
“Many people praise and acknowledge the healing power of plants, but few people actually take action to prevent their extension by planting and conserving them for future generations.” (Ernest Rukangira )

Saturday, 21 December 2013

The Environment and Trade in the EU and Indigenous People

The Environment and Trade in the EU and Indigenous People


Apart from the direct fundamental rights avenue, there is the possibility of

reliance on international legal obligations in the context of environmental

protection to qualify trade in goods and services. The protection of the

environment is the legal darkroom from which the majority of indigenous

rights are emerging. [76] This is particularly relevant where the

international obligation has been implemented by a legislative measure

within the EU [77] The linkage of trade and environmental considerations may

create a niche for arguments associated with IP protection for indigenous

people to emerge. [78] Pro-environmental legal obligations may be invoked,

directly or indirectly, to seek to restrict certain IP rights or lead to the

expansion of existing IP protection. This may generate alternative modes of

protecting IP rights or rights associated with IP, in the context of trade.

[79] The EU has been an important arena for the development of enforceable

legal rights in relation to the environment. [80] This development may

provide an additional distinct basis for protection of interests of

indigenous people in a more general sense. [81]


Culture in the EU and Indigenous People


The development of a legal concept of 'culture' is another vein which may be

mined to produce legal arguments calculated to impact on the development of

IP rights. The French objections to the inclusion of film in the GATT

negotiations on the basis of the culture argument was a signal of the

possible implications of the inclusion of culture in the legal construct of

the EU [82] The ECJ accepted in the Cinetheque case [83] an argument based

on culture in order to dilute the application of the Dassonville definition

[84] of measures of equivalent effect to quantitative restrictions in the

context of the free movement of goods. Article 128 of the Treaty on European

Union recognises the need to promote culture, and contemplates co-operation

with third countries and cultural exchanges. The culture of the Member

States which were former colonial powers has inextricable connections with

third countries and indigenous people. 1492, for example, is an important

date in European history. It is not inconceivable that the legal protection

of culture could relate to indigenous people around the globe and might

therefore complement the development of indigenous rights, particularly as

they might impact on IP rights. Thus IP rights might be tailored as

appropriate to reflect indigenous interests.


Public Policy, Public Morality in the EU and Indigenous People


The possibility of a comprehensive definition of public policy or public

morality emerging from a judicial or legislative desire to harmonise the

terms (which occur in a number of contexts in the EU legal regime) might

even be wide enough to allow recognition of the rights of indigenous people


in appropriate circumstances. The ECJ has refused, for example, to impose a

common Euro-standard of public morality. [85] However, the Member States may

be increasingly tempted to establish common standards, particularly in view

of the need to regulate global industries. The nexus between IP and trade in

goods and services is revealed by the fact that public policy and public

morality operate explicitly as restrictions to the free movement of goods

and services [86] and the attainment of IP rights. [87] Names or images

could be denied registration, for example, on the grounds that they were

offensive to indigenous people and thus inconsistent with the dictates of

public policy, and the principles which the EU is bound to adhere to.


Indigenous Rights in the EU and IP: Conclusion


Thus indigenous rights development through the EU may either cut down the

exercise of existing IP rights or give protection to rights which perhaps

ought to have been protected by IP but were not. The protection of

indigenous people may occur, directly or indirectly, through the recognition

of legally enforceable obligations associated with fundamental rights, trade

and the environment, the protection of culture and the development of a

common approach to standards with regard to the interpretation of public

policy and morality. The translation of emerging indigenous momentum into

legal challenges, and the consequent influence on the development of IP

norms, also imply that the general process of harmonisation in the EU will

be found wanting if it fails to accommodate these new forces.


IP and the Digital Age: Kidnapped by Commerce


While the influence of indigenous people is a mere gentle western breeze

rippling through the fields of IP, which will grow gradually but strongly,

the digital age has hit like a tornado. The effects of communications

technology has generated endless debate. Despite the assistance of thinkers

>from Marshall McLuhan [88] to Gates, [89] general contours loom dimly. The

law trundles on, like one of Hannibal’s elephants, steered instead by the

hand of commerce. Cyberspace and the digital age have received plenty of

academic attention. [90] The EU is responding on a number of fronts. [91]

The debate about IP holds some valuable lessons for the development of law

in general, perhaps because of the contiguity of art and commerce.

Copyright, in particular, has been assaulted by doubts. [92] This doubt is

reflected in the spectrum of opinions as to appropriate responses.


Apart from the unique feature of communications, and convergence of the

technologies, the associated dynamism has been the occasion of reassessment

in other areas where the new technologies illuminate existing fault lines,

such as in the areas of character merchandising, [93] unfair competition

[94] and comparative advertising. [95]


The analogue-to-digital movement, the production of works in digital form,

in new dematerialised combinations, with new modes of transmission, renders

borders redundant and facilitates copying. Certain characteristics such as

interactivity pose new problems. [96] It might be argued that a process of


simplification and clarification is needed. The balance between the rights

of IP users, between functionality and fairness, lies at the heart of the

debate. Some seem content with the thrust of the dominant force in IP

development, [97] while others would argue for caution. [98] Some argue that

the entire construct of IP cannot cope conceptually [99] or needs

modification, [1] while others would focus on the need for direction. [2]

Many would focus on particular aspects such as the

geographical/jurisdictional/national problem. [3] A few argue that IP is



The leviathan force of change, particularly in relation to copyright, apart

>from a growing awareness of its significance, [4] is associated with the

protection and exploitation of mass commercial markets. The development of

the arts has always been linked to social dynamics and the dominant societal

forces. The golden age of English art, with the development of manuscript

illumination, jewellery, tapestry and stone carving, was no less

revolutionary in artistic and creative terms than the present era. Likewise,

the role of a cohesive, unifying force (in this case the Church) behind the

endeavour cannot be underestimated. [5] It becomes difficult not to agree

with Laddie that copyright is overprotected, as a result of the commercial

exploitation in the industrial context. [6] The Berne Convention Revision

[7] is significant per se, but a striking testament to the overwhelming

interests determining development in the digital domain and IP in general.

