
“Many people praise and acknowledge the healing power of plants, but few people actually take action to prevent their extension by planting and conserving them for future generations.” (Ernest Rukangira )

Wednesday, 25 December 2013


    > One of Africa's unique trees, Prunus africana, is threatened with extinction
    > due to demand in Europe and America for a medicinal extract produced from its
    > bark.
    > By Judith Achieng
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > --
    > May 1999
    > The tree popularly known as Pygeum or Prunus africana is the only African
    > variety of more than 200 species of Prunus scattered around the world and the
    > only one used by pharmaceutical companies to manufacture a drug used in
    > treating prostrate problems among elderly men.
    > 'Prunus africana was once well distributed throughout Africa, from Ethiopia
    > to South Africa and from the west coast to the island of Madagascar. Since
    > its medicinal properties became widely known, it has been ruthlessly
    > harvested,' said Tony Simmons, a researcher at the Nairobi-based
    > International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF).
    > Simmons said nearly 60% of men over 50 in Europe and America suffer from
    > prostrate-related diseases, putting a demand on the production of drugs
    > obtained only from the dark trunk of the evergreen tree found only in
    > Africa's scattered mountainous regions.
    > The bark is currently priced at $220 million in the pharmaceutical industry,
    > from an annual average harvest of 3,500 tonnes, fetching up to $60 per
    > kilogramme.
    > 'With rising incidences of prostrate problems, an aging population, and a
    > growing confidence in natural medicines, some companies believe the market
    > for prunus remedies could double or triple in the coming decade,' he told a
    > conference on the plant which brought together international forestry experts
    > and commercial interests in the capital Nairobi in late September 1998.
    > All that is left of the tree, which usually grows over a period of 30 years
    > to stand up to 40 metres tall, is a limited number of wild populations mainly
    > in Kenya, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) where moderately
    > sized natural stands of the tree still exist.
    > The conference heard that in the north-western province of Cameroon and also
    > the Indian Ocean island of Madagascar, the tree is now faced with extinction.
    > 'Prunus was a common tree in Cameroon, but now it is scarce, due to
    > unsustainable harvesting,' said Christian Asanga, who works for the
    > Cameroonian government's department of forestry.
    > Scientists say the tree, which has been used for centuries by African
    > traditional healers to treat similar problems, in addition to a range of
    > diseases, was harvested in a sensible manner until commercial interest came
    > in. 'You will hardly find any concoction from a traditional healer which does
    > not have Prunus africana,' Asanga explained.
    > 'But they only removed small panels of the bark from standing trees, leaving
    > others to nourish the tree while the removed portion heals,' he said.
    > As demand grew, however, larger quantities of the bark were stripped from
    > standing or felled trees. Generally, trees were stripped 'naked' as with the
    > case of Mount Cameroon, where up to 8,000 trees were left dead but standing.
    > In the Mount Kilimindie region (also in Cameroon), 80% of mature trees died
    > as a result of poor harvesting techniques, Asanga said.
    > A few years ago, Prunus africana was appended to the Appendix II list of the
    > Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), which only
    > allows licensed trade of products from the tree.
    > But even this has done little to stop illegal exporters in Cameroon from
    > overexploiting the tree. They come to villages at night and bribe the people
    > into giving them permission to harvest the bark, says Asanga. In Kenya,
    > unlike in Cameroon, the tree, which also has a good market for timber and
    > fuel, is threatened by renewed demand for human settlements, while large
    > chunks of forests continue to be cleared.
    > Stella Simiya of the National Museums of Kenya (NMK) told the conference that
    > although most Kenyans are aware of its medicinal values, the tree is fast
    > disappearing, to make way for settlements. At most, Simiya said, Prunus
    > africana will last 10 years in Kenya.
    > In Uganda, there are few traces of the tree left in the southern Kabale
    > hills, where it was until recently in abundance, mainly due to
    > over-cultivation, according to Wilson Bamwerinde of Uganda's forestry
    > department.
    > Jonathan Leakey, Kenya's only harvester who exports his bark to a
    > pharmaceutical company in France, is also concerned. 'My interest is to be
    > able to see continuing harvesting of the bark for commercial purposes, but
    > there is a limited amount of forest in this country and the cutting of trees
    > cannot go on forever,' says Leakey, who earns $2 per kilogramme of bark. His
    > average annual harvest and export is 400 tonnes of bark.
    > Kate Schreckenberg, a senior fellow at the London-based Overseas Development
    > Institute (ODI), urged farmers to replant the trees.
    > 'We are asking ourselves what kind of money farmers can earn from growing the
    > tree and whether there are markets out there to sustain them,' she said.
    > Currently, the whole bark of a 40-metre-tall tree can earn as much as $500, a
    > sum which Schreckenberg says is too little considering the tree takes up to
    > 20 years to start producing decent bark and up to five years for the bark to
    > heal after removal. 'Benefits from the tree must be shared equitably,
    > trickling down to the farmers,' she said.
    > Prunus is cultivated in mountainous areas where most farmers usually prefer
    > to grow cash crops such as coffee, tea and pyrethrum. - Third World Network
    > Features/IPS
    > About the writer: Judith Achieng is a correspondent for Inter Press Service,
    > with whose permission the above article is reprinted.
    > ~~~~
    > "I've talked about the wrong side of the color bar, but the truth is that
    > both are the wrong sides. Do not think that we, on the white side of
    > privilege, are the people we might be in a society that had no sides at all.
    > We do not suffer, but we are coarsened. Even to continue to live here is to
    > acquiesce in some measure to apartheid - to a sealing off of responses, the
    > cauterization of the human heart, as well as to withholding the vote from
    > those who outnumber us, eight to one. Our children grow up accepting as part
    > of a natural phenomena the fact that they are well-clothed and well-fed,
    > while black children are ragged and skinny. It cannot occur to the white
    > child that the black one has any rights outside of charity; you must explain
    > to your child, if you have the mind to, that men have decided this, that the
    > white shall have, and the black shall have not, and it is not an immutable
    > law, like the rising of the sun in the morning. Even then it is not possible
    > entirely to counter with facts an emotional climate of privilege. We have
    > the better part of everything; how difficult is it for us to not feel,
    > somewhere secretly, that we are better. - Nadine Gordimer
    > ~~~
    and you will get detailed information on our forthcoming Conference on
    Medicinal Plants Traditional Medicines and Local Communities in Africa:
    Challenges and Opportunities for the New Millennium

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