
“Many people praise and acknowledge the healing power of plants, but few people actually take action to prevent their extension by planting and conserving them for future generations.” (Ernest Rukangira )

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

The Efficacy of Plant Preparations of Myrsine africana and Hagenia abyssinica

  • The Efficacy of Plant Preparations of Myrsine africana and Hagenia
    abyssinica as Anthelmintics in

    Paper presented at:

    International Conference of Medicinal Plants, Traditional Medicines &
    Local Communities in Africa: Challenges & Opportunities of the New
    Millenium, Nairobi, Kenya 16-19 May 2000


    Githiori J1, 2, 3, Höglund J2, Waller P J2, Mugambi J M3, and Baker R L3

    1KETRI, Muguga, Kenya; 2SWEPAR, Uppsala, Sweden; 3ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya

    Livestock production in smallholder farming is constrained by helminth
    infections in Kenya. The main method of helminth control is by use of
    anthelmintics. However widespread resistance have been recorded and poor
    quality, or adulterated, anthelmintics are marketed. In the search for
    alternative methods of helminth control, interest in traditional animal
    health care and herbal medicine, otherwise referred to as
    ethnoveterinary medicine, has been rekindled. With regard to the latter,
    two plants Myrsine africana and Hagenia abyssinica, which have been
    reported to be used in Kenya, were tested for anthelmintic efficacy in
    sheep. Each of 47 sheep was orally infected with 5000 L3 Haemonchus
    contortus larvae. After three weeks the animals were randomised into
    three groups of at least 15, based on their faecal egg count (FEC) and
    live weights (LWT). Two groups were treated with one of the two plants
    according to recommended methods of preparation, while the third was an
    untreated control. In each treatment group, animals received the
    commonly reported dose rate, half, or twice this dose (with 5 animals
    per dose rate). Animals were monitored daily for the first week
    following these dosing procedures and thereafter twice during the second
    week, by recording FEC, red cell packed cell volume (PCV) as well as any
    changes in behavior and also weight changes. No adverse effects on
    behavior, or significant differences in FEC reduction occurred between
    the control and treated groups. No significant dose effect was observed
    on PCV, FEC and LWT in the treated groups. The results showed that the
    two plants were not efficacious against H. contortus at the dose levels

    Animal health is a major constraint to livestock production in many
    countries, including Kenya. Small ruminants (sheep and goats) are very
    important in peri-urban situations in developing countries including
    Kenya. They are easy to manage, more adaptable and provide greater
    flexibility in terms of sale and purchase on an individual basis
    compared to cattle. However, the greatest constraint to small ruminant
    production is gastro-intestinal nematode infection. The greatest losses
    associated with nematode parasite infections are sub-clinical, and
    economic assessments show that financial costs of internal parasitism
    are enormous (Preston & Allonby, 1979, McLeod, 1995). The conventional
    method of treating animals to control nematode parasites is to use
    anthelmintic drugs (dewormers). However, these modern veterinary inputs
    and services are not always readily available. Sometimes they are either
    too difficult to obtain or too expensive for marginal (smallholder)
    farmers and pastoralists. When dewormers are available the problem is
    often compounded by anthelmintic resistance (Mwamachi et al., 1995,
    Waller 1997, Maingi et al., 1998) and/or poor quality drugs (Wanyangu et
    al., 1996, Monteiro et al., 1998).

    Under these conditions, traditional animal health care practices and
    herbal remedies, referred to as ethnoveterinary medicine, provide a
    readily available, low cost alternative. Through ‘trial and error,’
    these products have over time become part of the traditional herbalist’s
    pharmacopoeia. Amongst such products are those used for treatment of
    nematode parasites in livestock. However, the purported anthelmintic
    properties of the range of products available need to be scientifically
    validated. Recently, a workshop was held in Kenya to compile
    “Ethnoveterinary Medicine in Kenya: A field manual for traditional
    animal health care practices” (Anon. 1996). The book has a section on
    internal parasites and the traditional approaches to treatment. The
    section describes various ways of treating stomach and intestinal worms
    used by smallholder farmers and pastoralists. In this study, decoctions
    of two plants Myrsine africana (Myrsinaceae) and Hagenia abyssinica
    (Rosaceae) were tested in sheep to determine their anthelmintic efficacy
    against the abomasal nematode Haemonchus contortus.

    Materials and Methods
    A total of 47 sheep were used in the trial. These were all male, Dorper
    sheep 3 to 4 months of age at the time of purchase. They were moved
    indoors and given a period of three weeks to get used to feeding on
    pellets and hay. Within this period, the animals were dewormed with
    injectable ivermectin (Ivomec®, MSD) at 200 mg/kg body weight, treated
    with a long-acting tetracycline (Tenaline LA®, Sanofi) and sprayed with
    flumethrin (Bayticol ®, Bayer) to remove ectoparasites according to the
    manufacturers instructions.