This is in line with the message behind the Sino-U.S. Agreement, the

lobbying on the Computer Software Directive [8] and the Term Directive. [9]

Some fear that WTO is another trend in this direction. [10]


Kurtz underlines elements of this fear in relation to the NII. [11] Her

fundamental argument is about access and education. She mourns the potential

auto-focus on the economic exploitation of works: 'Information should not be

available only to those who can pay for it'. Classic arguments in relation

to the tension between access and reward become pronounced in relation to

the Internet. [12] As the technologies expand and converge, the general

issues of media ownership, control and competition also converge. The

dangers of over-concentration of power also apply to the application of

commercial leverage in relation to legislative development. Chomsky’s

'propaganda model' might find parallels in the commercially reflexive

development of IP rights. [13] IP therefore seems to be predominantly a tool

of the dominant commercial forces in Western society, largely untouched by

other policy objectives apart from regional integrationism. The case for a

more focused but inclusive approach to the development of IP, bearing in

mind the historical origins of copyright, has been well made out recently by

Power. [14]


Parallel Reform?


The danger of the possibility of future restitution claims associated with

use of indigenous names, and increasing efforts to combat registration or

challenge the continued use of names in an offensive manner, could be very


costly where brand names have been built up. The possibility of boycotts of

goods with offensive names might also be a danger. So it is perhaps wise to

look at the possibility of reform even from the perspective of commercial

pragmatism. While this article will not suggest the exact mechanism of

achieving those reforms, it will indicate some potential similarities that

might render such reform, or at least consideration of the problems, viable.

Potential parallels between the response to indigenous people’s approach to

IP and the response to the challenge of the digital age, are arguably

manifest in the underlying operational conception, the post-national

imperative, the concepts of authorship and of sacredness, the protection of

image and the question of the public domain.


Operational conception


The systems of indigenous knowledge ('IKS') and traditional ecological

knowledge ('TEK'), and their contemporary manifestations in the Western

environmental movement, are characterised by metaphors based on

interconnectedness, classically the web. [15] The web metaphor is somewhat

appropriate to the digital age of interconnected, multi-point access. [16]

The contrast between the language of 'information superhighway' and 'web' is

very revealing of alternative perceptions. Furthermore Kelly argues that


«The realm of the born-all that is nature-and the realm of the made-all that

is humanly constructed-are becoming one. Machines are becoming biological

and the biological is becoming engineered.» [17]


In his neo-biological, bionic world of 'vivisystems' he says that


«Vital, postindustrial paradigms are hidden in every jungly ant hill. The

billion-footed beast of living bugs and weeds, and the aboriginal human

cultures which have extracted meaning from this life, are worth protecting,

if for no other reason than for the postmodern metaphors they still have not

revealed.» [18]


One might see the Australian Aboriginal songlines as a metaphor for the

information channels of the digital age. [19] The similarities between the

underlying metaphors reveal a conceptual proximity that may be useful in the

examination of potential legal solutions in the IP domain.




The analysis and evaluation of issues associated with IP in the digital era

and IP in relation to indigenous people share the post-national factor. The

effectiveness of national compartments has been increasingly reduced in the

global village. Thus all solutions to IP problems will have to recognise the

global dynamic. Likewise, the illusory nature and limitations of national

boundaries have long been understood and experienced by indigenous people.

Many artificial boundaries divide and separate them. [20] Thus global,

post-national solutions are relevant to advocates of IP rights in the

context of both the digital age and indigenous people.


Authorship, ownership and originality


The notion of authorship and the revisiting of it in the digital context has

generated lively discussion. [21] The concept of authorship needs some

revisiting, particularly in the context of copyright, but also in relation


to notions such as the person skilled in the art in complex areas in patent

law, such as biotechnology and genetic engineering. [22] Cornish identifies

some of the problems posed by digitisation in relation to copyright, and

questions the viability of the concept of authorship. [23] Harmonisation of

copyright has required a part-fusion of the alternative continental and

common law notions of authorship. Joint authorship and computer-generated

works point to the cracks in the aesthetic, autonomous construct of the

author. Likewise, the individual nature of the concept of authorship, and

the operational difficulties arising from the application of a theory of

rational economic man to indigenous people, combined with the evidentiary

difficulties associated with mystical and transgenerational origins of

knowledge, renders it inappropriate for many indigenous scenarios. [24]

Collective ownership under indigenous law conflicts with some central IP

concepts. [25] Thus a common conceptual approach to the core notion of

authorship and the nexus with ownership may be possible and desirable.


Linked to the question of authorship is the issue of originality and

novelty. Indigenous people may find that commercial interests appropriate

traditional art, designs, movement or knowledge of substances. Like-wise, in

the context of copyright in particular, the new technologies have spawned a

more direct current of more blatantly parasitic-artistic work which requires

re-evaluations of contemporary IP protection, not just in the operational

context but also conceptually. [26] Both areas would benefit from a rethink

of the law.


Concepts of sacredness


The concept and language of sacredness will be relevant to those associated

with IP rights in the digital age [27] in general, and those associated with

IP rights for indigenous people. [28] The Columban copyright dispute was a

dispute about property in a sacred book. [29] Nasr explains the link between

conceptions of sacredness, in the great religious traditions of Hinduism,

Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and conceptions of knowledge and

philosophy. [30] The functioning of a multi-cultural state or a global

market renders certain national legal principles associated with sacredness

out-dated. Even on a crude utilitarian view, the functionality of markets

rather than enlightened pluralism dictates awareness of alternative

religious perspectives and conceptions of sacredness. The fatwa issued

against Salman Rushdic over The Satanic Verses of 1989 emphasises the

problems which may arise, where cultures can clash in the realm of art. [31]

Digital technology accelerates the likelihood of conflict of the secular and

the sacred, and within the idea of the sacred, alternative notions of

sacredness. IP rights may be ineffectual, irrelevant or disregarded in such



Indigenous people may have alternative conceptions of sacredness. In the

overall struggle for indigenous rights, the recognition and reclamation of

religious sites is very significant. Many IP disputes associated with

indigenous people arise from the desire to protect sacred things, as in the


Yumbulul case. [32] Apart from guarantees associated with freedom of speech,

the content of material which is regarded as sacred would seem potentially

to impose some restrictions on IP rights, particularly where the use of the

material is calculated to cause offence. The point of solution to both

problems may be in the zone of exclusions from registration or judicial

recognition in relation to IP rights. This requires an approach which is

less Euro-centric and Euro-Christian than hitherto.


