
“Many people praise and acknowledge the healing power of plants, but few people actually take action to prevent their extension by planting and conserving them for future generations.” (Ernest Rukangira )

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

  • From: "Alfred Whittaker" <>
    >To: <>
    >Subject: GLENLEIGH Newsletter #1
    >Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 20:47:57 -0600
    >(Morinda Citrifolia)
    >Glenleigh is a small company based in the elevated town of Highgate, in the
    >Parish of St. Mary, Jamaica. The company is involved in all levels of
    >production of the Glenleigh Noni Juice. Evidentially, the company
    >produces one of the World's finest quality noni juice:
    >In April of 2002, the Glenleigh Noni was exhibited in the worlds largest
    >food exhibition held in Tokyo, Japan, (FOODEX 2002). This after a Japanese
    >dignitary to our Island bought a bottle of the juice at a local supermarket
    >in Kingston.
    >In December of the same year, Glenleigh was invited to participate in the
    >CARIBBEAN HERBS BUSINESS FORUM, held in Montego Bay, Jamaica.
    >And, in April of 2003, Glenleigh Noni will be exhibited at the largest
    >ORGANIC/NATURAL PRODUCT SHOW to be held in the United Kingdom.
    >In July of this year, New Yorkers will be introduced to Glenleigh Noni at
    >the Jacob Javatt Center, FANCY FOOD SHOW there.
    >Now, here are some possible reasons why the Glenleigh Noni is a
    >distinguished noni juice. For one thing, we have never had a nuclear
    >explosion or radiation contamination in the Caribbean. We continue to have
    >clean air, clean water as well as clean soil. This, then, is the organic
    >base from which we start here in Jamaica; coupled with this, we grow our
    >noni trees organically. In addition, we double filter the water we use in
    >our blend to insure the highest level of clean. Moreover, nothing is added
    >except other fresh fruit juices: guava and passion. As you should know,
    >passion fruit juice contains serotonin, an important chemical that is also
    >produced by the human body. And finally, we put more noni puree in our mix
    >than does our major competitor. Moreover, Glenleigh also produces an
    >unblended juice that is 100% pure.
    >The Glenleigh Noni therefore, might be of superior quality because of the
    >intuitive blend of noni puree, guava puree and passion fruit juice. Or, it
    >might just be a combination of all of the above.
    >Glenleigh Noni came into being as a result of the high price of foreign
    >noni sold here. Therefore, as soon as we learned Morianda citrifolia (the
    >botanical name for noni) was the same as what was called duck feed, and
    >duppy sour sop here in Jamaica, we immediately began cultivating noni for
    >local consumption. The thought of providing a high quality product at an
    >affordable price was our goal. In addition, the idea of developing a
    >non-traditional agro processed product in our floundering economy, had far
    >reaching positive implications. This process began in the summer of 1997.
    > Noni is a Hawaiian name for the fruit.
    >Noni was first introduced to Jamaica in 1794. The noni plant was brought
    >here from Tahiti by Captain Blythe.We therefore have Tahitian noni grown in
    >Jamaica. Subsequent to this, noni seeds were also brought to our Jamaican
    >shores via the Caribbean Sea. Nature has been extremely kind to us in this
    >regard. Despite nature's generosity, we have been treating this most
    >valuable herbal treasure with scant disregard...with increased knowledge of
    >noni`s miraculous benefits, however, this position is changing.
    >Research has shown this tropical fruit is found in areas through the globe.
    > In all of these locals natives have been using this fruit for centuries
    >to address numerous ailments. This intuitive knowledge has been passed down
    >through the generations to the present. It is through these natives and
    >their genuine excitement about noni`s miraculous effects on their health
    >that has attracted the attention of scientific researchers.
    >These researchers were successful in confirming what natives through the
    >world have always known and put into practice. This is, that noni is one of
    >the most significant herbal medicines in the world today.
    >Please note, in order to receive the positive effects of noni juice, it is
    >imperative that you follow some simple basic guidelines. These are, noni
    >should not be taken with any substance containing any of the following
    >drugs: CAFFEINE, NICOTINE OR ALCHOL. Furthermore, noni should not be taken
    >with should be taken on an empty stomach; preferably, in the
    >mornings half and hour before breakfast.
    >An American researcher has concluded that the juice of the noni fruit helps
    >the body to heal itself.
    >AGAIN. Initial use of the juice starts with giving the body a thorough
    >cleansing of all its toxins and excess water. It makes you regular. After
    >this, there is a burst of high energy that helps one to bounce about
    >through the day. At mealtime the appetite is heightened so you definitely
    >want to eat. At bedtime, you then sleep like the baby you once were. In
    >addition, one experiences clearer thinking. Stress levels become less. For
    >those on the spiritual path, concentration is highly focused and greatly
    > Here are some highlights from testimonials received from Glenleigh Noni
    >users: colon cleansing, loss of weight...especially around the waist, loss
    >of stress, a feeling of well-being, loss of pain of all kinds...especially
    >menstrual pain, increased energy levels, increased vision, clearer thought
    >processes. Noni can be used externally (topically) as well. Some positive
    >results were: removal of eczema, ringworm, swollen joints and hair loss,
    >just to name a few.
    >One writer from Montego Bay wrote, ``it is really true that we have to
    >remember to say more thanks to everyone and appreciate their support! For
    >all my customers who feel great after drinking your noni juice...I have had
    >so great result with it. Thank you!

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