Ofori, D. A., Gyimah, A., Obiri-Darko, B.,
Adam, K. A., Addae, A. and Jimoh, S.O.
Technical Note No. 4 July 2011
Ethnobotany of Some Selected Medicinal Plants
Ofori, D. A., Gyimah, A., Obiri-Darko, B.,
Adam, K. A., Addae, A. and Jimoh, S.O.
The Director, CSIR –FORIG
University P. O. Box 63, KNUST/Kumasi Ghana
Tel: 233-03220-60123/60373
Fax: 233-03220-60121
Email: director@csir-forig.org.gh
c Copyright CSIR-FORIG, 2011
Editorial Team
Dr. Ernest Foli Editor
Dr. Paul Bosu Editor
Mr. Bukari Darimani Secretary
Mrs. Naomi Appiah Member
Introduction 1
Objectives of Study 2
Methodology 2
Ethnobotanical Information on the Species Studied 5
Kigelia africana 6
Securidaca longepedunculata 8
Morinda lucuida 10
Pycnanthus angolensis 12
Alstonia boonei 14
Khaya senegalensis 16
Rauwolfia vomitora 19
Tamarindus indica 21
Xanthoxylum xanthoxyloides 23
Vitellaria paradoxa 25
Conclusion 27
References 28
Access to healthcare facilities in Ghana is very poor as one medical doctor is to
more than 6,000 people (Africapedia, 2007), with majority of them practicing
in the two largest cities of Accra and Kumasi. According to Gbile (1988) about
80% of the population in Africa uses plant medicine partly due to poverty and
insufficient number of medical professionals. Medicinal plants therefore play an
important role in our healthcare delivery but over-reliance on wild collections
results in dwindling of the resource. The current rate of forest degradation,
intensive exploitation and utilization of the various medicinal plants across the
West African sub region pose serious threats to the continued availability of
these invaluable forest resources.
Indigenous knowledge on the utilization and conservation of these species
are being lost as the old custodians of the knowledge pass away. Also, parts
of the plants often harvested are those used for anchorage, nutrient uptake,
photosynthesis and regeneration by the plants. These threaten the plants
natural regeneration, vigorous stand development and continuous existence
of the species in natural ecosystem. There is therefore the need for deliberate
and concerted efforts to develop appropriate conservation and sustainable
management strategies for threatened or endangered medicinal plant species.
The selected species were identified through a major study that involved a
comparative analysis on utilization and availability of medicinal plants in Ghana
(Ofori et al., 2010).
This handbook therefore describes ten threatened or endangered medicinal
plant species in relation to the species identity, ecology and distribution, uses,
reproduction and propagation methods for efficient conservation.
Objectives of Study
The main objective of the study was to identify ten threatened/endangered
medicinal plant species in Ghana and develop methods for their propagation
and conservation. The specific objectives were:
1. Documentation of indigenous information (formal and informal)
on the ten selected threatened/endangered medicinal plants through
ethno-botanical studies.
2. Assess their distribution, relative abundance and study the phenology
of the ten selected species.
3. Develop appropriate methods for seed germination and rapid
multiplication of their germplasms through vegetative propagation
by cuttings.
4. Conserve the germplasms of the ten selected medicinal plants in live
gene banks using ex-situ conservation approaches.
The study was structured to cover a socio-economic survey, ecological survey,
phenology, propagation and germplasm conservation.
Socio-economic Survey
The socio-economic survey covered eight regions (Western, Eastern, Ashanti,
Brong Ahafo, Volta, Greater Accra, Central and Northern Regions) spanning
across 4 of the 5 major ecological zones of Ghana, i.e. Wet Evergreen Forest,
Moist semi-deciduous Forest S/E and N/W, Forest-Savannah Transition and
Coastal Savannah.
Data on sources of supply, uses and availability were collected from 3 major
groups of respondents i.e. medicinal plant suppliers, marketers and traditional
medicine practitioners in one on one interviews.