Likewise, in relation to the great issues associated with the patentability

of genetic and biotechnological processes, [33] there is a commonality of

interest in ensuring a system which grows in a way that may be broadly

acceptable to society in general. For example, in relation to patents, the

indigenous conceptions of sacredness may be very useful contributions to the

evolution of norms. Indeed, some see the need for a synthesis of approach,

incorporating if not spearheaded by the indigenous approach. From

under-protection to over- protection, it may even be argued that there have

been, or are, deliberate attempts to construct quasi-sacred or

market-rendered sacred names for commercial purposes. The movement from

'Prince' to an unnameable could be seen as the culmination of a process of

attempting to create a secular tetragrammaton. [34]


Protection of image


Indigenous people are concerned about the commercial exploitation of their

images, symbols or names. This may be addressed by the development of a

concept of sacredness, or alternatively by the development of principles

which limit their commercial exploitation. This, however, is not merely a

problem associated with the indigenous sensitivity to the protection of

image. Digitisation and the dematerialisation process, virtual reality, the

development of three-dimensional technology and new editing techniques put

the question of the ownership and treatment of image at the centre of

commercial exploitation of IP, particularly in relation to posthumous use.

This is particularly important in the area of character merchandising.

Inappropriate use of images, names or symbols therefore may be undesirable

>from an IP perspective, for widely differing reasons.


Public domain


The digital era has focused attention on the role of the public domain and

the values and norms that should inform legislative development of new

technology. [35] Genuine access to legal protection for indigenous people is

a crucial issue. Again, the tension between commercial exploitation and

public access is clear. The public access argument clearly parallels

indigenous arguments about community ownership of information.


European Union-Opportunity?


Thus the identification of common problems in ostensibly disparate areas,

like the revealed rocks at low tide, may suggest the desirability of common

solutions in the context of the development of IP within the EU The EU

ultimately revolves around the single market, as the hub on which the other

spokes turn. Harmonisation often requires rationalisation. Harmonisation in

relation to IP is a sub-set of the formation of the single market and occurs


through the various regional and global trade institutions. [36] The

'specific subject-matter saga' [37] was an important conceptual clash of IP

and free movement. As the contours of the landscape are defined by their

gradual reconciliation, the relationship with other forces will become more

immediate. IP will inevitably clash with indigenous rights in the legal

forums of organisations such as the EU, unless a proactive response is made.

The conceptual contiguity of the issues posed by this looming force and the

contemporary reevaluation occasioned by the digital age suggest the

desirability of some lateral thinking.


Some argue that the free movement principles provide a unique opportunity to

solve the multi-dimensional problems associated with the Internet. [38] One

of the emerging candidates, for example, as a guide to piecing the puzzle is

the development of the notion of commercial communications'. [39] One of the

great advantages of the EU is the possibility of development by legal

design. A sensitivity to indigenous issues in the development of these

principles may save a lot of problems in relation to IP The development of a

common idea of public policy and public morality, of novelty and

originality, might enable the influence of an indigenous-sensitive

perspective. Furthermore, what might be termed 'the big stick' approach to

IP may be less effective than its advocates hope, and be replaced by a more

soft and subtle method. [40]




Native Americans were left in no doubt as to utility of the 'white man’s



Conquest gives a title which the Courts of the conqueror cannot deny,

whatever the private and speculative opinions of individuals may be,

respecting the original justice of the claim which has been successfully

asserted. [41]


Indigenous people might argue that commerce now gives an impetus which

lawyers and law-makers will not ignore, whatever the justice of indigenous

claims. While the titanic system of IP steams ahead, different drum-beats

are coming gently across the water. The EU, which is regarded by some as the

empire of empires, [42] might provide the opportunity for a retreat from

insensitivity. Recent studies in the context of the link between trade

liberalisation and the promotion of environmental policy conclude that the

deeper integration of the EU, and the accompanied deeper trade

liberalisation, facilitate environmentally friendly solutions in comparison

with shallower trade organisations, refuting the claim by some that trade

liberalisation is bad for the environment. [43] Indigenous people will have

to be part of the solution, and will have to respond by engaging with the IP

structures and institutions which exist. [44] A more inclusive IP regime

will be more widely accepted and will defuse the arguments which will be put

forward to qualify existing doctrines. Indigenous people know that the cure

often comes from close to where the poison comes from, if not from the

poison itself.




[1]  Laurens van der Post, The Lost World of the Kalahari, (1962) p. 151.

[2]  For a basic introduction to indigenous people see Burger, The GAIA


Atlas of First Peoples - A Future for the Indigenous World (1990): For an

overview of the development of the legal protection of indigenous people see

Sutherland, 'Indigenous Peoples, Emerging New Legal Standards for

Comprehensive Rights' (1997) 27/1 Environmental Policy and Law 13.

[3]  Vine Deloria Jr, 'Consolidating Indian Efforts' (Standing Rock Sioux)

in Great Documents in American Indian History (Moquin and Van Doren, eds.,

1995), p. 383. Also see Long, 'Nomads and the Net' (March 1997) The

Geographical 28.

[4]  This article uses the 'digital age' as a convenient epithet to refer to

the time rather than the technology.

[5]  In the sense that indigenous people are connected to the oldest

traditions of humankind, and the digital revolution is associated with the

newest developments.

[6]  The approach taken in this article is intended to be conjectural in the

tradition of critical pluralism as explained by Kari Popper. Popper

emphasised the importance of such an approach from Xenophanes to Einstein,

and the value of the 'woven web of guesses'. See Karl Popper, 'Toleration

and Intellectual Responsibility' in In Search of a Bener World (1994).