    After three weeks, the animals were each infected with 5000 L3
    Haemonchus contortus larvae divided into two equal doses of 2500 L3.
    Three weeks post infection, the animals were randomised into three
    groups based on their FEC and LWT with 15 sheep in each group. Two
    groups were treated, each with one of the two plants, while the third
    served as an untreated control. In each treatment group, five animals
    received the commonly reported dose rate, and half, or twice this dose.
    Animals were monitored daily for the first week following these dosing
    procedures and thereafter twice during the second week, by recording
    FEC, red cell packed cell volume (PCV) and weight. After treatment the
    animals’ feeding, behavior and activity were observed daily up to the
    termination of the trial.

    Plant preparation
    The plants were collected from the Aberdares forest about 100 km to the
    West of Nairobi. Hagenia abyssinica inflorescence was collected in
    August, which was towards, the end of the flowering season for this
    tree. The inflorescence flowers were cut using a professional tree
    climber from Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI). Only female
    inflorescence flowers (which are pink in colour) were collected. The
    flowers were then plucked and kept at 4o C until used. Myrsine africana
    leaves were collected in August, September and early October. This
    period coincided with the start and middle of the fruiting season for
    this shrub. The leaves from the shrub M. africana were plucked and kept
    under similar conditions. All samples were collected between midday and
    5.00 p.m. Verification of plant samples collected was carried out at the
    East African Herbarium, Museum of Kenya.

    Before application, the plants were removed from where they were
    preserved and ground with a blender and prepared into three different
    doses and applied as described in “Ethnoveterinary Medicine in Kenya: A
    field manual for traditional animal health care practices” (Anon. 1996).
    A day before treatment the plucked M. africana leaves were weighed into
    three doses with lowest dose of 62.5 grams per animal and the highest
    dose of 250 grams per lamb. The leaves were then ground with a blender
    and mixed with 0.5 litres of water for the low dose per animal, 1 litre
    for the medium dose and 1.5 litres of water per animal for the high
    dose. The H. abyssinica flowers were also ground in a similar manner.
    The lower dose composed of 15 grams, the middle 30 grams and the high 60
    grams per animal. Each of the doses was mixed with 0.5 litres of water
    and given to the animal without sieving. The plant preparations were
    given to the animals using 300 ml soda bottles.

    Statistical analysis
    A least squares analysis of variance was carried out to check for
    differences between groups. Faecal egg counts (FEC) were transformed
    into Log10 (count). The mean weekly FEC, PCV and LWT values for were
    analysed. Week one composed of the mean values for the five days samples
    while week two had values for the two samplings averaged. The sample
    size of 15 animals per group was chosen so as to be able to detect a FEC
    reduction of 70% between the treatment groups and the control. Linear
    regression analysis was carried out to check for relations in dose
    levels in each treatment group, for FEC, PCV and LWT.

    The FEC in the two treatment groups did not decline significantly
    compared to the control group (p>0.05). There was an increase in faecal
    egg count within the first three days after infection but FEC declined
    towards the end of the trial. However, FEC at the termination of the
    experiment was higher in the H. abyssinica group than at the start of
    treatment although not significantly different (Table 1). In the other
    two groups there was a decline in FEC, with a higher drop in the control
    group (Table 1). There was also a gradual drop in mean PCV and mean
    weight from the start of experiment to the end in all groups (Fig 1 &
    2). However, there were no significant differences between the treated
    and control groups in PCV and weight two weeks post treatment. No
    significant (p>0.05) dose effect on FEC (Tables 2), PCV, or weight was
    observed in each treatment group. No abnormal behavioural changes were
    observed after administration of the decoction in animals.

    Table 1.
    Mean weekly faecal egg count between controls and the treatment groups.
    Treatment N# Log10 (FEC) ± S.E.M.(GFEC)*
    Before treatment(1 sample) week1(5 samples) week2(2 samples)
    Control 15(14) 4.55± 0.0735481 4.43 ± 0.1826915 4.06 ± 0.0311482
    H. abyssinica 16(14) 4.45 ± 0.0728183 4.54 ± 0.0934674 4.55 ± 0.0535481
    M. africana 16 4.59 ± 0.0738905 4.63 ± 0.0942658 4.21 ± 0.2416218
    * GFEC = geometric mean of FEC (eggs per gram)
    # (n) = Number of animals at week 2.