Distribution and Relative Abundance
Based on the socio-economic survey, ten medicinal plants were selected
based on their importance, vulnerability and occurrence. The distribution
and abundance of these medicinal plant species were studied. This involved
the setting up of sample quadrats in selected communities where the socioeconomic
study pointed out as their origin. These included Pra Anum in the
Moist semi-deciduous forest, Winneba in the Southern marginal forest, Sunyani
forest District in the Dry semi-deciduous forest, Kintampo district in the forestsavannah
transition zone and Tamale district in the Guinea savannah woodland
(Figure 1).
Figure 1: Map of Ghana showing the sample sites marked with rectangles (Red =
savannah woodland site near Tamale; Blue = derived savannah near Kintampo;
light green= Dry semi-deciduous forests near Sunyani; leaf green = Moist semideciduous
forest at Pra Anum; Orange = Southern marginal forest near Winneba).
The target population was the medicinal plants found within sample plots. The
quadrats were randomly located within different ecosystem units within each
ecological zone. Using the plot size of 20 x 50 metres all plants of 5 cm diameter
and greater were recorded and in sub-plots of 10 x 5 m seedlings (below 1 m
height) and saplings (> 1 metre high and < 5 cm diameter) were also recorded.
Data collected included the frequency and distribution of target medicinal plant
species and the threats to their survival in the various vegetation and land use
areas. The land use areas sampled constituted forest reserves, sacred grooves,
and farmlands.
Phenology Morphology and Propagation Studies
The morphology and phenology of the species were studied. Seeds were also
collected from trees in at least two different populations/ecological zones. Seeds
were extracted, germinated and seedlings raised for establishment of ex-situ
conservation plots. Vegetative propagation using stem cuttings was also studied.
Cuttings were collected from coppiced shoots and/or seedlings for species from
which no seeds were obtained or seedlings were in small quantities (Securidaca
longepedunculata, Xanthoxylum xanthoxyloides, Vitellaria paradoxa). For these
species cuttings were taken from branchlets on top of the trees. The cuttings
were of 6 cm long with 25 cm2 pieces of leaves retained on them.
The bases of the cuttings were applied with 0.25% Indole 3-butyric acid (auxin)
and the rooting ability was compared with the control (no rooting hormone).
Germplasm Conservation
Two gene conservation plots (0.5 ha each) were set up; one in moist semideciduous
and another in dry semi-deciduous forest zones using eight of
the selected species. S. longepedunculata and Z. xanthoxyloides could not be
planted since neither seedlings nor cuttings could be produced. For each site
25 seedlings per species per two different populations were planted. Planting
distance was 2.5 m x 2.5 m. Ten seedlings per each species were also planted in
the arboretum at Bunso managed by the CSIR-Plant Genetic Resources Research
Institute. Information dissemination was undertaken through working with
herbal practitioners, Millennium Development Project, students, seminars and
radio broadcast.
Ethnobotanical Information on the Species Studied
Kigelia africana
Species Identity
Family: Bignoniaceae
Common Name: Sausage Tree
Vernacular names: Nufutene, Nana beretee, Etua, Nyakpe
(Ghana); Pandoro (Nigeria)
Botanical Description
Kigelia africana grows up to 17 m high.
Leaves are compound, pinnate with 7-11 leaflets. The leaves are usually
opposite or in whorls of three.
Flowers are pendulous, greenish outside and reddish brown within. The
flowers and fruits hang down from branches on long flexible stems
Fruits are up to 0.60 m long containing numerous seeds (Irvine, 1961).
Ecology and Distribution
It occurs throughout humid tropical Africa. It is mostly found in the
transition and dry semi-deciduous forests.
It is native of Gambia, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Togo, Benin and Nigeria (Irvine,
The use of the fruits, roots and bark for medicinal purposes is a potential
threat if measures are not put in place for regeneration of the plant.
Medicine: In Ghana the fruits are used for treating piles, constipation and
in- fertility. The root is for constipation and for tapeworm.