[7]  Carmichael, Peppard and Boudreau, Megaresort on My Door-step. Journal

of Travel Research (1996), p. 9.

[8]  There are differing academic perspectives with regard to the experience

of indigenous people and trade in indigenous products. See Tickell, 'Nuts,

Bucks, and Survival' (August 1992) The Geographical 10 and Corry, 'The

Rainforest Harvest. Who Reaps the Benefit?' (1993) 23/4 The Ecologist, and

more recently Taylor, 'Saving the Forests for the Trees. Alternative

Products from Woodlands' (1997) 39/1 Environment 6.

[9] Da Silva, 'The Protection of Intellectual Property for Local Indigenous

Communities' [1995] 11 EIPR 546.

[10]  McGrath, 'The Patent Provisions in TRIPS: Protecting Reasonable

Remuneration for Services Rendered-or the Latest Development in Western

Colonialism?' [1996] 7 EIPR 398.

[11]  UNCTAD, The Role of the Patent System in the Transfer of Technology to

Developing Countries (UN Doc. TD/B/AC 11/19, 1974) and UNCTAD, The Role of

Trademarks in Developing Countries (UN Doc.TD/B/C. 6/AC. 3/3 Rev 1, 1979).

[12]  TD/CODE TOT/47, June 20, 1985.

[13]  For example see Muchlinski, Multinational Enterprises and the Law

(1995) p. 446.

[14]  For a good recent synopsis see Blakeny, 'Protection of Traditional

Medical Knowledge of Indigenous Peoples' [1997] 6 EIPR 298.

[15]  Posey, 'Protecting Indigenous Rights to Diversity' (1996) 38/8

Environment 7. This article also presents a good explanation of the

definition of indigenous people, and a review of the international legal

instruments affecting indigenous people. Also, Greaves (ed.), Intellectual

Property Rights for Indigenous Peoples: A Sourcebook, Society for Applied

Anthropology (1994).

[16]  See Blakeney, 'Protecting Expressions of Australian Aboriginal

Folklore under Copyright Law' [1995] 9 EIPR 442.

[17]  See Posey, n. 15 above, at 37. Cummins v. Bond [1927] 1 Ch. 167 is an

entertaining example of the Chancery Division of the High Court being


unwilling to classify a spirit as the author of copyright in a work dictated

by a spirit medium.

[18]  See Posey, ibid., at 8.

[19]  Johnson, M., Lore: Capturing Traditional Environmental Knowledge

(1992), p. 4.

[20]  The Bellagio Declaration of May l993 recognises this problem; see

Blakeney, n. 14 above, at 299.

[21]  Posey, n. 15 above.

[22]  For a witty account of the origin of commercial brands in the United

States see Bryson, Made in America (1994). For a defence of the market

mechanism in the evaluation of legal principles see Duxbury, 'Do Markets

Degrade' (1996) 59/3 Modern Law Review 331.

[23]  Such as Winnebago and Cherokee in relation to cars, and Braves,

Redskins and Chiefs in relation to football teams.

[24]  The court in the 'Crazy Horse' passing-off case (Alain Bernadin et CIE

v. Pavillion Properties [1967] R.P.C. 581) was not concerned about the

generation of goodwill in a name whose use would cause offence to the

individual’s descendants.

[25]  Also see with regard to sacred names in general Umberto Eco, The

Search for the Perfect Language (1995).

[26]  Fraser, The Golden Bough, A Study in Magic and Religion (1993), p.


[27]  Also see Golvan, 'Aboriginal Art and the Protection of Indigenous

Cultural Rights' [1992] 7 EIPR 227.

[28]  Some elements in the indigenous world would perceive European academic

endeavour, no matter how supportive, as prompted by a new subtler type of

colonialism. Even if that were true, which the author would dispute, that

fails to see the inherent self-interest that Europe has in developing a

widely acceptable system of IP if it is to function effectively within its

own region, by identifying marginalising processes which it creates.

[29]  One of the better illustrations perhaps of the link between force,

colonisation and law is provided in the Institutes of Justinian of 553: 'The

valour of our arms barbarian nations made subject to our sway have learnt to

know. Africa and innumerable other provinces, after so long an interval by

the victories which God has given us restored to our rule and Empire bear

witness to it. All nations now are ruled by laws which we have issued or

complied'. See Tunney, 'Free Movement, Intellectual Property and Aboriginal

Peoples', Proceedings of Aboriginal Peoples Conference, Lakehead University,

Ontario, October 1996. See also Duncan, 'Property as a Public Conversation.

Not a Lock-Can Solioquy; A Role for Intellectual History and Legal History

in Takings Analysis' (1996) 26/4 Environmental Law (North-western School of

Law of Lewis & Clark College) 1095. With regard to the link with culture see

Said, Culture and Imperialism (1994).

[30]  See Bartolomé de las Casas, 'Aquí Se Contienen Treinta Proposiciones

Muy Jurídicas', cf. de Vitoria, 'De Indiis et De lure Belli Relectiones',

Culture and Belief in Europe 1450-1600 (Englander, Norman, O’Day and Owens

eds., 1990), pp. 324 and 331.

[31]  ibid.,Bernal Diaz, The Conquest of New Spain, trans. and ed. by J. M.

Cohen (1963), p. 307.

[32]  For a recent particular study see Kathyrn Holland Braund, Deerskins &

Duffels (1996).


[33]  Greenfield, The Return of Cultural Treasures (2nd edn., 1996).

[34]  See McGrath, n. 10 above.

[35]  See Blakeney, n. 14 above, at 302.

[36]  The author would agree with the thrust of Bowrey's argument in favour

of an interdisciplinary approach; see Bowrey, 'Who's Writing Copyright's

History?' [1996] 6 EIPR 322, and the consistent encouragement from jurists

such as Oliver Wendell Holmes for students of law to study disciplines

around their area, while accepting that fools rush in where angels fear to

tread. Ale inherent nature of IP and the dictates of technological dynamism

require some academic speculative risk.

