
“Many people praise and acknowledge the healing power of plants, but few people actually take action to prevent their extension by planting and conserving them for future generations.” (Ernest Rukangira )

Wednesday, 25 December 2013




OCTOBER 31 ­ NOVEMBER 11, 2000

Come in solidarity for an experiential wilderness journey/seminar beholding
the majesty of primary rainforest on the banks of the Aguarico River in the
upper Ecuadorian Rainforest with Secoya elders and youth - forest masters,
traditional healers, visionaries, artists, ethnobotanists, and tropical
biologists - who, with commitment and dedication, work at ground-level to
support Rainforest conservation and Indigenous cultural transmission among
the generations.

We intend this event to be an unforgettable experience
with unforgettable people that in some way
will nourish, enrich and strengthen the root of your life.


Hosts and Hostesses
The SECOYAS, living among 100,000 acres of low-land rainforest, are an
ethnic minority, autochthons of the Upper Napo Region of the Ecuadorian
Amazon Rainforest, numbering approximately 350 people in Ecuador and 350 in
Peru. Their language belongs to the Western Tukanoan linguistic group and
their name, Secoya, means "People from the Multi-Colored River." They are a
bold and original people whose culture and ancestral homelands are now
imperiled due to imposed political discrepancies, industrial civilization
and the encroachment of colonization. Despite the struggle in which they
find themselves, the Secoyas have a strong sense of engagement with their
history of the past and present, maintain their rich oral tradition, and are
masters and mistresses of the forest.

The Secoyas are our personal friends whom we hold in high regard and have
known and interacted with for many years. Representatives of the community,
spanning three generations, will be our primary welcomers and forest guides.
Among them will be forest masters/mistresses with knowledge of extensive
plant lore embodying ageless traditions, experience and wisdom. They will
not only be our guides, but will also facilitate healings and lead early
morning tea ceremonies with story-telling and dream interpretations.

Guest Teacher and Artist-in-Residence
PABLO C. AMARINGO is a world-illustrious visionary painter from the Peruvian
Amazon. With Colombian anthropologist Dr. Luis Eduardo Luna, Pablo Amaringo
co-founded The Usko Ayar School of Amazonian Painting in Pucallpa, Peru in
1985. In 1991, they co-authored the book "Ayahuasca Visions."

Pablo's paintings express the peril, anguish and healing power yet left in
the sacred botanical kindom. As director of the Usko Ayar School, Pablo
teaches painting to the local youth and educates them in the care and
preservation of the Amazon ecosystem. During the Earth Summit in Rio de
Janeiro (June 1992), Pablo was elected to the Global 500 Roll of Honor of
the United Nations Environment Program in recognition of outstanding
practical achievements in the protection and improvement of the environment
through the Usko Ayar School. Pablo Amaringo dedicates his life to spiritual
development, healing, rainforest conservation, the arts and education.

Coordinator, Guide and Primary Translator
JONATHON MILLER-WEISBERGER is Director of Grupo Osanimi, an Ethnobotanist,
and a student of traditional Chinese and Indigenous Medicine. Born in
Berkeley, California in 1970, Jonathon was raised in Ecuador and has lived
there twenty-one years. In 1988 Jonathon attended Humboldt State University
in California, and since 1990 he has worked in the Ecuadorian Amazon on
rainforest conservation and cultural heritage projects with the elders and a
cadre of youth from several different Indigenous tribes. His focus is a New
Ethnobotany, an emerging discipline that seeks to enact new methods of
cultural transmission to revive and strengthen the vast plant lore in the
region. This he believes to be a crucial link for ongoing forest


"This is a unique chance to experience the rainforest, its people and
culture on a grass-roots level. Pure adventure and lots of fun!"
- Donald Oneglia, owner of Global Village Gallery, Arcata, California

"I directly experienced the spiritual depth, beauty and living presence of
the rainforest-- the power and beauty of the earth, Pachamama, as a living
being. I recommend this journey for all conscious individuals seeking to
connect with their original nature-- exploring potential for greater healing
and wholeness."
- Dr. Vernice Solimar, Chair of The Consciousness Studies master's degree
program at John F. Kennedy University in Orinda, California and adjunct at
The California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, California.