The roots and fruit are for waist pain and sexual weakness. The bark is used
as a remedy for rheumatism, dysentery and wounds.
In Ghana it flowers between January and March and fruits between May
and July.
Propagation Methods
Seed germination
Sowing medium: River sand.
Start of germination: 9 days after sowing. Germination period: 28 days.
Percentage germination: An average of 40%.
Rooting of cuttings
Rooting medium: unwashed river sand
Leaf number and area: 1 or 2 and about 40 cm2
Cutting length: 2 to 3 nodes
Number of weeks before rooting starts (with hormones): 2 weeks. Rooting
success (with hormones): 100% after 3 weeks. Rooting success (without
hormones): 100% after 3 weeks.
Securidaca longepedunculata
Species Identity
Family: Polygalaceae
Scientific Name: Securidaca longepedunculata
Vernacular Names: Kyiritoo, Aforo, Kpaliga, Kpelgy, Pεla (Ghana)
Botanical Description
Securidaca longepedunculata is a shrub and grows up to 12 m high. It has a
thick bark as well as thick roots. It is spiny, much branched, with an open
rather straggly looking crown. Leaves are alternate or clustered on dwarf
lateral branchlets. Leaves are simple, variable in size (1-5 x 0.5-2 cm) in shape,
oblong lanceolate, dark green with rounded apex. Flowers are reddish purple
and sweet scented. Its fruits have distinctive membranous wing that are up to
about 40mm that are large and flat with only one seed in them (Irvine, 1961).
Ecology and Distribution
It is found mostly in savannah areas where soils are sandy or rocky because
it is a good resistant to fire and sensitive to frost. Some can also be found in
forest fringes.
It is native of Senegal, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Togo,
Benin, Angola, Benin, Burundi, Chad, Cameroon, Botswana, Dr Congo,
Rwanda, Sudan, Niger, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa and Tanzania
(Irvine, 1961).
The flowers start to appear in May.
Fruits often hang on trees for many months and those that stay the longest
are said to germinate best.
Its medicinal use is high in demand as barck is always removed.
Wood: The wood is used for poles, firewood, charcoal, bows and arrows.
Food: The seeds and flowers are rich in oil.
Medicine: The roots are used to treat gonorrhea and syphilis. They are also
used to treat malaria, sleeping sickness, chest complains, sleeping sickness,
toothache, wound dressing, cough and snake bite. The seeds are for rheumatic
pains, headaches and feverish pains.
Morinda lucuida
Species Identity
Family: Rubiaceae
Common name: Brimstone Tree
Vernacular names: Konkroma, (Ghana), Oruwo (Nigeria)
Botanical Description
Morinda lucida often grows up to 17 m high with a dense crown from its
slender branches. Matured leaves are about 20×13 cm which is broadly
elliptic to broadly ovate, acuminate and entire.
Flowers are white and fragrant (Irvine, 1961).
Fruit head is lobed, about 1.5 cm in diameter and green when immature
turning brown to black when mature.
Ecology and Distribution
It is found in most forest types e.g. forest fringes and flooded areas. It is
native of Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Benin, Nigeria, Angola, Congo, and Sudan
(Irvine, 1961).
The plant is harvested for timber.
Wood: The wood is used for furniture, thatch houses, poles, canoes and
firewood. It is also used for red, yellow and green dyes.
Food: Fruits are eaten by hawks and moths, and also for seasoning drinks.
Medicine: Root, bark and leaves are used to treat malaria, typhoid fever,
gonorrhea, bone fracture, rheumatism, high blood pressure as well as
candidiasis in female.
It flowers from January to July as well as September to October.
Propagation Methods
Seed germination
Sowing medium: River sand.
Start of germination: 29 days after sowing. Germination period: 90 days.
Percentage germination: An average of 65%.