[37]  Duncan, see n. 29 above, is a good example of an article in this

genre. It also provides a critique of some fundamental legal concepts, which

parallels indigenous academic analysis.

[38]  For a perspective on goods in the European context, see Lisa Jardine,

Worldly Goods (1996).

[39]  Thom White Wolf Fassett, 'Where Do We Go From Here?' in Defending

Mother Earth, Native American Perspectives on Environmental Justice (Weaver

ed., 1996), p. 177.

[40]  The celebrated decision against Colmcille (later St Columba) was

recorded and translated from Irish as 'To every cow its calf, to every book

its copy'. Indeed, it might be argued from this decision that IP principles

would have grown organically in non-colonised countries.

[41]  See Maine, Ancient Law (1890). That unwritten law was not regarded as

law is a convenient doctrine for a coloniser. On the significance of

orality, see Basil H. johnson, 'One Generation from Extinction' in An

Anthology of Canadian Native Literature in English (Moses and Goldic (eds.,

1992). The approach of s. 3 (2) of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act

1988 to the requirement that copyright does not subsist until recorded, but

thereafter does in literary, dramatic and musical works, might have been a

more sophisticated legal methodology to employ when dealing with indigenous

legal cultures.

[42]  One is reminded of York in Richard II: 'If you do wrongfully seize

Hereford's right ... You pluck a thousand dangers on your head ... You lose

a thousand well-disposed hearts, And prick my tender patience to those

thoughts which honour and allegiance cannot think.' Act 2, Scene 1.

[43]  See Mails,The Mystic Warriors of the Plains (2nd ed.,1991); Vine

Deloria Jr, God Is Red (2nd edn., 1992); Suzuki and Knudtson, Wisdom of the

Elders: Honoring Sacred Native Visions of Nature (1992). McPherson and Rabb,

eds., Indian from the Inside; A Study in Ethno-Metaphysics (1993); Defending

Mother Earth, Native American Perspectives on Environmental justice, n. 39


[44]  See Duncan, n. 29 above.

[45]  See Bell and Klein, Radically Speaking: Feminism Reclaimed (1996).

Also Bordo, The Cartesian Masculinazination of Thought', in From Modernism

to Postmodernism (Cahoone ed., 1996), p. 656.

[46]  ibid.; Hall, 'Modern China and the Post-Modern West', p. 698.

[47]  Capra, The Tao of Physics (1976).

[48]  Aschemie, 'Accounting, Time, and African Philosophy, Advances in

Public Interest Accounting' (1996) 6 Critical Perspectives in Accounting


19-33 and Birkin, 'The Ecological Accountant; From the Cogito to Thinking

Like a Mountain' (1996) 7 Critical Perspectives in Accounting, 23 1.

[49]  Much native philosophy, for example n. 3 above, necessarily involves a

critique of European philosophy.

[50]  C.G. Jung, Jung on the East (Clarke ed., 1995), p. 162.

[51]   ibid., p. 163.

[52]  See Bronowski, The Ascent of Man (1973).

[53]  See Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World; Science as a Candle in the Dark


[54]  See for example, Gross and Levitt, Higher Superstition: The Academic

Left and Its Quarrels with Science (1994). The exaggerated historical schism

between science and religion begun in earnest by Draper in 1874 is a

different story; see Russell, Inventing the Flat Earth (1991).

[55]  See for example Crespi, 'Biotechnology Patenting: The Wicked Animal

Must Defend Itself', [1995] 9 EIPR 431.

[56]  See (merely as a basic example of the emergence of this trend) Peat,

Blackfoot Physics (1996).

[57]  Indeed, some suggest that the digital age itself, chracterised by

bivalence and traceable to Aristotelian logic, is a way of thinking doomed

to give way to a system characerised by multivalence, to neural networks

instead of digital computers, which is more attributable to Eastern or

Buddhist diinidng, or the schools of thought inspired in this century by

Bertrand Russell and Werner Heisenberg. See Kosko, Fuzzy Thinking, The new

Science of Fuzzy Logic (1994).

[58]  Likewise, some of the new mathematics which underlies the new

technologies of the global village that IP has to protect is based on

discoveries by people such as Mandlebrot, building on propositions such as

the Cantor set and the Koch curve (which bear striking resemblances to

indigenous and traditional philosophies and symbols). With regard to the

development and contempory application of these mathematical theories, see

Gleick, Chaos, Making a New Science (1987).

[59]  See for example s. 1 (3) of the Patents Act 1977 and s. 3 (3) of the

Trade Marks Acts 1994 in the United Kingdom.

[60]  Att.-Gen. v. Guardian Newspapers (No, 2) [1988] 3 WL.R.776; [1988] 3

All E.R. 545, H.L.

[61]  See Weatherill and Beaumont, EC Law (2nd edn., 1996), Chap. 26.

[62]  One is reminded of the statement from Pudd’nhead Wil-son’s Calendar,

'Consider well the proportion of things, It is better to be a young June-bug

than an old bird of paradise.' Mark Twain, Pudd’nhead Wilson and Other Tales

(1992) p. 42.

[63]  In relation to the use of U.S. antitrust in relation the exercise of

IP rights in the area of communications technology, see Daly, 'The Robin

Hood of the Rich' (August 1997) Wired 108.

[64] UN Doc.E/CN.4/Sub.2/1994/Add/April 20, 1994 and see Sutherland, n. 2


[65]  Mabo v. State of Queensland (No. 2) (1992) 175 C.L.R. 1.

[66]  For example, the Mataatua Declaration, the Julayinbul Statement and

the COICA Statement, Blakeney, n. 14 above,

[67]  See Posey n. 15 above.

[68]  Costa v. Ente Nazionale per L' Energia Elettrica (ENEL) Case 6/64

[1964] E.C.R. 585; [1964] CMLR 425.

[69]  Van Gend en Loos v. Nederlandse Administratie der Belastingen Case

26162 [1963] ECR 1; [1963] CMLR 105.


