
“Many people praise and acknowledge the healing power of plants, but few people actually take action to prevent their extension by planting and conserving them for future generations.” (Ernest Rukangira )

Wednesday, 25 December 2013


Edited by Patricia Shanley, Alan R Pierce, Sarah A Laird and Abraham Guillén

This new edition to the People and Plants Conservation Series looks at the rapidly growing interest in, and demand for non-timber forest products. They provide critical resources across the globe, fulfilling nutritional, medicinal, financial and cultural needs.

Tapping the Green Market explains the use and importance of certification and eco-labelling for guaranteeing best management practices of non-timber forest products in the field.

Using extensive case studies and global profiles of non-timber forest products, this volume not only furthers our comprehension of certification processes but also broadens our understanding of non-timber forest product management, harvesting and marketing.

This comprehensive resource will be invaluable for forest managers, policy makers and conservation organizations as well as for academics in these areas.

For more information visit:

Buy all six books in the series and save 25%. For more information about each book follow the link.

Edited by Stefano Pagiola, Joshua Bishop and Natasha Landell-Mills

'One of the greatest challenges facing the forest sector today is to reconcile the conflicting demands of different stakeholders for the many goods and services provided by forests. In many cases the true economic value of forests is being neglected. The crucial integration of ideas and policies in forestry and finance are not taking place. This book makes an invaluable contribution to advancing that debate and bringing sustainable forest management one step closer'
Richard McNally, Economics and Global Policy, WWF-UK

Forest destruction throughout the world poses significant risks. Not only are forests a source of valuable timber and non-timber products, but they also provide important environmental services that help sustain life on Earth. However, only rarely do beneficiaries pay for the services they receive, resulting in low incentives to conserve forests, and limiting opportunities for rural development.

Market-based approaches are thought to offer considerable potential as incentives for forest conservation and as new sources of income for rural communities. Based on extensive research and case studies on markets for a wide range of forest environmental services - including biodiversity conservation, watershed protection and carbon sequestration - Selling Forest Environmental Services demonstrates how payment systems can be established, their effectiveness in securing forest environmental benefits, and their role in efforts to eliminate rural poverty.

This state-of-the-art review will be vital for decision-makers and professionals as well as for researchers, teachers, and students of environmental economics and forestry.

For more information visit:



Greetings to the Group,

the complete mongraph of the Spirits of the United States
Dispensatory 1926 free from typing errors may be found here

The Spirits of the USD 21st Edition 1926.
Foreword by
Ivor Hughes.


Greetings to the Group,
I invite you all to read my article on
Traditional Medicinal Knowledge about common herbs suitable for home
gardens in Chhattisgarh, India
Research Note - P.Oudhia

In ancient literatures related to different systems of medicine, it
is clearly mentioned that any patient can be treated only with the
herbs of his surroundings and there is no need to go far in search of
herbs. The herbs planted at home gardens play an important role. The
traditional healers and natives of Chhattisgarh have rich traditional
knowledge about common herbs suitable for plantation in home gardens.
They never give preference to exotic herbs and warn the natives, fond
of exotic beautiful ornamental plants to be prepare for mental and
physical health problems. In general, the healers prefer the herbs
having multiple uses for home gardens. According to them, they have
gained the knowledge about selection of suitable herbs from their
forefathers and since generations, they are strictly following the
instructions. Unfortunately, not much has been written in form of
scientific document about this valuable knowledge. The healers are
agree that they are not following all the instructions and during
transfer of this knowledge from one generation to other, many
valuable parts are mixing. I personally feel that the documentation
of these practices and knowledge, through my articles, can serve the
purpose and help the future generations to understand the discoveries
and science of their forefathers. Last week, I got an e-mail from an
organisation engaged in conservation (?) of traditional knowledge in
India. The convenor warned me whether you have taken the permission
of natives before documenting their knowledge . He instructed me to
give all information to his organisation (Why?) and his organisation
is only authorised to release the information. I was shocked. I wrote
to him, you are not aware that I am `Son of Soil" (native) to
Chhattisgarh. The knowledge, I am documenting is our knowledge. As
our people are illiterate and poor, the experts and organisations
outside from the state are coming and extracting the knowledge in
name of documentation and traditional knowledge database. After their
visits, they never inform the natives what they have done to their
traditional knowledge. Now when a native of Chhattisgarh, has decided
to document the knowledge and to aware the world community about
valuable traditional medicinal knowledge of Chhattisgarh natives,
these organisations are feeling uneasy. I am proud to say that I have
yet not taken any financial aid for my surveys and studies and charge
no money for documenting this valuable knowledge in form of articles
and research papers. If you are aware of funding agencies at
international level, any organisation can take a grand project to
document the traditional knowledge of Chhattisgarh and can show the
investment of millions of rupees. I am not in favour of cheating the
funding organisation.
For detailed article please visit at




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