    Table 2.
    Mean weekly faecal egg count for groups treated with M. africana leaves
    and H. abyssinica inflorescence decoctions
    Treatment N* Log10 (FEC) ± S.E.M.(GFEC)*
    Before treatment(1 sample) week1(5 samples) week2(2 samples)
    Untreated Control 15 (14) 4.55 ± 0.07(35,481) 4.43 ± 0.18(26,915) 4.06 ±
    HA# Lower dose (15 gm) 5 4.52 ± 0.09(33,113) 4.68 ± 0.07(47,863) 4.58 ±
    HA Medium dose (30 gm) 5 4.50 ± 0.13(31,623) 4.45 ± 0.28(28,184) 4.55 ±
    HA High Dose (60gm) 6 (4) 4.36 ± 0.12(22,909) 4.52 ± 0.10(33,113) 4.51
    ± 0.12(32,359)
    MA# Lower dose (62.5 gm) 5 4.68 ± 0.14(47,863) 4.57 ± 0.28(37,154) 3.80
    ± 0.64(6,310)
    MA Medium dose (125 gm) 5 4.54 ± 0.17(34,674) 4.70 ± 0.12(50,119) 4.16 ±
    MA High Dose (250 gm) 6 4.54 ± 0.05(34,674) 4.63 ± 0.04(42,658) 4.59
    ± 0.04(38,905)
    * (n) = Number of animals at week 2.
    # MA = Myrsine africana, HA = Hagenia abyssinica

    Fig 1
    Mean weekly packed red cell volume (%) in control and treatment groups
    post treatment.

    Fig 2.
    Mean weekly weight (kg) in control and treatment groups post treatment

    The current experiments assessed the efficacy of Myrsine africana and
    Hagenia abyssinica as anthelmintics in sheep. The fruits of M. africana
    have been reported to be used against intestinal worms (Gachathi, 1989).
    Kokwaro (1993) also reported the two plants to be used against
    roundworms, tapeworms and as general anthelmintics in humans and/or
    livestock. In Ethiopia H. abyssinica is reputably used as a taenicide
    (Desta, 1995). M. africana has also been used as an anthelmintic in
    various communities in Kenya for self medication (Kokwaro, 1996). A
    disalt of embelin a chemical constituent of M. africana was shown to
    have some anthelmintic activity (Gupta, 1976). However the greatest
    concentration of these chemicals is in the fruits with the least in the
    leaves (Arot, 1994). The lower concentration of embelin in leaves may
    have contributed to the lack of efficacy observed in this study.

    Haemonchus contortus is the most important nematode parasite of sheep
    and goats in the tropics. For any plant decoction to be of value for the
    smallholder farmers, it must have activity against this parasite. It is
    possible that these plants may contain chemical compounds that are
    effective against tapeworms, for example Monezia spp., but not against
    parasitic nematodes such as H. contortus. On the other hand, it is also
    possible that plants have been considered to be efficacious against
    “worms”, following their apparent observation in faeces of animals
    after they were administered with a plant preparation. In sheep,
    therefore, the sighting of Monezia spp. proglottids in faeces, which
    could occur for several other reasons, might in some instances serve as
    the simple explanation why some plants are considered as being
    efficacious against worms. This could of course be tested in an
    experimental situation but it is more difficult when the life cycle of
    the parasite is indirect as in the case of tapeworms.

    One other possible reason for a failure to obtain a response in this
    study is that the recommended dose described in Anon. (1996), was not be
    accurate. This was the reason why three dose levels were chosen for each
    plant preparation. It was also hoped that dose-responses would have
    occurred. An indication that the dose rate was inappropriate is provided
    by the studies by Low et al., (1985), who demonstrated that repeated
    feeding of embelin and H. abyssinica in high doses in chicks resulted in
    retinal pathology and defects in visual behaviour. In this study no
    signs of toxicity were observed, which were somewhat surprising
    particularly at the high dose rates. In the present study the plants
    were stored for a period of approximately one month. Pastoralist and
    smallholders may utilize fresh plant material. This may have had an
    effect on the activity of the plants.

    While preparing the plants for dosing, large amounts of the plant
    material were required. This would have serious consequences on the
    naturally occurring stands of these plants in the locations where they
    grow, should they be proven to be effective as anthelmintics. To
    safeguard these plants, a policy aimed at conserving such plant
    resources would need to be put in place. Although no efficacy was
    demonstrated at the dose levels used and according to the sampling
    conditions in this study, it would be worthwhile to repeat the present
    experiments but with the ‘expert’ input from the traditional healers
    about how they collect the plants and prepare the concoctions. This may
    help ascertain whether there are very important, but subtle,
    differences in the way in which these plant materials should be prepared
    and thus their usefulness as dewormers.

    In conclusion, no anthelmintic activity of the two plants was observed,
    at the dose rates used. However, given that leaves and not fruits of M.
    africana were used in this study, and the doses used showed no adverse
    effects on the animals, there is a need to repeat the trial using higher
    doses and better sampling techniques with the help of the traditional

    The East Africa Herbarium and N. Gachathi a botanist at KEFRI are
    thanked for helping in collection and identification of the plants. This
    work is being financially supported by the Swedish International
    Development Cooperation Agency (Sida/SAREC).


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    Arot, L.M. Phytochemical analysis of Myrsine africana (L) and Maesa
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