[70]  Nold KG v. Commission Case 4/73 [1974] ECR 491 at 507; [1974] 2 CMLR


[71]  See Sutherland, n. 2 above.

[72]  In particular elements of Arts 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16 would seem to be

useful possible sources of rights.

[73]  See Ford, 'The Morality of Biotechnology Patents: Differing Legal

Obligations in Europe?' [1997] 6 EIPR 315 in relation to IP

[74]  COM (95) 567 final.

[75]  The greatest objection to these groups being so regarded would seem to

arise from issues such as a lack of homogeneity and the degree of

industrialisation. But it would be mistaken to dismiss groups such as the

Basques, despite these considerations. The legal definition will be the key

and not the presence of groups on BBC wildlife programmes.

[76]  See Sutherland, n. 2 above.

[77]  See for example The Commission v. France [1990] E.C.R. 1-43371 with

regard to the use of art. 169 enforcement proceedings to ensure compliance

by France with its obligations under Council Regulation 3626/82 of December

3, 1982, which implemented the Convention on International Trade in

Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora ('CITES'), of March 3, 1973.

[78]  For an introduction to the EU and international relations, see

McGoldrick, International Relations Law of the European Union (1997).

[79]  SeeBlakeney,'The Impact of theTRIPs Agreement in the Asia Pacific

Region' [1996] 10 EIPR 544. Also see Eeckhout, 'The Domestic Legal Status of

the WTO Agreement: Inter-connecting Legal Systems' (1997) 34 Common Market

Law Review 11.

[80]  For a description of the development of EU environmental agenda, see

Pocklington, 'The Role of Environmental Action Programmes in the Development

of EU Enviromnental Legislation' (Dec. 1995) Environmental Law and


[81]  For a recent comprehensive article with regard to likely developments

in general, see 'Towards an Environmental Constitutional Law' (April 1997)

European Environmental Law Review 113.

[82]  See Puttnam, The Undeclared War. The Struggle to Control the World’s

Film Industry (1997).

[83]  Cinetheque v. Federation Nationale de Cinemas Frunfaises Cases 60,

61/84 [1985] ECR 2605; [1986] 1 CMLR 365.

[84]  Procureur du Roi v. Dassonville Case 8174 [1974] ECR 837; [1974] 2

CMLR 436.

[85]  See R. v. Hennand Darby Case 34/79 [1979] ECR 3795; [1980] 1 CMLR 246.

[86]  For example, Art. 36 of the Treaty of Rome in relation to free

movement of goods.

[87]  For example Art. 7 (f) of Council Regulation 40/94 of December 20,

1993 [1994] O.J. L11/1. There is also Art. 3 (2)(a) of the Council Directive

89/104 [1989] O.J. L40 in relation to grounds for refusal where a trade mark

covers a sign of high symbolic value, in particular a religious symbol.

[88]  Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media (1964).

[89]  Gates, The Road Ahead (1995).

[90]  For a review of existing law in the United Kingdom, see Euan Cameron

and Caitriona Hegarty, 'Never Mind the Quality, Feel the Width, A Sceptical

View of Legal Interference with Cyberspace' (1996) 1011 International Review

of Law, Computers & Technology 79.

[91]  In relation to proposals on the Information Society, see 'Europe’s Way


in the Information Society', COM (94) 347. Communication on 'Ale

Implications of the Information Society for European Union

Policies-Preparing the Next Steps', COM (96) 395. Green Paper on 'Living and

Working in the Information Society: People First', COM (96) 389.

Communication on 'Standardisation in the Information Society: The European

Approach', COM (96) 359. Proposed Directive on Regulatory Transparency in

the Internal Market for Information Society Initiatives, COM (96) 392.

[92]  This article cannot be a survey of all the disputes in IP

[93]  Ruijsenaars, 'The WIPO report on Character Merchandising' (1994) 25

International Review of Industrial Property and Copyright Law 532, and

'Legal Aspects of Merchandising: The AIPPI Resolution' [1996] 6 EIPR 331.

[94]  See Chen, 'A Proposal for the International Convention for Protection

Against Unfair Competition' [1996] 8 EIPR 450.

[95]  Willimsky, 'Comparative Advertising: An Overview' [1996] 12 EIPR 649.

[96] For a coherent analysis see Dixon and Hansen, '’ne Berne Convention

Enters the Digital Age' [1996] 11 EIPR 604.

[97] See Reinbothe, 'The New WIPO Treaties: A First Resume' [1997] 4 EIPR


[98]  Vinje, 'A Brave New World of Technical Protection Systems: Will there

Still be Room for Copyright?' [1996] 8 EIPR 431.

[99]  Barlow, 'The Economy of Ideas: A Framework for Rethinking Patents and

Copyrights in the Digital Age' (March 1994) Wired, and see Bowrey, n. 36


[1]  Christic, 'Reconceptualising Copyright in the Digital Era' [1995] 11

EIPR 525.

[2]  Edwards,'Modelling Law Using a Feminist Theoretical Perspective' (1995)

4/1 Law, Computers and Artificial Intelligence 95.

[3]  Davison, 'Geographical Restraints on the Distribution of Copyright

Material in a Digital Age: Are they justified' [1996] 9 EIPR 477.

[4]  Also see Dworkin, 'The Rise and Rise of Intellectual Property', 1997, 9

London University Law Journal 14.

[5]  See Wilson, Anglo-Saxon Art From the Seventh Century to the Norman

Conquest (1983).

[6]  Laddic, 'Copyright: Over-strength, Over-regulated, Overrated?' [1996] 5

EIPR 259.

[7]  See nn. 97 and 98 above.

[8]  Council Directive on the Legal Protection of Computer Programs 91/350

[1991] O.J. L122/42.

[9]  Council Directive Harmonising the Term of Protection of Copyright and

Certain Related Rights 93/98 [1993] O.J. L29019.

[10]  McGrath, see n. 10 above (lst ser.).