Rooting of cuttings
Rooting medium: Unwashed sand
Stock plant: coppice shoot
Leaf number and area: one or two and 40 cm2
Cutting length: 2 to 3 nodes
Number of weeks before rooting starts (with hormones): 4 weeks Number
of weeks before rooting starts (without hormones): 4 weeks
Rooting success (with hormones): 70% after 4 weeks. Rooting success
(without hormones): 45% after 4 weeks.
Pycnanthus angolensis
Species Identity
Family: Myristicaceae
Common Name: African nutmeg
Vernacular Name: Otie (Ghana)
Botanical Description
Pycnanthus angolensis grows up to 40 m high and 5 m in girth. The tree has
a straight bole with no buttresses. Crown is flat, branching at right angles to
stem and in whorls.
Leaves are up to 18 × 6 cm, acuminate and riddled with holes. Flowers are
in panicles without petals, with male and female flowers at separate parts of
the same tree.
Fruits are abundant and oblong up to 3.8 cm. The shell of the fruit is hard
and thick enclosing a single oval nut, scarlet when fresh and later brownish
black (Irvine, 1961).
Ecology and Distribution
It is mainly found in semi-deciduous and evergreen secondary for- est in
a more dispersed manner. It does not colonize in numbers but survive in
singles in forest gaps and clearings.
It is a native of Guinea, Ghana, Angola, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal,
Tanzania, Togo, Gabon, Chad, Congo, Benin, Burkina Faso, Uganda etc.
(Irvine, 1961).
It is classified as a major timber tree. Increased exploitation is therefore likely
to affect seed production and natural regeneration.
Wood: Roofing shingles, canoes, beds, house walls, door and window frames.
It is suitable for plywood, veneers cheap furniture, boxes and packing cases
or even paper pulp.
Medicine: The bark, the leaves and seeds are used to treat anemia, stomach
and menstrual disorders, tooth ache and as a blood tonic.
In Ghana flowering is from October to May and fruiting is from September
to April.
Propagation Methods
Seed germination
Sowing medium: River sand.
Start of germination: Between 26 to 29 days. Germination period: 60 days.
Germination percentage: An average of 64% of fruits which have not been
kept for more than 10 days after harvesting.
Rooting of cuttings
Rooting medium: unwashed river sand. Plant part: six month old seedlings.
Leaf number and area: one or two and 40 cm2.
Cutting length: 2 or 3 nodes.
Rooting success (with hormones): 25% after 23 weeks. Rooting success
(without hormones): 15% after 23 weeks.
Alstonia boonei
Species Identity
Family: Apocynaceae
Scientific Names: Alstonia boonei
Vernacular Names: Osen nuru, Onyame dua, Bakunin,
Nyamelele Baka, Siakεtεkrε. (Ghana)
Botanical Description
Alstonia boonei is a large tree that grows up to 37 m high and 3 m in girth with
a tall clear bole and with high narrow buttresses. There are 4 to 7 leaves found
at each node with matured ones growing to about 25 × 8 cm (Irvine, 1961).
Ecology and Distribution
It is found in deciduous forest, partial to swampy land and also in fringing
forest. Found in dry, peripheral, semi evergreen, Guinea- Congolian forest
and transitional forest. It is native of Gambia, Mali, Congo, Sudan, Ghana,
and Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Ethiopia, Equatorial Guinea, Senegal, Sierra
Leone and Uganda, Togo, Benin, etc. (Irvine, 1961).
The plant is classified as a major timber tree. Increased exploitation is likely to
affect seed production and natural regeneration.
Wood: The wood is used for boxes, veneer, moulding and matches. It is also
used for wooden shoes, carving images, drums, canoes, devil masks plates,
spoons, stools, bowls, and basins.
Medicine: In Ghana the bark and leaves are used to treat malaria, stomach
disorders, measles, waist and body pains, hernia and as a blood tonic.
In Ghana flowering is in October and November. Flowers are small and
white. Fruits come in pairs with long thin follicles up to 46 cm. Fruits mature
in January and February.
