the monotony of their dehydrated diet.

    Anyone remember Cat Stevens ? 'Tell me, where do the children play' ......
    yes where do they play ? As far as I can see its mainly in Juvenile halls
    whilst dosed up to the eyeballs with baby speed (Ritalin) Once again the
    victims are scapegoated.

    The fish problem is the same as the herb problem. The office experts serve
    the interests of commerce instead of those of the people. I must also ask
    ..... tell me .... where do the elk and the buffalo roam ? where do they
    graze the wild herbs in season.

    For it is an essential part of their diet. But alas the world is being cut
    up with fences and the creatures of the earth are dying.

    Pressure on the environment is not limited to people or animals, by far the
    greatest toll is exacted by Scientific farming methods. Followed by
    Scientific food processing. The barbarity of the method is no different to
    the barbarity of orthodox medicine.

    A British newspaper recently reported the story of a London based woman
    biologist (soon to be pregnant men) who wanted to become pregnant. I can
    remember the time, when it was only necessary for a man and a woman to look
    at each other in a certain way.

    However she was an informed, thoroughly modern Milly ... she had herself
    tested and found that she was polluted with over 300 toxic chemicals .... I
    wonder if she also took into account the horse urine hormones that she was
    taking to control her fertility. I wonder will she then go onto HRT to
    control her hot flushes. Or perhaps she will now take an anti depressant
    which is to serve as a medical replacement for the cancer causing hormones
    and go mad instead of rotting from cancer ?

    America leads the world in such technology. America is suffering with land
    pox which is out of control, the people are dying, the animals are dying,
    the land is dying, further she then exports her problems, as do the rest of
    the first world nations to the poor and deprieved .... Africa is a high
    profile case where this is occurring.

    When people come together in groups that is a good ..... but when they
    choose the wrong master ..... that is a blot on the face of humanity. Who do
    you serve ? Is it Mammon with its toxins and its instruments of repression ?
    Or is it the people ?

    It is a truism .... those that fail to heed the lessons of history are
    doomed to repeat it ..... The French Revolution and the Statue of Liberty
    are history. Even the Great Lavoiser the man who slaughtered the
    Phlogistonians .... ended up with his head in a basket ..... You see
    Lavoiser was a tax gatherer ...... the greatest impact of that unsavoury
    part of his character was upon the people .... cake is not fit food for the
    people ... they need bread. Lavoisers extra curriculum activities promoted
    the cake paradigm.

    Those who the Gods would destroy they first make made .... another old

    Who do you serve ..... The People or Mammon ? Do you follow your own short
    term cheque book gains ? or do you serve ?

    Ivor Hughes

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