[11]  Kurtz, 'Copyright and the National Information Infra-structure in the

US' [1996] 3 EIPR 120.

[12]  Branscomb, 'Public and private domains of information:Defining the

legal boundaries' [Dec. 1994] 21/2 American Society for Information Science,


[13] Chomsky, Necessary Illusions, Thought Control in Democratic Societies


[14] Power, 'Digitisation of Serials and Publications' [1997] 8 EIPR 447.

[15]  For example, Capra, The Web of Life (1997).

[16]  Although the competing web metaphors might remind one of the Greek

myth of Minerva and Arachne. Of course the web metaphor might be used as a

negative one, as Swift did in his essay on the spider and the fly. For a

synopsis of Swift, 'A Tale of a Tub. Written for the Universal Improvement


of Mankind, To Which is Added An Account of Battle Between the Ancient and

Modern Books in St James Library' (1704) see Stephen jay Gould, Dinosaurs in

a Haystack. Reflections on Natural History (1996) p. 76.

[17]  Kelly, Out of Control, The New Biology of Machines (1994), p. 2.

[18]  ibid., p. 4.

[19]  Chatwin, The Songlines (1987).

[20]  In relation to Africa, see Thomas Pakenham,the Scramble for Africa:

White Man’s Conquest of the Dark Continent from 1876 to 1912 (1991) and

Romain Yakemtchouk, 'Les Frontienes Africanes' (1970) 74 Revue Générale de

Droit International Public 27 and Ratner, 'Drawing a Better Line: Uti

Possidetis and the Borders of New States' (Oct 1996) 90/4 American Journal

of International Law 590.

[21]  Olswang, 'Accessright: An Evolutionary Path for Copyright into the

Digital Era' [1995] 5 EIPR 21 8. Also see Christie, n. 1 above (2nd ser.),

and Bowrey, n. 36 above.

[22]  For example in the case of Genentech’s Patent (1989) RPC147.

[23]  Cornish, 'Authors and the Law' (1995) Modern Law Review 1. See also

Wright, 'Authorship of Computer Generated Works; A Legal Pandora’s Box'

(Oct. 1996) Business Law Review 252. Bowrey, n. 36 above, and Vinje, n. 98


[24]  See Posey, n. 15 above (1st ser.).

[25]  See Golvan at n. 27 above, and also Golvan, 'Aboriginal Art and

Copyright: The case for Johnny, Bulun Bulun' [1989] EIPR 346.

[26]  The practice of sampling is perhaps the best example of the

technological and related artistic-social operational challenge, which may

bring a conceptual challenge and which might have occasioned the call for a

conceptual solution.

[27]  See Lane, The Living Tree, Art.

[28]  For example Lees, 'Melanesia’s Sacred Inheritance', in Indigenous

People and Protected Areas (Kemf ed., 1993) Brown, The Sacred Pipe (1953).

[29]  See n. 40 above.

[30]  Seyyed Hossein Nasr, KnowIedge and the Sacred (1989). This in turn

informs the debate about the philosophical fault lines underpinning the IP


[31]  The efforts to form a group of eight developing Muslim countries to

counterbalance the hegemony of the G7 (G8) countries and their economic

values, may further emphasise the appropriateness of indusive notions of

sacredness, not confined to one dominant religion. Likewise the recall by

Nike of shoes with symbols which could have caused offence to Muslims is

consistent with the need to marry sensitivity and commercial pragmatism; see

The Independent, June 25, 1997.

[32]  Viimbulul v. Reserve Bank of Australia (1991) 21 IPR 4 at 81.

[33]  Which may be said to be one of the debates associated with the digital

age, if not directly with digital technology.

[34]  Although Madonna might be a much more formidable iconoclast, her name

was Madonna Ciccone and therefore does not really fall into this category;

see Andersen, Madonna (1991).

[35]  Also see Phillips, Opinion, 'The Diminishing Domain: Threat to the

Public Domain' [1996] 8 EIPR 1996, and Norman, Opinion, 'The Electronic

Environment: The Librarian’s View' [1996] 2 EIPR 71.

[36]  See Gendreau, 'Copyright Harmonisation in the European Union and in

North America' [1995] 10 EIPR 489. This refers to the role of IP in the


NAFTA context. The indigenous people of America are becoming better

organised and the pressure for an indigenous perspective to inform the

trade-related aspects of IP will become acute in the decade to come.

[37]  See n. 61 above.

[38]  John F. Mogg, writing from the experience derived from a European

Commission perspective in the preface to Hance, Business and the Law on the

Internet (1996).

[39]  See Miskin and Vahrenwaid, 'Commercial Communications in the Internal

Market-At What Price?' [1996] 11 EIPR 621.

[40]  De Koning, 'Why the Coercion-based GATT Approach is not the only

answer to International Piracy in the Asia-Pacific Region' [1997] 2 EIPR 59.

[41]  Chief Justice John Marshall, Yohnson v. Mclntosh 8 Wheat. 543 (1823).

[42]  See Margaret Thatcher’s speech at the College of Europe, Bruges,

September 20, 1988.

[43]  Steinberg, 'Trade-Environment Negotiations in the EU, NAFTA and WTO:

Regional Trajectories of Rule Development' (1997) 91 American Journal of

International Law 231.

[44]  Practical responses might include, for example, the establishment of a

collecting society for copyright works of indigenous people, a review of

possible legal remedies in the EU, an electronic journal on the subject of

indigenous people and IP, a scholarship system for indigenous students to

study IP law and a comprehensive attempt to record traditional indigenous

knowledge by and for the benefit of indigenous people which would assist in

an evidentiary context in IP disputes.


European Intellectual Property Review

Vol.20, Issue 9, September 1998

Sweet & Maxwell Ltd




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Subject: first submission

Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 01:18:10 -0700

From: "Prof. Anil Gupta" <>




The following is the editorial of current issue of Honey Bee newsletter

9(3)1998 june -sep which may be of interest to this list also


Will appreciate any comments, suggestions and criticism--anil


Knowledge Network  among grassroots innovators: emerging applications

of  Information Technology


One reason why many grassroots innovations can not be scaled up is the

lack of appreciative peer group which can critique these innovations,

suggest improvements and spur these innovators to try out new designs.