Propagation Methods
Seed germination
Germination medium: River sand. Start of germination: 10 days. Germination
period: 40 days. Percentage germination: 66%. Rooting of Cuttings
Rooting medium: Unwashed river sand. Plant part: coppice shoot
Leaf number and area: One or two and 40 cm2.
Cutting length: 2 - 3 nodes.
Number of weeks before rooting starts (with hormones): 7 weeks Number of
weeks before rooting starts (without hormones): 7 weeks
Rooting success (with hormones): 65% after 12 weeks
Rooting success (without hormones): 50% after 12 weeks
Khaya senegalensis
Species Identity
Family: Meliaceae
Scientific Name: Khaya senegalensis
Common Name: Mahogany
Vernacular Name: Kuka (Ghana)
Botanical Description
The tree grows up to a height of about 15-20 m in savannah areas and in
fertile and deep soils reaching 34 m high and 3 m in girth. It divides from 6
m into 2 or 3 large limbs giving it a wider crown. The bark is grey in colour
and very scaly. The leaves are compound, pinnate, leaflet 4 to 6 pairs .(Irvine,
Ecology and Distribution
It is found in Savannah zone. It is common in Senegal, Gambia, Ghana, Togo,
Benin, Nigeria, Mali, northern Cameroon, southern Sudan and Uganda
(Irvine, 1961).
The bark of the trunk is usually removed for medicinal purposes exposing the
trees to pathogens.
Wood: It is used for furniture, railway carriages, construction, interior
decoration, and veneer. Bark yields a brown dye.
Leaves: As fodder for feeding cattle. The ash is used as a preservative for
millet seeds.
Medicine: The root and bark are used in Ghana for treating fever, menstrual
disorders, gastric pains, stomach ache, syphilis, leprosy, allergies, jaundice,
dermatitis, chicken pox, tape worms, inflammation of the gum and diarrhoea.
In animals it is used to treat liver fluke in cattle, ulcer and other internal
ailment in horses, camels and donkeys.
It flowers between February and March. Fruits mature from December
to January.
Propagation Methods
Seed germination
Sowing medium: River sand.
Start of germination: 7 to 9 days after sowing. Germination period: 42 days.
Percentage germination: An average of 74%
Rooting of Cuttings
Rooting medium: unwashed river sand. Plant part: six month old seedlings.
Leaf number and area: One or two and 40 cm2.
Cutting lengths: 2 to 3 nodes.
Number of weeks before rooting starts (with hormone): 3 weeks Number
of weeks before rooting starts (without hormone): 5 weeks Rooting success
(with hormone): 100% after 10 weeks
Rooting success (without hormone): 70% after 10 weeks
Rauwolfia vomitora
Species Identity
Family: Apocynaceae
Scientific Name: Rauwolfia vomitoria
Vernacular Name:Kakapenpen, Bakaεmbe, Dodemkpowoe (Ghana)
Botanical Description
It is a shrub that grows up to 7 m high; leaves 18 cm × 8cm, narrowly ovate,
acutely acuminate.
Flowers are in whorls 3-4 at a node, white and numerous. Fruits are solitary
or pair, scarlet and spherical containing large seeds (Irvine, 1961).
Ecology and Distribution
It is common in secondary forests of both moist and dry semi- deciduous
forest. It is native of Senegal, Liberia, Ghana Togo, Benin, Congo, Uganda,
Sudan and East Africa (Irvine, 1961).
Exploitation of barks, roots leaves and seeds for medicinal purposes is likely
to affect natural regeneration.
Medicine: The bark, roots, leaves and seeds are used for medicine. It is
used for jaundice and gastrointestinal conditions and for convulsions. The
decoction is used as a sedative for madness which induces several hours of
sleep. The macerated root is used with guinea-grains in gin as aphrodisiac.
The powdered roots are applied to snake bite. The roots are used for urethral
discharge and treating of gonorrhea. It is administered to persons poisoned
through food to induce vomiting. It is prescribed for swollen feet, yaws on
the skin, hernia, bone dislocation and rheumatism.