"I taught in medical school for 5 years and also pursued post-graduate
medical residency and fellowship training. I have known hundreds of talented
people. I recommend Jonathon without reservation. His true zest for life and
appreciation for the subtle interconnections of all things within his world
allow him to radiate a respect and understanding for not only the rainforest
but also for all people. I think it is rare to find a young man who has the
awareness, maturity, conviction and discipline to work so diligently and
selflessly for issues that will ultimately affect the whole world." - Dr.
Leo Figgs, eye physician and surgeon

"Certainly an experience marked by inspiration, awe and exhilaration. I was
reminded of my inner strengths and the gifts that abound around."
- Michelle Boughton, landscape designer, contractor and graduate
anthropology student at the California Institute of Integral Studies

"Now, many months later, I continue to draw on the exquisite experience of
the rainforest and the powerful interaction of the facilitators and
participants. We enjoyed a true meeting."
- Dr. Reta Lawler, teacher and psychotherapist

"The remarkable thing about the Sentient Experientials staff is their
connection with traditional native peoples, not by eco-tourist agreement but
the time honored relationship of trust, friendship and open heart."
- Peter Swetland, Kokopelli Imports, co-owner

"If you are interested in the truly deep forest experience, this is for
- Morgan Brent, anthropologist graduate and Tai Chi enthusiast

"You come away as a witness to your own self in a setting that nurtures your
own transformation."
- Tom B., doctor, writer and world traveler

"This is an amazing experience. Although I travel alot, I never thought
about going to the Rainforest. However, I did go with Sentient
Experientials and this was the best thing I could do. I loved every second
of my being in the Ecuadorian Amazon and with her Secoya people."
- Sonya Mustad Bjorn-Hansen, University of San Francisco, International
Business, student from Norway

"There in that enchanted forest I received all that I needed. My being has
been cleansed and nourished by the milk of our Great Mother."
- Sonia Gaind, University of California, Berkeley, student in

"The Secoya journey was an empowering experience, not only for myself as an
advocate for tropical and temperate rainforest conservation. During these
times of intensifying technological and developmental pressures in their
territory, Jonathon's work is one of the only western influences in Secoya
history which is firmly rooted in respect and honor for the Secoya's
physical and cultural survival."
- David Walsh, Ancient Forest International (AFI) and Environmental
Protection Information Center (EPIC)


"The rainforest conservation work of Jonathon and indigenous co-workers,
rank among the most respectful, creative, and promising ventures underway on
behalf of the Earth and ancient Earth ways. This is truly deep ecology in
action - a privilege to behold." - Dr. Joanna Macy, Buddhist scholar, deep
ecologist, author and adjunct professor at the California Institute of
Integral Studies

"Grupo Osanimi is doing courageous and innovative work. By seeking out ways
to assist in the cultural transmission of traditional knowledge while
organizing to protect Ecuador's forests, they are working to preserve
ancient botanical wisdom, not on some dusty bookshelf, but in the hearts of
Indigenous youths and in the forest itself. This is a bold and crucial step
in these times." - Dr. Robert Hass, United States Poet Laureate

"This is important work, needs to be supported and is making a *real*
difference." - Terence McKenna, ethnobotanist and author

"Jonathon and his colleagues are doing important work for the preservation
of tropical ecosystems, and the Indigenous gnosis of the forest inhabitants.
They are literally rediscovering the "roots" of humanity's million year
symbiosis with the plant kindom. Their work is ethical, motivated, and
deserves support. In this era of shrinking ecosystems, disappearing species,
and cultural dissolution the work of Jonathon and his organization, Grupo
Osanimi, is of incalculable value for every species, and for all species who
share this fragile planet." - Dr. Dennis McKenna, ethnopharmacologist and

"I support this work and urge you to do the same." - Dr. Haines Ely,
dermatologist and dermatopathologist

"Jonathon and the rainforest workers in Ecuador are doing invaluable work
with tribal groups. These young people are conscientiously recording
botanical medicinals and new species of rainforest plants and bringing hope
to Indigenous People. We all have pride in their efforts and support them in
their endeavors." - Bill Mollison, originator of Permaculture, author,
biologist, farmer, teacher and Australia's Man of the Year.

CONTACT PERSON: Dahlia Miller, PO Box 1004, El Cerrito, CA 94530 USA
Tel: (510) 235-4313 - Fax: (510) 215-9840 - E-mail :
Websites: and

To order the information packet (Sentient Experientials Journey Manual and
Grupo Osanimi's Report of projects), please mail $12 to:
Sentient Experientials, PO Box 1004, El Cerrito, California, 94530, USA
(or download and print off our websites).

o Academic credit is available, through the California Institute of Integral
Studies (CIIS), an institution of higher education promoting spiritually
engaged fieldwork in anthropology, philosophy, psychology and organizational

o Para leer en espanol, escribe a
o Gracias. Thank you.

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