Conventionally, informal gatherings of farmers particularly those who

had experimented with new ideas helped in providing such peer groups.

But the frequency of such meetings was not very high. In many places

such meetings seldom  took place. The isolation of innovators from one

another continues in large parts of the world. Those who can read , can

access new innovations through  local language newsletters triggered by

Honey Bee. But the combined circulation of all these newsletters in six

languages may not be more than ten thousand. Assuming that each issue of

the newsletter is read by  5  or 6 people,  the readership of  Honey Bee

network may be about 50-60,000 only.


The asymmetry in access to information among those who have access to

modern computer based  information  networks  such as the internet, and

those who do not, is extremely high.  We have been thinking about this

problem for some time. We invite comments from readers on the ideas that

we have evolved in the last few years so that our search for solutions

gets sharpened.


a)      Creating internet and intranet kiosks which are accessible to


people so that they can access information on local innovation or

related information on local ecological knowledge, indigenous knowledge,

information about local experts, availability of local varieties of

crops, trees, fruits and vegetables, recipes of uncultivated crops etc.

Solar powered or  battery operated systems could democratise the access

to these knowledge bases. Local language interfaces for email  has

already been developed by CDAC. One could also have either touch screen

or speech  recognition softwares embedded in these kiosks so that

farmers could construct messages using pre-coded buttons about crops,

pests, or diseases, problems or solutions. Idea is that not knowing

reading and writing should not pose any difficulty in communicating

through such innovations kiosks or Shodh kendras.


Or farmers could also talk into the recording system of the kisok so

that receiver in the same language can listen to the observation of  the

sender  innovator. For farmers in other places with different language,

these files are translated through mediating node and then sent onwards.

Important issue is to see whether textual, oral or picture messages can

be transmitted easily so that mutual learning among innovators and

others can take place.


b)      creating multi-media data bases so that barriers of language,

literacy, and localism can be overcome. Farmers do not have to learn

only from  local people, nor do they have to learn in textual form and

>from those who speak their language.  Multimedia technology can help

people get closer to reality . Farmers’ response to Honey Bee Multi

Media Data Base (HB MMDB) of  innovations  shown among about 40 villages

through which we walked during Shodh Yatra and later at Honey Bee

network meeting in Madurai, has been spectacular. It seems to enhance

their pride in their own knowledge when they see pictures of other

innovators, hear their sound, and see their innovations in action

through video clips.  Mobile exhibitions of MMDBs is one way to overcome

spatial constraints in connecting innovators with each other.


c)      the farmers who want to explore non chemical alternatives for

agriculture in any part of the world cannot often rely on the existing

private  or public sector  information dissemination systems which are

biased in favour of high chemical intensive technologies. Access to such

information in real time is even more difficult. Information Kiosks may

provide such a possibility through village based nodes. When there is a

real crisis in agriculture, and if only alternative available at short

notice is a chemical one, then that is what will be tried by most

people, even if they realised  the possible environmental externalities.

The point is that there should be normal notice boards on innovations in

different areas frequented by women as well as men separately if that be

necessary. This will ensure that those who have not overcome the fear of

computers will at least read the paper notices and get bugged by the

innovative spirit.


d)      data bases of innovations with the name and addresses of the

innovators and communicators can be kept at different nodes of Knowledge

Network so that local farmers, artisans and other women and men can get

inspired by the creativity of others and also get challenged to try

their own experiments.


e)      Growers of organic grain, oil and fruit and vegetable crops

may not

be able to afford  advertising on popular media but they can certainly

broadcast their product range on electronic discussion groups in various

languages. Similarly, the farmers who conserve local biodiversity  in

agricultural field as well as in wild may like to have seed exchange

programme managed by themselves and the electronic exchange boards may



f)      an  electronic  auction market of innovations may be set up so


those willing to license the right to manufacture or scale up any

innovation given on the bulletin boards may bid and the innovators may

decide with in specified period whether they want to license their

innovation to the highest bidder or not. The linkage between

innovations, investor and entrepreneur  may be forged.


g)      closed membership discussion group may be set up in local


so that specific innovations may be taken up for collective improvement

in design and scope given the willingness of innovators as well a s

his/her peers to engage in such collaborative learning exercises.


h)      A system like INSTAR for quick registration and grant of


patents ( similar to utility patents with lower inventive threshold),

shorter in duration ( say about 8-10 years) and lesser number of claims

( say only 5-7) may be established electronically. Any body can file

claims as well as opposition on electronic boards through appropriate

local bodies. One can also explore collective management of industrial

property in individual names through networks like honey Bee and SRISTI.

Some of these  ideas and  HB MMDB were presented to the Prime

Minister’s  Task Force on IT and the response was very encouraging.

Several colleagues felt that there was no reason why thousands of

innovations available in Honey Bee data base should not have generated

thousand of enterprises or new products. But that may happen in  not too

distant a future if  a national empowered coporation like GIAN (Gujarat

Grassroots Innovation Augmentation Network) comes up.


I)      The patent offices will also be obliged to refer to the local

knowledge data bases so that no patents are issued on disclosed

traditional as well as contemporary community or individual innovations,

knowledge and practices.


There may be many other ways in which Information Technology can be used

to connect innovators with potential investors, volunteer scientists

desirous of working with creative farmers, and entrepreneurs. Similarly,

patent data bases can be searched by farmers to know the state of  art

in any field so that farmers’  innovations go beyond what is already

known. We look forward to hear from you so that IT revolution reduces

the distance between haves and have nots and does not increase it

Creating a Knowledge Network for sustainable technologies and

institutions is a realistic possibility. The equestion is, will you like

to be a part of  such a network?






Prof Anil K Gupta

Professor, Indian Institute of Management

Ahmedabad 380015, India


Coordinator SRISTI and Editor, Honey Bee


fax 91 79 6427896

phone (o) 91 79 6407241




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