Rauwolfia vomitoria flowers from February to April. Fruits mature from May
to July.
Propagation Methods
Seed germination
Sowing media: River sand
Start of germination: 54 days.
Germination period: 90 days. Percentage germination: 60% Rooting of
Rooting medium: unwashed river sand
Leaf number and area: One or two and 40 cm2
Cutting length: 2 or 3 nodes
Number of weeks before rooting starts (with hormones): 4 weeks
Number of weeks before rooting starts (without hormones): 4 weeks.
Rooting success (with hormones): 95% Rooting success (without hormones):
Tamarindus indica
Species Identity
Family: Caesalpiniaceae
Scientific Name: Tamarindus indica
Vernacular Name: Oson, Taamerese, Blofo Yoyiteo, Puro,
Yeuut-sitoe, Puhuga (Ghana)
Botanical Description
Tamarindus indica is an evergreen tree that grows up to a height of about
30 m and about 2 m in diameter. It has a dense crown and compound leaves
which are pinnate. Leaflets are 12-15 pairs, un- usually round at the base.
Flowers are yellowish with red stripes in small terminal racemes. Fruits are
oblong pods about 5-10 cm long and 2 cm wide. A pod contains 1-10 seed
surrounded by sweet edible substance, generally riddled with insects (Irvine,
Ecology and Distribution
It is found in the Savannah zones of Ghana and belts around the Volta River
in Ghana.
Tamarindus is widely distributed in the tropics, probably originally native of
Africa and other continents (Irvine, 1961).
The fruits are harvested and processed into drinks. All such seeds are destroyed
during processing, reducing seed availability for natural regeneration.
Medicine: In Ghana it is used for dressing circumcision cuts and other
wounds. It is drunk by women after childbirth which is good for bronchitis
and as a laxative. It is also used in treating boils, pimples, jaundice, diarrhea,
dysentery, rheumatism, etc.
Tamarindus flowers from January up to April. It fruits in March, July
and December.
Propagation Methods
Seed germination
Germination medium: River sand.
Start of germination: 10 days after sowing. Germination period: 40 days.
Percentage germination: 66%.
Rooting of Cuttings
Rooting medium: Unwashed river sand.
Plant part: coppice shoot
Leaf number and area: One or two and 40 cm2. Cutting length: 2 - 3 nodes.
Number of weeks before rooting starts (with hormones): 7 weeks Number
of weeks before rooting starts (without hormones):7 weeks Rooting success
(with hormones): 65% after 12 weeks
Rooting success (without hormones): 50% after 12 weeks
Xanthoxylum xanthoxyloides
Badly harvested
roots and bark
Species Identity
Family: Rutaceae
Vernacular Names: Kanto, Oyaa
Botanical Description
X. xanthoxyloides is a medium sized tree up to 20 m high and 1.8 m girth.
The bole has large woody thorns.
Leaves are pinnate with 3-4 pairs of shining aromatic leaflets, elliptic oblong.
Flowers are small, numerous, white and in dense terminal panicles. Fruits are
capsules about 4-5 mm diameter with one seed (Irvine, 1961).
Ecology and Distribution
It is found in semi-deciduous or moist evergreen forest zones. It is native of
Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Benin and Nigeria (Irvine, 1961).
Unsustainable methods of harvesting are usually used because roots, bark
and shoots are normally heavily destroyed during harvesting.
Medicine: The root is used for abdominal pains, ulcers and toothache. The
bark is used as enema, for eye diseases, for fever, laxative and stomach ache.
The root and bark are for rheumatism, post-delivery pain, cough,
hypertension, diabetes, bone fracture, family planning and urine retention.
Flowering is around June and fruiting is from December to March.
Propagation Methods
Seed germination
Seeds are difficult to obtain.
Rooting of cuttings
Rooting medium: unwashed river sand.
Plant part: branchlet of mature tree.
Leaf number and area: one or two 40 cm2
Cutting length: two or 3 nodes
Number of weeks before rooting starts (with hormones): no rooting
Number of weeks before rooting starts (without hormones): no rooting
Rooting success (with hormones): 0%
Rooting success (without hormones): 0%
Seedling and coppice shoots should be tested.
Vitellaria paradoxa
Species Identity
Family: Sapotaceae
Scientific Name: Vitellaria paradoxa
Common Name: Shea butter
Vernacular Names: Kra-Nnku, Nkudua, Kanku, Adompo,
Kudompo, Ngu, Nkuteo, Yokuti. (Ghana)
Botanical Description
It is a deciduous medium-sized tree which grows to a height of about 12
m and a diameter of 30-60 cm. It is characterized with a stout bole and a
large crown.
The leaves are found at the tips of the shoots and are 3 x 1 cm oblong with
wavy margins.
Flowers are creamy white and sweet scented.
Fruits are ellipsoid up to 6.5 cm long and 4.5 cm in diameter. The fruit has
a thick butter-like pericarp which is sweet and edible containing generally
one seed, sometimes 2 or occasionally up to 6 oval or round red brown seeds
(Irvine, 1961).
Ecology and Distribution
It is found in the savannah zone of Ghana.
It is native of Ghana to Nigeria as well as Senegal and Uganda. V. paradoxa
is indigenous to sub-Saharan Africa (Irvine, 1961).
It is known for producing quality charcoal and firewood. Seeds are
also harvested and processed for oil, reducing the availability for
natural regeneration.
Products and Food: Oil, local butter, margarine, soap, candle, pomade, dyes
Wood: hut poles, house posts, mortar, pestle, bowls, stools, charcoal.
Medicine: It is used in treating headache and cleaning of the eyes. It is also
used in most medicinal pomades and ointments for treating fractured joints.
The creamy white flowers appears in October-February during the dry
season and fruits in March- September in the rainy season.
Propagation Methods
Seed germination
Germination medium: river sand Start of germination: 70 days Germination
period: 120 days Percentage germination: 7%
Rooting of cutting
Rooting medium: unwashed river sand
Plant parts: branchlet of mature tree
Leaf number and area: one or two and 40 cm2
Cutting length: two or 3 nodes
Number of weeks before rooting starts (with hormones): no rooting Number
of weeks before rooting starts (without hormones): no rooting.
Rooting success (with hormones): 0% Rooting success (without hormones):
0% Seedling and coppice shoots should be tested.
Medicinal plants play major roles in human life including health, income and
cultural values and thus provide motivational forces for their conservation.
These ten valuable medicinal plant species have been identified in the West
African sub-region and their usefulness by herbal medicine practitioners
cannot be overemphasized. If we are able to nurture and propagate them and
also adhere to proper harvesting techniques, their availability may be sustained.
Seed maturity period as well as propagation methods have been documented.
We hope that this book becomes useful as various pieces of knowledge on
their occurrence, uses, threats and propagation have been put together in the
handbook. We then have to take good care of them so they in turn take care
of us.
Africapedia (2007) http://www.africapedia.com/wiki/index.php.
Burkill, H. M. (1994) Useful plants of West Tropical Africa. Vol. 2. Families E-I.
Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew.
Gbile, Z. O. (1988) Studies on Medicinal Plants. A lecture delivered at the
Meeting of Nigerian field society Ibadan 8pp.
Hamilton, A. (2008) Medicinal plants in conservation and development|: case
studies and lessons learnt. Plant life International, Salisbury, UK. Pp 85.
Irvine, F. R. (1961) Woody Plants of Ghana. Oxford University Press, Amen
House, London.
Ofori, D. A., Obiri-Darko, B., Gyimah, A., Adam, K. A., Addae, A (2010)
Ethnobotany and conservation of some selected medicinal plants in West
Africa. Final Report submitted to African Forestry Research Network
(AFORNET), Pp 24
Taylor C. J. (1960) Synecology and silviculture in Ghana.
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